hi isaac
I could say the same, that trinitarians put allegiance to a non-biblical doctrine thought up by pagan influenced leaders among them and idolatry born of it than listen to the bible teachings.
please tell a minister why the bible alone is not enough to reach a jw.
i feel the language, doctrines, translation, etc..etc... all of it must be known as well as the bible.
please, serious answers only, thank you..
hi isaac
I could say the same, that trinitarians put allegiance to a non-biblical doctrine thought up by pagan influenced leaders among them and idolatry born of it than listen to the bible teachings.
it was brought up in another thread that paul got his roman citizenship by serving as a soldier for at least 20 years.
this was the only way a non-italian non-roman born could do it.. i remember an illustration - in one of the big books, like "things in which it is impossible for god to lie" or "life everlasting" where saul of tarsus is pictured holding the robes of those who are stoning christians to death.. he is dressed as a roman soldier with a metal breast plate.
anybody have a scan of this?.
hi narkissos
If he wanted to make himself appealing and so fictionalised a few facts for the letters he wrote why tell how evil he was in the first place? Why not make himself a guy who was nice and not done terrible evil acts against the christians? when you read his constant humility always talking about fighting the sin in him. You don't get the impression of a man trying to be anything more than just honest. Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction he would know a roman citizen pharisee would not have been common and hard for readers to believe but he doesn't elucidate he keeps it very plain and factual which smacks more of the truth rather thank an elaborate lie full of explanation to justify it.
i have been to both, bethel (all 3 complexes: brooklyn, walkill, paterson plus the jersey city stanley theater) as a teenager, and to tour the lds (mormon) complex in salt lake city as an adult.
i did bethel as a "witness" child, and slc as a totally non-jw adult.
the lds complex seemed more open to the public, inviting and comfortable.
jookbeard are you serious with your post that anglican and catholics haven't had sex scandals that rocked there orgs, to this day catholics have made the biggest payouts known for any church in the courts, and anglicans have had their fair share never mind baptists etc but that is a side issue.
They are all centralised in leadership with the leaders deciding the doctrine for the whole.
1 john 5:7 additions is a proven catholic lie put in the bible by them.
I'm sure if I went to an ex(insert religious or political group here) I would get a lot of negative stuff.
Basically this whole thread is just a fallacy.
i have been to both, bethel (all 3 complexes: brooklyn, walkill, paterson plus the jersey city stanley theater) as a teenager, and to tour the lds (mormon) complex in salt lake city as an adult.
i did bethel as a "witness" child, and slc as a totally non-jw adult.
the lds complex seemed more open to the public, inviting and comfortable.
why do people always compare Jws with mormons on here rather than catholic church or anglicans etc who also have centralised leadership and building for said leaders to live in?
stylites or pillar saints.
by far the most celebrated are simeon the stylite of syria, and daniel the stylite of constantinople.
simeon spent thirty-seven years on different pillars, each loftier and narrower than the preceding.
JWfacts we are talking about a time when TV itself was only allowed to film Elvis from the waist up so avoiding ladies being effected by his gyrating hips unnessarily. Lets not apply modern standards to older times when the whole world was culturally a different place with different standards of acceptibility in public if not behind closed doors.
it was brought up in another thread that paul got his roman citizenship by serving as a soldier for at least 20 years.
this was the only way a non-italian non-roman born could do it.. i remember an illustration - in one of the big books, like "things in which it is impossible for god to lie" or "life everlasting" where saul of tarsus is pictured holding the robes of those who are stoning christians to death.. he is dressed as a roman soldier with a metal breast plate.
anybody have a scan of this?.
hi narkissus
From the fact Paul only mentions his roman status well after capture already submitting to punishments that telling his status earlier would have stopped, it looks rather like he was not overly wanting to advertise the fact. So why make up a lie that will make him suffer in the eyes of Jews who would see Roman citizenship as being part of the enemy?
