The name I was given was Manuel Veliz.
Posts by Grunt
Meet Silentlambs In Person!
by silentlambs ini am going to be at a trial in ritzville, washington.
the town is about an hour southwest from spokane, wa.
i will be there on august 14th, which will be on a tuesday.
Flowers For Erica
by silentlambs ini received the suggestion below in an email and thought it might be a nice gesture.
if you would like to send flowers or cards of support to the courthouse the address is:.
adams county courthouse.
Let's step away from rumors then. If you want to keep people from talking about Manuel Veliz, then you are a little late. He was convicted already. As for the rest of what I said, I got my information from the post that had Erica's quote in it, the pertinent parts of which I will put here for you.
"by a Jehovah's Witness elder who incidentally also happened to be my father's good and trusted friend. The sexual assaults started at age four and continued until I was eleven. ...I finally at the age of 19 related these sex crimes a peace officer who also happened to be one of JWs. I had come to "my wits end," in that another JW elder had molested me from age twelve to sixteen."
Think before you run your mouth. The reason dubs hate us so much is because, as in this case, they don't know what they are talking about. They like to be a know it all when they don't know anything. They are hypocrites and liars and we point it out to them. I don't know "Erica." I do believe the story is based on facts at least, as I know this bird was convicted and is appealing, on the dates that SL said. I checked that out with the public records. That gives them some credibility. You on the other hand, claiming to be religious, well your language reflects the depth of your religion as well as your moral fiber. With two child molesters in your old congregation, if the rest of her story is as accurate as what I can verify is, I can understand your wanting to keep the rumors down. I think that has been the organization's policy. Yeah, dubs do hate to hear that sort of thing. The TRUTH hurts. Lots of people.
A Question thats troubling me........
by aud8 in"this good news will be preached for a witness to all the inhabited nations and then the end will come" nobody else is preaching any good news as far as i can see?
what do you think?
The last thing any CULT is, is GOOD NEWS. Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Moonies, International Church of Christ, Garbage Eaters, or any other controling group that demands total acceptance of their version of the truth, and demands that you spread it are the opposite of good news. Teaching the same lie around the world is not to be admired, telling a lie a lot of times is not to be admired, convincing a lot of people to believe your lie is not to be admired. Compassion, love, honesty, empathy, integrity, faithfulness and courage, now those are things to be admired and that is what it takes to get out of and resist cults like those mentioned above. That is one reason I admire many of the people on this board. They had the strength of character and the integrity to leave and now to resist cult bullies, which is really what a cult is.
Judging Jehovah's Witnesses
by Kent inmore puke!.
judging jehovah's witnesses.
religious persecution and the dawn of the rights revolution.
I am against religious persecution, even of cults. If the book is really based on true events, and I believe there were plenty of those in that time period, then it might be ok. What the author needs to make sure he shows, and I doubt that he does, is the intolerance of the Witnesses as well. Show some of them with their sandwich board signs insulting and provoking these people. Show the whole picture, you know, witnesses shunning their children, their parents and anyone else who is critical of the Society. They are cut from the same cloth as the people who persecuted them. All I want from any book or show is an honest examination of the whole picture. Kind of like, "The poor head-hunters of Borneo are being pushed out of tribal practices and customs." Look at both sides. Condemn both if both deserve condemnation, praise what is praiseworthy.
Flowers For Erica
by silentlambs ini received the suggestion below in an email and thought it might be a nice gesture.
if you would like to send flowers or cards of support to the courthouse the address is:.
adams county courthouse.
As I understand it Erica is from Othello. Ritzville is just the county seat. I don't like having her name up here, and I assume that address is the courthouse? I hope so. Something I don't understand is, she was molested by two different elders. One molested her from 4 to 11 and the other from 12 to 16. Why is only one on trial? Were the two elders related? Erica said the latter molestation is what put her at her "wits end" and drove her to talk to the witness cop who was also in the same congregation. I have to admire the cop for doing the right thing. How was he treated after the arrest? Just curious. With two elder child molesters in one congregation, I pity the poor children. I'd like to see the other one brought to justice also.
