Hey JK. If they left the hall up to you why you could have brought with you some superglue for locks. Or just stick a staple inside the lock drum. Hmmmm. They should've known not to let you wait so longgggggg.
thanks for many posts to my situation.
yes i am a real person, and if you want to pm me and ask details, i would be happy to give any details you want.
it is a little disconcerting to read how some doubt i am telling the truth, this is a tough time for me, but i still respect that you need some proof.
Hey JK. If they left the hall up to you why you could have brought with you some superglue for locks. Or just stick a staple inside the lock drum. Hmmmm. They should've known not to let you wait so longgggggg.
carm is a great forum for the ex-jw who wants to discuss all aspects of the organization:.
shelter is another great forum for in-depth discussions on all jw subjects:.
If you know Spanish here's a discussion forum for you: http://www.extj.com/foro/
anyone up for a silent protest?
if you still report regularly, why not avoid putting a report in for the month of september; help get the service year off to a flying start?
If you're still "doing" time in field service.
Add it all up neat and proper.
And turn it in late to the Secretary.
A phone call, an email, with some excuse.
Challenge yourself to come up for an excuse every month.
The time is still counted on your timeslip.
The PO, SO and CO will see it when they go over the files.
But it won't be counted to go into the Society's monthly report.
a reliable source has informed us that the registrar of gilead was removed....laid off.
is the watchtower school of gilead, where they train their missionaries, in the process of downsizing or perhaps dismantling.
now that math.
Hey, Rick.
If your conference call is anything like the KHCONF system then you can log-in and check the origination of the listening party and how long they listened and all. Right?
I believe you're going to record the conference and provide it later as a download, or online feed, is that correct?
Well, I'm interested in the contents of the discussion, but can't see spending the money on long distance charges if you'll have the conference available on your website for download or as a feed.
Best wishes.
hey folks!
if you go to the jw portal.... http://www.jw.org .
you'll notice the name of the website is.
Hey folks!
If you go to the JW portal...
You'll notice the name of the website is
Worldwide Association of Jehovah’s Witnesses
I know that there have been name changes and
new corporations coming from the WTS, but this
was a new name, I think.
It sort of reminds me of the Worldwide Church of God
...the good ol' False Prophet Armstrong's "Watch Tower Twin", in my opinion.
What are your thoughts on the new name(s)?
ok, so i have a serious question.
probably my first on here, but this has always bugged me, and i've never received a satisfactory answer.. how does someone become annointed?
when i was a child, my grandpa, who was an elder, told me that if you are of the annointed, you just know.
According to WT articles a person "knows" he/she is anointed. Following this "knowing" they partake of the emblems. The Bible tells us that anyone putting faith in God's Son can consider him/herself adopted as a child of God, that is born in Spirit. 1 John 5:1; Romans 8:14.
The 2008 District Convention told us again that the anointed don't have more Holy Spirit than those the Watchtower calls "other sheep".
Those who are anointed are the of "household" of God. The Faithful and Discreet slave are those who provide spiritual information for the benefit of their fellow anointed ones. In other words any anointed can be fed or do the feeding at the proper time thus being part of the household and also being part of the Faithful and Discreet slave class. The Bible tells us that all who are believers in Christ need to tell others about the Good News of his redemptive death and resurrection.
The Governing Body is self chosen out of the Faithful and Discreet class by Watchtower tradition, which started with the Board of Directors, and in the 70s became the Bosses after Knorr died. (It became a Theocratic Oligarchy rather than a Theocratic Dictatorship, in other words). All those in the Governing Body claim anointing status, of course. But in the new Millennium, the Governing Body members who were directors of the Watch Tower Society, resigned their directorship and passed it onto those they call non-anointed "other sheep". However, the Governing Body still manages things behind the scenes, although now a bit more removed from lawsuits against the Watchtower Corporation.
Every year for the past three years the number of those claiming to be of the anointed has grown. Perhaps in part due to the articles in the Watchtower that did away with the idea that after 1935 no more anointed would be called unless one turned apostate. Now the deal is that the number is still not filled and that there may be some who are newly anointed because they'll survive into the Watchtower's promised New World.
If a new person starts claiming to be of the anointed. The members of the congregation will comment behind his/her back and question the anointing. Especially the elders, who will keep this person under watch.
i came across this open letter from a po to jw's in good standing.
eventhough it was written in 1976 a lot of the material in it is still a good source of info to get jw's thinking about beliefs.
Anyone know who it was that wrote the letter?
On the third page or so of the PDF doc there are postal addresses for contacts.
But no names are given.
I wonder if any of our longtime ex-jw's had read the letter, knew about it, or even tried getting in touch with the writer.
With best regards.
i came across this open letter from a po to jw's in good standing.
eventhough it was written in 1976 a lot of the material in it is still a good source of info to get jw's thinking about beliefs.
I came across this Open Letter from a PO to JW's in good standing. Eventhough it was written in 1976 a lot of the material in it is still a good source of info to get JW's thinking about beliefs.
Here's the link:
What would you all suggest about a similar Open Letter campaign for today.
Best wishes.
so i start thinking about all my "privileges.
" i went to mts, took 600 pages of notes, went to my assignment, i am still serving under the mts program.
for a few years until my circumstances changed.
Hey Bonafide.
The counsel from Worf and others about reading Crisis of Conscience is true.
The two books Crisis of Conscience and in Search of Christian Freedom help you see and reason without forcing you one way or another.
Your life is real. It is what you make of it. Live it with the help of the Scriptures if you place your hope in their sayings. The two books will not take this faith away, they will reinforce your faith in God's Word. They did for me.
I just stepped down as an elder. I hate the term "stepped down" but that 's accurate in the Society's expectation. To other brothers and sisters you're up some step if you're an elder. In Search of Christian Freedom helps you to see that it's not a matter of appointed to an office or post of service, it is the service that you provide for your brothers and sisters that really matters in the end.
You could have told the sister to do what she felt was right according to her study of God's Word. Let her develop a Christian conscience. Don't give advice you feel uncomfortable giving. She did trip you up in the end with the remark about putting Jehovah first. That's not the issue really, she could put Jehovah first in doing what she can to be a Christian while taking college courses.
I'm praying for you brother, and I hope you do look into reading CoC and CF by Raymond Franz. They're available at http://www.commentarypress.com or at http://www.amazon.com and if you want there are links online that give some chapters for download gratis.
With Christian love and best wishes. --ILOOWY
i'm new to this site.
i'm not a jw but have studied with them largely because i wanted to know for myself what jws believed and wanted to hear it from them, not from others (i.e.
catholics, baptists, methodists, etc.).
Otay! I've been lurking for some time and well... I just couldn't pass up the chance at giving some advice on this topic. Here's what I suggest. You'll be doing your bookstudy teacher a favor. Go to http://www.commentarypress.com/ Get the book Crisis of Conscience on PDF ... it's an easy download. Then invite her back and each visit print out a chapter and make it a stipulation of your study that if she wants to study with you she'll have to listen to you read the chapter first and allow her to take it home then make some notes and comments, then you'll study the Bible Teach chapter with her and you'll do the same, make notes on it etc. I'll bet she'll not go along with it and won't bother you too many times after that. If she's willing you're definitely doing her a big favor. So do it for her and for yourself. With best regards. --ILOOWY