I believe that "God" has given us the intellect, the curiosity, the ingenuity to discover the ecological solutions to world problems. I believe we could solve "hunger" by yesterday. Solving the worlds problems has nothing to do with God. People relinquish their responsibility to others (government, corporations, etc.), when they should act themselves individually. I can't speak for "God", but we as humans need to accept responsibility for our own doing or not doing, and come up with solutions. Here's one: http://www.thevenusproject.com/
JoinedPosts by S3RAPH1M
Struggling with the concept of a "God"
by littleblueuk inthis topic, i'm sure, has been discussed many times, but today i am really contemplating the concept of god.. i remember vividly the old testament; the israelites slaughtering everyone in their path, men, women and children at god's direction at jericho, leaving no one alive.
i remember thinking then as a child how cruel that was.
there are many other examples.. then reading the news today i read a section in the world news about india.
Is being searched by your employer EVERY day legal?
by Gill ini am in the middle of induction training for a new job at a local store that is one of the uk's largest hardware stores.. today we were told it was company policy that every staff member is searched everyday before they leave the shop.
you cannot, under any circumstances leave the store until you have been searched both your bag and person and sometimes you car also searched.. your handbag has to be emptied and searched, your pockets have to be emptied and you have to take off whatever clothes you are told to take off including shoes, roll up your shirt above waist level if you are a woman and loosen the waist band of your trousers.. if i am right, even the police are not permitted to search anyone without due cause and i already feel 'violated' at the thought that i will have to go through this humiliation everyday.
this shop basically sells toiletries, garden stuff etc and insist that half of their theft if from staff.. however, we were also told that shoplifters cannot be stopped unless they have been followed all round the store and their is 100% knowledge that they have stolen something as a stop and search would get the store into terrible trouble.. so, am i correct in thinking that these people are going to violate my human rights every day!.
If it was said in the job description or at the interview that you would be searched, and you still went forward with the employment, by your consent, yes.
-Let's say you had never heard of the Bible:
by Awakened07 inlet's say you've grown up in a country that - somehow - has shielded you completely from any knowledge of the bible and its god and history.
all your life you've believed in the four legged, three headed, four winged borlifingus (of course, the arms, legs etc.
are just representations of it's spiritual properties).
What would convince me is if the preachers God, communicated simultaneously with all the worlds peoples revealing itself to everyone all at once. That to me would be the true revealed religion.
Shunning & JWs on Miami Ink TV Show
by doinmypart inmiami ink is a show about tattooing, it airs on u.s. cable channel tlc.
the show highlights the work of the tattoo artists and tells the background of why a person gets a particular tattoo.. on last week's show a young lady wanted what she referred to as a "conscience" tattoo.
when i heard "conscience" my ears perked up.
She's attractive. Sad to hear her story. It's very typical.
The Watchtower Society is drop dead gorgeous.
by edmond dantes insometimes in my mind i go back to the beginning of my jw experience which for me was a very long time ago when i got really excited when the awake and watchtower came through the letter box after i paid for a yearly subscription, just to cover the printing costs you understand.in those far off days long gone in my gullible inexperienced just finished school days i really thought here was a religion to believe in ,to trust,to tell the entire world about and to show others the pretty pictures of the new world as depicted in the books and magazines.at that time i would have literally given my life in order to get through armaggedon.i really thought it was the greatest and only true religion on the planet and in my naive young mind i thought we were living with all the other brothers and sisters in a truly new world society,no more fighting for your countries wars,no more adultary,lying ,cheating,envy, money grabbing, murder etc.just the thought of holding on untill the big a .
and i couldn't for the life of me see why everyone who i spoke to about it wouldn't believe in the message of the watchtower.i thought the assemblies depicted how we would all get along with love in the new world.thats how daft i was.. then one day a seed of doubt entered my mind which at first i dismissed as the devil leading me astray this devil concept was also backed up by a brother , a congregational overseer,telling me it was so.i thought he was right until i discovered that due to his doubts he had stopped going to the meetings ,and then i was introduced to another brother who was classed as spiritually week even though he had refused to go into the millitary and went to prison, he came out of prison with doubts about the so called truth.i thought to myself how can someone be so convinced about his beliefs that he would go to prison for it and then suddenly realise he had been wrong.. then i gradually grew wiser and older ,the scales began to drop from eyes as i witnessed at first hand a hell of a lot of hypocrisy within the so called clean organisation.i went on to learn about beth sarim and the many changes of doctrine which resulted in new light and many, many examples of the lack of true love and care within the so called new world society.
all they were interested in was how many hours you managed to put in each week and whether you were in the clique.the list of reasons not to believe grew endless until at last just as you can fall out of love with someone the love evaporated it just vanished into thin air never to return, and i wonder sometimes where does love go when it drops down dead.. and i realise that without true substance being in love with something or for that matter someone is a figment of the mind.. .
That love you gave to the watchtower was one sided, cause the watchtower never loved you back.
Will there ever be another Raymond Franz type Governing Body apostate?
by Witness 007 inthis was huge for me!
a member of the "faithful slave" turning apostate!
what was wrong with him?
LMFAOROFL RE: "Swinging from poles". Imagine yourselves being in Ray Franz' position, and then getting DF'd over eating with a Disassociated brother. When I first read this online my first thought was "WTF!?!?!?" Honestly these authoritarians have dis-fellowshipped hundreds of people for stupid things. I hope more GB members leave and expose the watchtower harlot.
Power of "Awake" article on Window Cleaning =Thousands of Witness Washer!
by Witness 007 inw.w.c {witness window cleaners} i was one for three years.
started from scratch, taught by another witness window cleaner...we had 4 in our hall.
i never knew why there were so many, till i found an awake article about employment which recommends geting a bucket and starting to clean windows!
I've met Cleaners of one form or another in the congregations I've been to. I did cleaning for a year +.
My Interview With Satan (Warning: Totally Irreverant)
by Farkel inq: what's it like to be satan?.
a: it sucks, man.
i get blamed for everything that goes wrong.. q: you sound bitter.. a: what are you?
Satan gets blamed for every ill by the dubs, even when its a self inflicted wound, 'The Devil made me do it!!'. Reminds me of an experience a brother gave during his discourse, a dis-fellowshipped brother was re-instated. To celebrate, he went to the bar to have a few drinks, he became drunk and was dis-fellowshipped for the same reason as before, being a drunkard. The brother giving the talk blamed Satan. After that I knew I couldn't take more of this scapegoating.
Is God's "image"... bacteria ?
by Rabbit inapparently, we are much more bacteria-like, than human.
web address:.
Probiotics works for me!
Are we DESTROYING society through a false sense of SELF-ESTEEM
by Terry ini think political correctness started the trend of dumbing down.
lowering the bar.
warping the standards.. in every society there are citizens with varying abilities and disabilities.. the natural sorting process is achievement, self-sustaining ability and productivity.. winners vs slackers.
I see this in Hip-Hop. Cotton-candy rap booty shaking, tip the stripper loads of money, sell more drugs, kill members of your own community, type of music is held in high esteem, but it's psychologically devastating to the youth who do not have the educational defenses to deal with such a manipulative, loaded encoded message. It's all part of the branding, packaging, and marketing to the mindless consumers to increase the bottom line, at least in the rap music industry. A false sense of Self-Esteem is a magick trick played on us by the modern wizards and shamans of our day. It begins with your parents who were victims of the dictatorial schooling system which trains all to never question the powers that be, so maintain the status quo. Then the young are placed in the same education hating institutions! It's made worse through oppressive government, and religions like the Watchtower.