The WatchTower Bible and Tract Society is a cult. I hate cults, all cults. The reason I hate cults is because they damage people.
Are they the source of all my problems? No. I am pretty happy with my life, especially right now as I am looking at some quality time camping with my wife and traveling around north Alabama and Ga. finding nice lakes to jet ski on and nice cafes to try out. Life is good.
Except that my daughter (the cult member) is shunning me. Now that makes me angry. I didn't commit a "sin" other than honestly talking to her. She is shunning me because I told her the cult she belongs to, the Jehovah's Witnesses, had made errors regarding the length of a creative day, wow. My daughter brought it all up in the first place, and now on the advice of the senior cult members, the elders, she is trying to disciplilne me. By my not supporting her cult I am trying to destroy her faith in it. How sad, how funny, how cultlike.
Is the Watchtower Society the source of all my problems? No. I don't have that many problems other than needing a little more saved for retirement and wanting to retire right now. (I like my job but love my vacations!) Oh, and that other problem I mentioned, my daughter the valedictorian I raised to do great things pioneered for years and is just now starting a career, my daughter who always loved and wanted children won't have a child in "this wicked old system of things just before the great tribulation," my daughter whom my wife and I devoted our lives to raising along with her brother, is shunning me. Is that the Jehovah's Witnesses fault? Yes. Is it her fault to? Yes. Do I blame the cult known as Jehovah's Witnesses? HELL YES. I despise the lying hypocrites and through them have come to despise all cults. I think they got her to sell my wife and myself for eternal life. Much as the Hebrew people were duped into rolling their children into the fires of their idols. They had been promised something worth more than the kids I guess. I am shocked that my own child would sell us and return coldness for all the love she recieved. I am outraged. I won't let it consume me. It won't keep me from jet skiing and camping and enjoying life with family and friends, but an important part of my family won't be there. My daughter the cult member. Does it affect my attitudes? Yeah. I HATE CULTS, especially this one.