I'll have you know I represent that statement!!!
Represent or Resent?
there was an interesting documentary on the mormons yesterday.
you could substitute jw for mormon for most of it (except teachings) especially concerning obedience to the higher ups, not questioning the organization, etc.
they disfellowship and excommunicate (excommunication being a worse fate) and if anyone questions the church they are considered an apostate.
I'll have you know I represent that statement!!!
Represent or Resent?
this question is a hypothetical one, posing a, what would you do type situation.
think back to the days of the bible kings for the nation of israel.
there were bad kings who took israel off track by their rule and some good kings who instituded changes that brought them back on track.
How funny! I was just thinking about this question the other day ... "How could someone fix the WTBTS?"
1. Disassociate Russell and Rutherford. Strike their names from all the publications. Do not speak of them ever again.
2. No more door-to-door work.
3. Throw away the NWT. Use KJV.
4. Meet only on Sunday. Optional BIBLE study after the Sunday meeting. Read from the BIBLE! Discuss. Opinions.
5. Unscriptural doctrines will end. Need blood? It's up to you. No guilt from anyone.
6. Shunning will stop! Disfellowshipping only on the basis of serious sins. Encourage fallen Brothers to reprove! Show love for all! No judging!
7. More energy to focus on JESUS CHRIST as the One True Salvation. No "works" are required.
Bah! I could go on and on, but what's the point? I don't put "trust in men" anymore.
i think all the lawsuits and then the exposure to these lawsuits... .
what do you think?.
Just curious, but how many JWs know this ...
C. T. Russell's interpretation of many Scriptures in the book of Revelation is self-exalting to say the least.
Here are some examples: The "another angel" of Rev. 14:17 is "Pastor Russell himself, after the harvesting of the saints was finished" (p. 226)
Self-exalt much, Russell Ol' Pal? I never heard this in any meeting, but I suppose it wouldn't surprise me if I did.
you buy a plush rabbit for your collection and you see that the name of it is " flip flop" and you think of the wt society rather than a summer sandal.. .
add your own....
You wake up and look at the time ... an hour before the meeting ... and roll back over and sleep some more. Ahhhh!
a few years ago in my old hall, it was common to see brothers use props in their talks, whether it was a public talk or during one of the theo.
school talks.. now, noone uses props.. just one of the many things gone by the wayside that used to make talks more interesting..
I wonder what props they would use in the Masturbation and Homosexuality talks...
if someone were to accidently take a live microphone into the bathroom - would the congregation be treated to some.
toilet humor?
i could imagine listening to a talk and suddenly hear a thunderous *ppffft* over the speakers.. that would have been great!.
I just have a problem hearing the splashing sounds.
As to hearing it over the speakers at the meeting, it would be great to listen to a Brother say something to another Brother at the urinal:
Brother #1: Man, this talk is boring as hell.
Brother #2: Yeah, same old shit all over again.
Brother #1: It's like if you miss a month of meetings - you'll just hear it all over again the next month. You won't miss a thing.
Brother #2: Truth.
Brother #1: Such bullshit.
Brother #2: (laughs)
Elder: Brother Wall, your mic is on! We can hear everything!
Brother #2: Oh, shit!
Elder: Can we meet in the back room later?
ok ,so i'm really bumed that i didnt win this last weeks mega millons.
the first thing i was going to do with my 200 mill.
was buy a nice big billboard right across from bethal and have it say "the truth is a lie!
Two girls ... at the same time.
are people born with a desire to be with the other white meat?
why would a person choose that path when it leads to criticism, hatred, alienation, high cholesterol etc.
why wouldn't they just be normal if they could.
I'm just a Sweet Hamvestite ...
From Hamsexual ... Hamsylvania! Ah Ha!
if someone were to accidently take a live microphone into the bathroom - would the congregation be treated to some.
toilet humor?
i could imagine listening to a talk and suddenly hear a thunderous *ppffft* over the speakers.. that would have been great!.
if someone were to accidently take a live microphone into the bathroom - would the congregation be treated to some
toilet humor? I could imagine listening to a talk and suddenly hear a thunderous *PPFFFT* over the speakers.
That would have been great!
not me personally, but my brother-in-law was to give a talk and wasn't completely prepared.
his talk wasn't long enough.. the elder took him to the back room and belittled him to the point where he cried.
i guess this is what they mean by.
I cried when I found out it was a cult and everything I believed was a lie.
Yes, me too. It was a very long hard cry for me too.
flipper: Only praise to the father for getting on stage to help his son. Otherwise, the elders would have just watched this boy slowly fall apart.
I can't imagine the mental torture this boy must have gone through. Was it to "build character" to leave him up there crying? It was cruelity!