Our elders are well trained to handle all kinds of situations that may come up, including helping those who may have an addiction to be freed from it, marriage and family counselling, suicide counselling, and so forth
Ya right!!!!! Until you start pointing fingers at the ELDERS!!!!!!!! Fing BS!!!!
*calming down and not saying what she wants to say*
This is more like the way they want the "counseling".........
*going to go* I know I was warned.......but $hit!!!!
All I have to say is BBBBBBBBBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EDITED TO ADD.............WHAT TRAINING???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Elder's don't have a CLUE..............if that is training...........then ask your local elders..........did you graduate even HIGH SCHOOL........so who are you to counsel me???? Do YOU have a DEGREE in this field???? or any field???????????
OK I have to stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!