Noidea: I liked the way you worded much of your post.
Quote:"It is only when we try to undermine and dictate one's faith, for our own gratification that we become guilty of mind control and become a part of what so many struggle to get out of".
When the apostle paul preached to the jews he strongly preached jesus to them because they were the ones entrusted with the sacred things of god. Jesus was from their line and the promise was made to them through him, and eventually to include all who would believe.
When he went to greece...he spoke differently to them. He reasoned about their idols vs. what he believed in.
How one shares their faith is very important!
As christians should feel obligated to share with ones, the good news of grace through faith.But to cram it down anyones throats and make condecending remarks to those who do not agree is wrong.
Posts by gumby
9 each his own
by noidea infaith: firm belief in something for which there is no proof .
as we read many post we see the diversity of faith.. for some it's faith in:.
god does exist vs god does not exist.
witnesses on t.v. in redding calif.
by gumby ina couple of days ago i posted some info.
on a show the society put on in our local town that was advertized in our local newspaper.
i saw the show at 6:00. it was all on the blood issue and had all of the positive aspects of bloodless surgery with doctors and spokesmen carrying the banner for the society on this issue.
Hi all. A couple of days ago I posted some info. on a show the society put on in our local town that was advertized in our local newspaper
I saw the show at 6:00. It was all on the blood issue and had all of the positive aspects of bloodless surgery with doctors and spokesmen carrying the banner for the society on this issue. I wonder how many other cities aired this on their local channells. It said" this this show is sponsored by the local congregation" if money was needed to put the program on....I'm sure the society made sure the congregation here picked up the tab. -
United Nations Getting A Little On The Side...
by messenger ini find it interesting the new found love the wt appears to have for the un.
in the two latest articles, july 22, awake and august 1, wt, they make reference to the good policies of the un and it's universal declaration of human rights.
as my memory serves, the harlot represents babylon the great (aka, false religion, aka, all religion except jw's) that commits fornication with the wild beast (aka, un representing all kingdoms of the earth) does this bring on a "new light" adjustment in wt doctrine?
Messenger's quote:.......I find it interesting the new found love the WT appears to have for the UN. In the two latest articles, July 22, Awake and August 1, Wt, they make reference to the good policies of the UN and it's Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
And what would the average witness say to this:
They would say"Just because the society said something favorable that the un. has done, don't mean that they agree with all that they do. They also admit other organizations have done some nice things but that does not mean they agree with all that organization does"
The society always prints....well ahead of time...a backup for changes to come such as a change in their involvment in the un. -
Debate With Elder - Part 2 (Organization)
by stevieb1 ini really appreciated your input on my previous thread which dealt with a rebuttal to a jw elder who has written a piece "defending" the premise that jehovah is using an organization today to dispense spiritual truth.
here is part two of this item.
the second part of the article begins by implying that the modern day organization is synonymous with the "congregation of the living god" and is "god's household," a "pillar and support of the truth" (1 timothy 3:15).. the following is a direct quote from his article:.
Ask the elder this. Since the witnesses believe that there has been a faithful and discreet slave class ALWAYS since pentecost feeding the sheep at the proper time and this has went on CONTINUALLY since pentecost (as many references in the wt. will testify) then WHO did ct.russell hook up with when he came on the scene? Who was this slave class when he started his ministry and why did he not just simply join in with them? If you read "jw's in the 20th century" on his beginning' will find there was NO slave class for him to join in with. The book say's HE turned the light on as it was god's due time. Ask the elder these things and see what he say's. Good luck!!! OOOOOOPS! I mean good success.
by MacHislopp infollowing the link given by kent,.
i have several observation to make:.
(from the link :
Look how the voting issue slipped right thru the r&f's hands. Voting was not allowed under any circumstances before....
Ask a witness if they can vote and they will say NO despite the article in Questions from readers that left it up to the conscience.
It appears to me that nothing seems to penetrate the majority of the witnesses hearts even when solid proof is presented......However....if only a few out of the many leave over this issue as some is worth all this effort!
keep on truck'in
PS. I think their response to the r&f will be a vague answer that none will comprehend but will simply accept as they have with other issues. -
Tacking - Charles Chasson, Help !
by Celia incan someone post the famous article about "tacking" that appeared in the watchtower on dec.1, 1981.... and charles, do you have the french version ?.
thanks in advance.
edited for date
Ya gotta lone the commradery here and the help you get. You guys are great!
T.V.program on witnesses this monday
by gumby injust wanted to share with you a program airing this monday in redding calif. it's a local station on channel 11.. this is how the ad reads;.
"the watchtower society is presenting a series of programs on redding community access channel 11 regarding the teaching's of jehovah's witnesses.
the series,"bible principals aid the community", debuts at 6pm.. monday".
I live in redding and this article on the program for this monday was in the paper here. I thought at the time I posted this that you could read the article yourself at it's site. Then after some posts that ones couldnt read it...I went to the site only to find you had to subcribe to read the articles. Sorry about that.
SL Talk Show Sunday
by silentlambs ini have heard of reports of certain individuals raising issues about the upcoming interview on the meria heller show.
i thought i would offer a few comments to explain the basis for doing so.. i was contacted by meria heller about a month ago and had a nice conversation with her over the telephone.
she mentioned she has a internet broadcast to around 20,000 listeners around the world.
Bill. I just listened to the interview. I went to her site and clicked on "most recent sunday show" You did an awesome jos in what you said and I felt you couldn't have done a better job. If dateline produces the things you said with all the quotes from the watchtower that you used and the experiences you told...this will be an eye-opener for sure to all dubs tuned in.
For all the rest of you I encourage you to go to the site and listen to the program!!!!! Great job! -
T.V.program on witnesses this monday
by gumby injust wanted to share with you a program airing this monday in redding calif. it's a local station on channel 11.. this is how the ad reads;.
"the watchtower society is presenting a series of programs on redding community access channel 11 regarding the teaching's of jehovah's witnesses.
the series,"bible principals aid the community", debuts at 6pm.. monday".
I guess you have to subscribe to see the articles and it looked like a process to join. I was just curious if the society isn't trying a little something new to play on the public.
I'm sure you could write to channel 11 and get a video if intrested. -
The Watchtower magazine will cease soon.
by unbaptized_1 indue to the fact that god almighty jehovah,.
is displeased over the "divisiveness" of this once very.
worthy publication,and also that the "oversight" is as.
AHH!!!!! I think I've figured it all out.
Years ago bin ladens boys must have put time realeased goofball medicine in some of the cheese danishes at the assemblies and the ones who ate them are now being affected! The medicine was called "goofy prophet stuff"