JoinedTopics Started by lancelink
middle age revelation
by lancelink injust thinking here, reading some comments, and realizing how attitude changes with age.
when i was a teenager, .
being able to have some menial job (such as walking around with a please take your seat sign) at the convention was an awesome privilege.
Brotherly love in action ?
by lancelink inkind of a strange experience here, maybe someone can make me see what's going on.
my parents live in another state, to visit them would require at least a 22 hour drive, no trains, .
planes are fine but since the airport is in the middle of nowhere tickets are getting quite costly ($$$$$$.
RE : 2008 Assembly
by lancelink inthis afternoon i was flipping in one of the june magazines, and i noticed the assembly content page.
i started reading it and almost fell over because of this statement : .
the theme of friday will be " the spirit will guide you into all the truth" .
a basic of abuse
by lancelink ini have been studying psychology this past semester at college, and i had a different type of question for this site.
when abuse of any type occurs ( whether it be toward children, or adults) usually animal abuse can be found linked .
somewhere in the abusers past.
I got a jesus question
by lancelink inwith the memorial season behind now, there is a question i have that in over 30 years as a jw i never got a solid answer.
jesus died for our sins; he was the perfect sacrifice, etc, etc.
i always heard how tough it must have been for god to watch his only begotten son die the way he did.
Elders want to visit after memorial !!
by lancelink inwell, i attended the memorial last night, and since i have been inactive for some time two of the elders came up to me afterwards.
they want to get together and discuss how to get me active again.
since i am going thru some withdrawal pains, i spinelessly agreed to talk with them this friday evening.
A strange situation ?
by lancelink inmy wife has started to study/associate with another religion while being a full blown jw.
they come over 1-2 times a week, study, discuss matters and she goes to their church for special occasions.
i got a little disturbed that this was going on for so long, and suggested that she discuss this with the elders at the kh.
Movie Comparisons
by lancelink inseveral days ago i was watching the movie the shawshank redemption and i really got to thinking how much this movie ties in with people who are jws, and deciding what to do with their life.
i was discussing this point with my wife tonight, and it was quite shocking how many people we knew/know who fit into one of these categories.
andy: people who have been in the organization for years and finally look at things realistically and decide to get out.
circuit assembly / what did they say ??
by lancelink inthis afternoon i attended the ca, pioneer / pioneer / pioneer / pioneer, everything else you might need to do in life is not important.
focus on the new system, and making disciples !
and near the end of the session, the district overseer made a quick but noted comment.