My vote is for Scientology, namely because there is no 'safe' way to exit.
Because of their practice of auditing, the church keeps detailed records on what are essentially the deepest confessions of each of its members.
If an individual leaves the church the Scientologists circulate slanderous and viciously concocted propaganda to their friends and family members in an effort to ruin their lives.
If anyone; a believer or not challenges the beliefs of Scientologists they are called SP's, they are instructed to keep asking the individual questioning them "What are your crimes" because they are taught that anyone who does not believe in Scientology MUST be hiding crimes.
Look for videos on YouTube to see this in action.
Further they employ a practice called "Introspective Rundown" where they basically confine a person (against their will) if they have suffered what is deemed to be a mental breakdown. The internet is cluttered with stories of the tragic death of one of its members. Google Lisa McPherson and learn how Scientologists killed her by means of severe dehydration and neglect to provide medical assistance.
Yup Scientology has my vote.
Posts by Moxie
Whose religion is WORSE than JW's?
by gaiagirl inthought it might be interesting to put a perspective on things.
while many here have had terrible experiences at the hands of jw's and the wtbts, are there religions that you know of which are any worse?
for example, jw's might disfellowship a member who became known as a thief, but they don't chop off your hand.
Why do JW's use different dating schemes?
by sinis inwell it seems that the jw's observe the passover, especially this year, utilizing the jewish calendar.
yet, why do they not use the jewish calendar for fixing 1914?
funny how they attempt to place the kingdom of god, and jesus ascension (1914) using the modern dating system, yet the ritual of honoring his covenant is based off a totally different dating scheme.
That is a brilliant question!
I'd love to pose that to a Jehovah's Witness and see what kind of answer I get. It seems though that for all they say about other religions picking and choosing bits and pieces of things that suit their own purposes, the JWs themselves are masters of it. The difference is that the individual JW is too indoctrinated to even think of questioning a practice or teaching. Being passive and accepting the GB's explanations for thing is a further demonstration of their faith and obedience to God. Ha! Tin Foil hats anyone?
Anyway, I thought you were talking about dating/relationships as well... it kind of made me chuckle. The post will probably get viewed a lot because of it :)
"Moxie" -
First time JWs have been at my door--post exit...
by Confession ini was actually at my friend's house.
since he's out of town a lot, i stop in to check the chlorine in his pool, get his mail, etc.
the doorbell rang.
Ooh that's too funny, good for you! Dropping the 'C' word will ensure that they don't visit the house again. Even the elders won't bother with "apostates" I gather ;) I wonder though, did you pass the invitation along to your friend? lol "Moxie"
Intro: disfellowshipped as a teen in 1999
by Moxie ingreetings and warm wishes to everyone out there...
this is my first post here on the site, though i have spent many countless hours as a guest reading and reading your posts and conversations.
they have been a great encouragement to me, who as a young woman was disfellowshipped from the society about nine years ago.
ps: if anyone can help me so that my posts aren't all squished together, I'd be very grateful :)
Intro: disfellowshipped as a teen in 1999
by Moxie ingreetings and warm wishes to everyone out there...
this is my first post here on the site, though i have spent many countless hours as a guest reading and reading your posts and conversations.
they have been a great encouragement to me, who as a young woman was disfellowshipped from the society about nine years ago.
Wow, I am overwhelmed by all your kind, sincere and caring responses... It is sad in a way and yet encouraging to find so many people here that understand the true depth of what DF'ing means and how it affects ones life. I feel very honored to meet you all. For those of you who asked, the blog I am just beginning is I have literally just started it, and I will be adding news bits, humor, and my own musings on JWs. To learn more about me visit the Autobiography tab at the top of the page and that will give you the long version of my story. Thanks again for your sincere interest. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better and really appreciate your welcome words. You are wonderful people. "Moxie"
New graphic for APOSTATES ...
by sacolton injust alittle something i made ... feel free to use it.. .
