JoinedTopics Started by DonutsToGo
WTS Will Stop Charging Interest on Loans
by doinmypart inthe org will stop charging interest on kh building fund loans effective sep 1, 2008. current loan payment amounts will remain the same so the loans can be paid off sooner.. congregations should continue to donate to the kh building fund, and publishers can donate directly to the fund by sending donations directly to the branch.
congregations are encouraged to forward surplus congregation and operating funds to the branch until the time those funds are needed by the congregation (this was actually read to the about full disclosure).. this is for all branches and congregations, not just the u.s..
Condescending Style of the book Keep Yourselves in God's Love
by VM44 inatlantis has posted a download link for the 2008 book release, "keep yourselves in god's love".
i read a page or so from the book, and the first thing i notices is the simple language used that sounds like it is written to be read by a little child who is in elemenatary school.. the styel if very condescending and actually is insulting as if the reader is expected to have a very low level of intelligence or reading ability.. what is going on?
why is bethel printing such material?.
2008 Keep Yourselves In God's Love--PDF!
by Atlantis in2008 keep yourselves in god's love--pdf!
bookmarked searchable reduced to 2.4-mb from (anonymous-5) please note the "appendix" of this book!
click the link at the bottom of the next page.
Hope of earthly paradise and its critics: nothing new under the sun
by behemot inapparently also among early centuries' christians there were some who believed in an earthly paradise and in physical blessings, just like modern jws do.. and i found amusing how the following criticism by church fathers, pointing out the basic hedonism behind such beliefs, looks very much like comments often directed against jws:.
"(...) at this time cerinthus, the author of another heresy, made his appearance.
caius (...) writes as follows concerning this man: "but cerinthus (...) says that after the resurrection the kingdom of christ will be set up on earth, and that the flesh dwelling in jerusalem will again be subject to desires and pleasures.
Did/Does God answer your prayers?
by song19 inin my spiritual journey, which includes trying to decide if i still believe in god anymore or not i am beginning to question if god listened to my prayers or even answered them.
i think i had a track record of praying more when i needed something.
terrible i know.
Do not drink the kool-aid! A christian writer links Oprah / Obama & Occult.
by LouBelle ini was sent an email by a collegue with "do not drink the kool-aid" as the subject heading.
it was a pdf file of a non - fiction book written by carrington steele - some big time uber christian.
she links the following: oprah, obama & the occult.. the reasons for her writing this book: .
Big News or rumor!
by Burger Time ina friend just informed me that the c/o in his hall will be instructing the elders that anyone with a child in college will be stripped of privileges in the hall.
i am not sure if this is true this is just what i was told.
it could be that it is only a campaign directed at him as he has some ties to ex-jw's and some how got found out.
1983 Australia Gov. Body member Lyod Barry promises NO change to 1914!
by Witness 007 inlistening to the australia bethel dedication talks 1983 {avalible on cassette} loyd barry of the governing body tells of how an old missionary brother aproached him and said: "the society can change any doctrine they want...but please brother, don't change the doctrine regarding 1914.
" {he had hoped to live thru to paradise} loyd responds: "brothers, we have no intension of changing the 1914 doctrine.".
remember this was just after raymond franz handed out to the governing body members, copies of an article written by an elder dis-proving 607 and 1914....i think in 1979.. so, after loyd barry died, in 1993, the 1914 generation theory was thrown out...that missionary had long since died.
DC 2008 Releases
by JWFreak injust to update you all on the this summers releases from a very good friend / source .
totally confirmed .
i just love to annoy the borg......and no i am no longer a witness .
July 15th WT?
by cabasilas ini've heard the july 15th wt has new interpretations of jesus' parables - dragnet, mustard seed, leaven, etc.
has a pdf of it been posted yet?
or, perhaps i missed it?