I consistently have doubts with my progress, mostly instilled by the dubs fear of reprisal of a vengeful god, laying waste to the heathens at armageddon. But then I plug on, learning new things, contemplating new realities (for me). Current beliefs include the fact that the gospel jesus did not exist. The bible is NOT the word of god. Other religions have evolved in the same ways as christianity, but with different characters. It's okay and I would think quite normal to be concerned with whether you do or don't believe in god, seeing as most beliefs throw in a reward/punishment aspect. Try to dig past that and eventually you come to the realization that there is much more compelling evidence in favor of the non-existence of god. My comfort in my belief is that I don't need faith that can move mountains, my views are supported by facts that exist whether I believe or not.
JoinedPosts by sustainedhaze
Is anybody out there....
by wings in....that is not sure if you believe in god?
i envy those of you who have moved through this space.
Awakend at Gilead inspires me to speak frankly with my wife........
by oompa inhad a nice long talk with him yesterday....he sure seems to be on the fast track all of a sudden , but actually has shared doubts with his wife for years.
but once he makes up his mind....man he really moves.
so some of my elders know i think it bullshit, but i did not just come right out and say it.
She want to be my partner...even if I am not a JW...but she still has her same life and friend albeit without me by her side. But this is about as weird a marriage as a FLDS compound in TX, but I don't think she even notices..............oompa
this really sucks all....wish I could grow some spherical things in the testicular region
oompa, my heart truly goes out to you, your pain is familiar to me. Awakening and knowing the futility of trying to extricate others is a brutally devastating feeling.
Also, to me the feeling of knowing that far too many years were spent toeing the line and swallowing the lies. I was robbed of an education, and therefore led the
typical underqualified, under-employed life. If you have the means to escape, perhaps this is truly the time for you to take a powder. Solitude can be either
an extremely positive or negative experience, something only you can answer. I have my dreams of my little grass hut in the land of umbrella drinks too. If you
decide to go, then go balls-out, drink it all in. My awakening has shown me that we really only get the one chance here, I would hold nothing against you for trying
to move on to cleaner waters in favor of the stagnant pool so many of us float in.
Athiests please answer these questions
by Mrs Smith ini'm not trying to pick a fight i was just sitting at my desk pondering on some threads on jwd and i would very much like this question answered.. why is it that athiest often (not always) direct their argument for athiesism towards christians?
why not direct your argument towards buddists or muslims or even new-agers?
i mean they also believe in a higher power so why is it that only christains seem to get knocked?
Like others my location in this world makes christianity more my frame of reference than other beliefs. But my views would be the same regardless of location, putting faith in
myths and handed down stories isn't my style. It just happens that I live in a country that at this time is controlled by the Christian right. So my disgust with religion is focused
toward the one that most affects me. Although as a member of the global community I find religion to be a detriment to the majority and a wall erected to block the progress of mankind.
_____-----====Badgering the witness====-----_____
by IP_SEC inwere you afraid you were going to be destroyed because of masturbation?.
prayed and prayed and could not stop.
lol it sucked growing up with that burden lol.
masturbation is much like picking your nose, if you claim to have never done it, you're a liar!!!!!!!!!
well I finally told someone....
by still_in74 ini finally told another jw about how i am feeling.
exactly how i am feeling.
she is the only jw i know that wont rat me out and she isnt active herself.
finally voicing your enlightened view is liberating, shows your are escaping their grasp, good for you!
I have found this freedom sometimes overwhelming but i welcome it nonetheless, it feels good to finally
be able to speak my mind without fear of reprisal.
What's your favorite dinner?
by beksbks inhome cooked, healthy if possible?
mine is probably some sort of salad.
Maine Lobstahs! w/ corn on the cob and a nice rib-eye done on the grill
Concerning the "born again" thread
by startingover inpotentialjwconvertwife said:.
well, as you know, i never was a dub.
but i am and have been a born again christian for many years.
What I find most bothersome to me is the fact that when I tell people that I no longer believe in God they stare at me like I must be loco. But when they are asked for the proof, the answer much of the time is because the bible tells me so. I enjoy my freedom from the oppressive witness org. and perhaps that ultimately led me to my present beliefs or rather the lack of them, but in no way did the bad taste of the org. influence my leaving of christianity. It was many things, lack of proof leading the way. No global flood, no stopping the sun at Jericho, on and on. I think our nature makes us want to believe that perhaps there is more, something beyond the present, that we matter more than we do, and that our short time alive on earth isn't all we get. I think that thought is too much for some, making them cling to some type of belief in god, just in case.
"Pioneer " Witnesses to me in McDonald's Parking Lot / I Reverse Witness!
by flipper inso early this morning i had been working all night .
just got done eating mickeyd's in my truck , getting ready to take a nap before driving , and this jw young lady in her early 20's knocks on my closed window !
i put the window down and while forcibly handing the watchtower to me just says, " here is the watchtower !
Who knows if it did any good? Time will tell I guess, but just the fact that you made the effort counts for something. After almost 10 years of being df'd it is only of late that I feel the need to speak on what I know. Oh, for the chance that you had. I only wish my family would give me more oppurtunity to plant the seeds. But, even my family would have no problem branding me an apostate, making me even more off limits than before. Kudos to you!
Who is your favorite Artist?
by coffee_black inthere are many artists whose work i love, but i think my all time favorite is sargent... my second home, growing up, was the museum of fine arts in boston, and additionally, the gardner museum close by... both have important sargents... the way he painted light was liquid and sensual... a master at making the complex look effortless....he had it all.... http://jssgallery.org/major_paintings/major.htm.
so whose art do you love?.
coffee .
Ithought i would be cool and load some images, but then realized i am far to lazy, but I'll contribute and you can do the viewing yourselves .
Salvador Dali
Alex Grey
Boris Vallejo
Is Paul constantly disagreeing with Christ?
by yknot inokay i am re reading without wt blinders...... i was noticing that paul appears to contradict christ on several occasions.
now that i recognize that i am still bible ignorant outside of jw understanding i was hoping some of our more knowledgeable posters would address this issue for us bible babies.. thank you.
yknot .
here is some info. I've come accross, long winded reading but interesting nonetheless