We know that people could acquire roman citizenship in various ways in that time so it is a historically acccurate in that sense. There is no reason to suppose he is lying. The dubious benefits of appealing to roman citizens with a hope to convert them by saying he is a roman citizen. This really is an incompatible thought with Paul teachings of openly rejecting Roman gods and idols, if he was wanting to curry favour he would have taken a less strictor line like christendom today when appeasing other faiths preaching a general "all roads lead to God" doctrine.
ok, so my mom sneaked a wt literature into my kids pack when they stayed at her home on tuesday, the one that says that satan is the ruler of this world.. so my little one sofia shows me and says, "see daddy, satan is ruling this world".. i take a look and read the literature and i tell me little one that, "no honey, while satan can and does try to influence us and succeds many times, god is all powerful and god gace to his son jesus, all the authority in heaven and on earth" and i showed her the passage from matthew.. a also told her that, why we must never forget that satan tempts us that he has no power over us, other then the power we give him, jesus is our lord and all power rests in him.. of course, today when i dropped her and her little sister at my mom's ( she likes them to come over on tuesday's and thursday's), she was ready to ask if i had read that pamphlet, which i said i did, and of course she replied how satan is the ruler of this system of things.. i countered that i know only one lord and that is the son of god jesus, and i know only one god and no one else rules above them and asked my mom where in the bible does it show jesus and god subject to satan.. as you can imagine, that went over well !!.
lmao !.
i bring this up because of the thread on john 12:31.. .
Hi Pistoff
talking on Paul who wasn't around to see the miracles done by Jesus because he didn't become a christian till after Jesus had been resurrected so he only mentions Jesus conversion of him is not really on topic.
please tell a minister why the bible alone is not enough to reach a jw.
i feel the language, doctrines, translation, etc..etc... all of it must be known as well as the bible.
please, serious answers only, thank you..
Or maybe we just believe when the bible says Jesus is GOD'S son that he actually is God's son. And when YHWH/Jehovah is God's name that it is God's name. That when it says the true worshipers worship THE FATHER with spirit and truth this is what we should do. And when God says he is ONE YHWH he is actually one not 3 and many more. I read the bible everyday there are no passages I am afraid of.
17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit [a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.
it was brought up in another thread that paul got his roman citizenship by serving as a soldier for at least 20 years.
this was the only way a non-italian non-roman born could do it.. i remember an illustration - in one of the big books, like "things in which it is impossible for god to lie" or "life everlasting" where saul of tarsus is pictured holding the robes of those who are stoning christians to death.. he is dressed as a roman soldier with a metal breast plate.
anybody have a scan of this?.
The second way by which Roman citizenship could be gained was slavery. It was known that during the two centuries preceding St Paul's time, thousands of people were deported from the eastern Levant to Italy and made slaves. In the course of time some of these were able to distinguish themselves by their skill and profession and were either freed by their masters or bought their freedom and thus were given Roman citizenship. A remote ancestor of St Paul, after obtaining this citizenship, seems to have returned to his native city Tarsus and re-established the family business. Neither Acts nor his letters give enough information about St Paul's ancestors or parents. He is known to have had a married sister in Jerusalem and a nephew (Acts 23: 16). From one of his letters we learn that he had some distant relatives (Rom 16:7, 11, 21).
In spite of the gifts he seems to have received from Christian communities for which he expresses his gratitude, most of the time he relied on his own resources, a fact which is often hinted at in his letters and clearly expressed in the one addressed to the Philippians. 'I find myself, to be self-sufficient...still, it was kind of you to share in my distress' (Phil 4: 11,16).
It is possible that St Paul's family had made their money equipping the Roman legionaries, who used very large tents, made of leather panels stretched together so that rain water would run off. The Roman legions stationed in Syria may not have required leather tents but used the traditional goat-hair tents similar to those of the present day nomads. These are made of the rough cloth manufactured from goat's hair, which in the past was known as cilicium-, and took its name from Cilicia. Tent making might well have embraced not only the manufacture and the repair of these large, military tents, but also a range of related leather and woven goods. Apart from military tents, there would have been considerable demand for awnings, booths and canopies from vendors at market places and elsewhere.
hi hamster
I have not the library to find the piccy you want maybe someone else can?
yeah well, back in the day a group of people built a tower to heaven, so god confused their languages so they would not build a "mega city" and become powerful.. or if you want to used half a brain....languages evolved over time as a form of comunication between different tribes.
many languages are related, slavic or asian languages share the same or simular words.
oh and the cherry on top is adam and eve spoke yiddish.....ooie mashugana!
SO if you don't believe in the bible explanation on how the world got to have such a multiplicity of languages....how did we get so many languages?