Calm down before Dateline
by Bendrr ini'm just like everyone else here when it comes to the upcoming dateline nbc segment.
i am really anxious to hear in advance what is going to be said and i sincerely hope that not only will it help the "silent lamb" victims but that it will also reach at least a few hearts in the witnesses.. but i've been seeing constant references to it lately and i get the idea that some of us may have too high of hopes.. by no means do i mean to try to discourage silentlambs, i think sl will understand and agree with what i am saying here.. my friends, please remember that this will be a situation of 20 minutes or so of airtime by "worldly" media going against lifetimes of teachings by an old and highly skilled powerful worldwide organization.. one reporter from nbc will have approximately 20 minutes to present a very complicated issue with interviews and narration and some minutes will be sacrificed for commercials.
even if nbc decided to devote an entire dateline episode to the topic, it would still leave only a scant amount of time to try and deliver such a weighty story.
You may be right, Tweetie, (I like your name, when I say it I feel a little like Sylvester though and all that spray is hard on my computer. Sthuffer'n Sthuccotash!) I hope not. I used to post at a place called Wit.Net though, and it always amazed me how even the most brainwashed and autocratic of the crew always knew exactly what was going on over at H20. They referred to posters there by name also, as if they were very familiar with them. A pompous ass named Benadam once posted a LINK to H20 to rat out one of the others on that board(Nicodemus, I think, one of my favorites)and show that he had posted something that could be construed as critical over at the Apostate Board. All this right before, during and after the KM denouncing the internet and even saying stay away from any sites which are not the Official Sites. They ignored that. Anyway, point is, though knowing how EVIL the internet was, they all went there anyway, and then even went to sites with known apostates denouncing the Tower daily. They went there as I believe and hope many of them come here. Curiosity I think will dominate "behind closed doors." For their sakes, I hope so. They can learn more on this board about their history, the blood situation, and many other things than they will ever get out of their propaganda sheets.
Wow! Pioneering's in Trouble!
by metatron inapril service report 88,735 pioneers (u.s.).
may service report 86,515 pioneers.
i know they'll pick up a couple thousand suckers in.
Old Hippie,
Well, it would seem that the God of the Jehovah's Witnesses seems to favor the USA and other Western nations. I mean what percent of the GB are natives of this country or other Western countries? Where is the headquarters, (not talking about a star, the Pliades or whatever, I mean here on Earth) in what country? Where at in that country, BROOKLYN, good grief. If the claims are correct then New York City is the epicenter of Jehovah's earthly kingdom, as it has the largest concentration of anointed in the world. Look at where Rutherford bought Moses his retirement home, San Diego, USA.
Sorry, that's just the way it is. -
Calm down before Dateline
by Bendrr ini'm just like everyone else here when it comes to the upcoming dateline nbc segment.
i am really anxious to hear in advance what is going to be said and i sincerely hope that not only will it help the "silent lamb" victims but that it will also reach at least a few hearts in the witnesses.. but i've been seeing constant references to it lately and i get the idea that some of us may have too high of hopes.. by no means do i mean to try to discourage silentlambs, i think sl will understand and agree with what i am saying here.. my friends, please remember that this will be a situation of 20 minutes or so of airtime by "worldly" media going against lifetimes of teachings by an old and highly skilled powerful worldwide organization.. one reporter from nbc will have approximately 20 minutes to present a very complicated issue with interviews and narration and some minutes will be sacrificed for commercials.
even if nbc decided to devote an entire dateline episode to the topic, it would still leave only a scant amount of time to try and deliver such a weighty story.