This is too funny! Thanks, I'm so going to borrow this for my blog :) Great Job! "Moxie"
Intro: disfellowshipped as a teen in 1999
by Moxie ingreetings and warm wishes to everyone out there...
this is my first post here on the site, though i have spent many countless hours as a guest reading and reading your posts and conversations.
they have been a great encouragement to me, who as a young woman was disfellowshipped from the society about nine years ago.
Thank you all for your warm welcome! I too am looking forward to getting to know you better. Thanks for your kind words. "Moxie"
what did you get dissfellowshipped for and were you once "strong"
by looloo inin the truth (as they say) were people really shocked at you leaving or thought of it as only a matter of time !
I did consider myself "strong" up to a few months prior to my disfellowshipping. I was an auxillary pioneer. What changed? I had witnessed what I considered serious wrongdoing by some of my MS and pioneer friends and when I went to the elders with those concerns (which I might add was a very hard thing to do since they were very dear friends) the entire situation was brushed under the rug since one of the people involved was the CO's daughter. I became heartsick at seeing the hypocrisy. It seemed that the entire congregation was corrupt, there was this that I mentioned above, as well as rampant gossiping, family feuds within the congregation, and as a result I started to doubt that the Society was really the true religion. I slowly stopped attending meetings and several months later I started seeing a non-JW young man. I received a voicemail on my answering machine from an elder stating that at the next meeting they would be announcing that I was disfellowshipped. And the rest as they say is history. In retrospect I'm grateful that they made that final decision so easy for me. The years to come would not be so easy, but today I consider it the greatest blessing of my life. "Moxie"
On Saturday... I decided to dump all my literature
by tak init felt good!
i took that huge plastic bin that contained multiple copies of all the books given out by the society, all the old wt and awake's that i had, the year books, etc..... and threw into the city dump.
my boyfriend thought i should maybe bring the literature back to them and i said "hell no.... so they can give it out to more innocent people.. he agreed.
Good for you... liberating isn't it? I carted that stuff around with me and didn't get rid of it for 7 long years! Finally two years ago I dumped it all (with the exception of the Bible itself). "Moxie"
Intro: disfellowshipped as a teen in 1999
by Moxie ingreetings and warm wishes to everyone out there...
this is my first post here on the site, though i have spent many countless hours as a guest reading and reading your posts and conversations.
they have been a great encouragement to me, who as a young woman was disfellowshipped from the society about nine years ago.
Greetings and warm wishes to everyone out there... This is my first post here on the site, though I have spent many countless hours as a guest reading and reading your posts and conversations. They have been a great encouragement to me, who as a young woman was disfellowshipped from the Society about nine years ago. A little about me: I was raised in a JW family from a very early age. My father has been an elder for longer than I can remember and the rest of my family is very devout with the exception of my youngest brother. Growing up I thought that I was very strong in the "truth", participating in meetings, assemblies and even having a part in a district convention. I was even an auxillary pioneer up to just before my disfellowshipping. I won't bore you with the details, but needless to say I found that I did not believe wholeheartedly in the Society's claims and teachings. I slowly drifted away and was disfellowshipped. Since then I have had many years to come to terms with the shunning and abandonment my family has been forced to deal me. In turn I have witnessed (from a distance) their incredible pain and torment in doing so. There is no one in the world who can understand how horrible shunning truly is unless they have experienced it. The cruelty of the persecution that Jehovah's Witnesses inflict on someone is incalculable, who simply for intellectual reasons does not share the beliefs that the Society teaches. Over the years I have found the freedom to express my thoughts, to learn and listen to new ideas without the fear I was raised with as a JW. There is great freedom and peace in this, however, there is one wound that never seems to heal and that is the loss of one's family and friends. I have been greatly encouraged by your conversations and discussions here and they have inspired me to start my own blog in the hopes that by writing about my experiences I may find an avenue for putting the past to rest. Anyway, I'll stop before I write a novel :) I just wanted to say hello and let you know how much I appreciate this site and all your comments. "Moxie"