No confusion about it in my mind.I think a lot of people need to actually read their Bible before they write about it.Especially the WT.
For their desire for a prophecy that they have inserted in to scripture (lets face it 2520 years ? based on whaaaaat ???) for their desire to end up at 1914 to work they need 70 years of desolation, the Bible does not say that there would be . Read it.
They also need 607 to be the date that King Neb destroyed Jerusalem, it isn't, by any use of valid proof.
I do agree with the O.P that ,if there were a loving God, and if such things were of importance, then he would have made it plain and simple, why shroud it all in mystery so that people have to use all sorts of esoteric methods to understand what He was trying to say ?
The 1914 doctrine of the WT was shot out of the water in the 1960's by a number of people, the powers that were in Brooklyn at the time were well aware of it, President Knorr was worried that it would not stand up apparently. Since then the Governing Body and the Writing Department have been well aware that they are flogging a dead horse, the problem is, no 1914, no choosing by JC 3.5 years later, = they are not God's organization.