You can bet the Witnesses will watch. They HAVE to know what is being said about them. Its ingrained. When you spend so much time trying to cover something that your life is wrapped around, then you can't stand to see it exposed. When I was a boy on the farm and we wanted to find a calf that the mama cow had hidden, we cupped our hands and made the sound of a calf. The momma ALWAYS HAD TO LOOK right where she hid the calf to make sure it was ok. Same with the Witnesses. Say someone is saying something bad about MOMMA/the Organization and they will have to listen. Deep inside there is a fear there, of just how much will be exposed. Every Witness with a set will be listening if they can in private. If it were in a mixed group they would want the set to blow up first, but in private, it will be tuned in. I hope they do the hour and I hope they do a better job on it than other shows have done in the past. This time maybe they will have some expert advice on the real beliefs and customs of the witnesses so they don't destroy their credibility as I have seen other programs or articles do in the past. Exactly what day and hour is it? I must have been away when this was first discussed and I don't know. I want to see this one. I sure hope they do just what Kismet was talking about, stick to the facts as that is plenty to do the job. Exaggeration and emotionalism are not needed, the emotions will be felt if the job is done right, and the bare bones truth about this cult are presented. It's the sincere Witnesses I hope it reaches.
Meet Silentlambs In Person!
by silentlambs ini am going to be at a trial in ritzville, washington.
the town is about an hour southwest from spokane, wa.
i will be there on august 14th, which will be on a tuesday.
Erica certainly does deserve all of our support. Yet it is her name that is on this board. Why not the GUILTY party? I extend to Erica all of my compassion and wish her healing and peace of mind. I condemn the blinded cult members who would have her suffer in silence and allow this person to be punished only by the elders and only within the Kindgom Hall. That isn't enough. Not even close. We have three victims we know about, who knows how many others? In my opinion anyone who rapes a child deserves death. If not that then at least a long prison sentence. Preferably after castration. I don't know all of the case, mitigating details just wouldn't seem possible in this one. I do feel the utmost sorrow for the perverts wife, children, and even his friends and the congregation members for being tarred with the brush of his deeds along with him. They are innocent unless they support him or aide him in hiding his crime. Or unless they too inflict pain on the victim adding insult to injury.
No doubt, Erica's courage in standing up, in going back, and in not letting this criminal get away with what he did has probably saved future victims and comforted past ones. I hope he is quickly re-convicted and gets more than eleven and a half years this time. The girls will carry their scars to the grave. Erica is to me, the heroine in this situation. She had to fight a lot of inertia to come back and go through all of it, and now to have to do it again. If every one of us had her courage, it would be a better world. If every Witness had her courage, there would be no WatchTower Cult. You deserve respect and admiration, Erica. You have mine. -
Meet Silentlambs In Person!
by silentlambs ini am going to be at a trial in ritzville, washington.
the town is about an hour southwest from spokane, wa.
i will be there on august 14th, which will be on a tuesday.
As an observer I have to wonder why everyone who seems to know anything is being so careful about using this guys name? I agree with those who say everything you say should be documented and provable. From my own background with a small, close knit congregation with a lot of relatives I can see them reacting as tele said, repulsed by the molester and yet angry that it was all dragged into the public arena as it would dishonor so badly the religion and on the congregation/family. The mindset of most Witnesses is that it will be a "Bad Witness" or "Reflect on Jehovah/The Society" and that a quiet arrest would have been much better with no trial. They would have wanted him punished but would probably have prefered he do a plea bargain and hush it up. I would like to see this perverts name plastered across the page. If he has been convicted once already I would think that would be a matter of public record and that even if he is getting another trial on a technicality releasing his name would not affect the trial adversely for the victim.
Why help conceal this man's identity? Why not print the case number and scan the coverage it recieved if it recieved any? I would be very surprised if the Society would want their name linked to this guy's and I would think the more pupblicity it got the less likely he would be to get a WT lawyer sitting by his side, or one linked in anyway to the Society. I have long since stopped thinking that moral right or wrong held any sway over the decisions the business known as Jehovah's Witnesses makes. Bad publicity would put them on the high in a heartbeat, if I read them right. Might affect magazine sales. Why NOT put his name up??? Are there any legal reasons not to?