After the wedding I found most envelopes were empty or had $100 dollars from a family of 5 working people who came??!! I ended up getting afew hundred dollars from 120 people.
That is my wedding all over again. Hubby and I couldn't have a huge wedding, but we still spent WAY too much as it was. We felt obligated to invite ones from his congregation, being that they were friends of the family for years. Needless to say, we got CRAP! And I mean CRAP. Hardly anyone gave money, and if they did it was a $20.... and yes, I know what you mean when it's a large family and they give you a small, and I mean small gift. Many, many gifts were horribly tacky, like they had been picked up at a thrift shop or dollar store, I am not kidding. Rooster napkin rings??? come on!!!! Needless to say, we gave away most of the stuff or just tossed it. It was extremely sad and pathetic. One brother, a personal friend of mine for years actually showed up at my wedding and gave me the excuse he left my gift in the cab. But then again this is the same guy who shows up at house parties and brings “WinK” (a low quality soda) and asks “where’s the beer” (that actually happened). Needless to say we have lost touch.
Crapy gift givers. My non-jw relatives are incredibly generous and put the JWs to shame... its embarrassing.