Posts by Jesika
It's Mulan and Big Red's Anniversary!
by Princess in41 years!
a big ol' hug to you both!.
love you,.
So, what's stopping you from going to the hall?
by JH in2 elders came to my door today, at noon sharp, and i opened the door to let them in.
they didn't want to come in, so they stood at the door and asked me, "what's stopping you from coming to the hall"?
they only come once a year and always around christmas time.
Not putting my son through what I went through.
Not believeing they are the "truth".
They don't protect children.
They didn't protect me as a child. I can't say anymore.
Here comes another Newbie!
by adamgraziano in.
i just stumbled across this forum today and just wanted to say big hello to everyone.. it's great to know that i am not alone in this world when it comes to leaving the so called truth.. when reading through the forum discussions, i can really relate -and that is great!.
i'm sure i'll be back here time and time again.. have a great day!.
It's just so weird... I was born and raised in the truth, and don't know how to live my life without it !
Adam..........I soooooooooo understand what you are saying.
I was raised in the "truth" and didn't know how to live my life either. I was disfellowshipped at age 15( I am now 28) and was very confused. I lost everyone and everything I ever knew in my life.
I had to start all over and had not a clue as how to do that.
All I can say is to enjoy life as your own...........being raised in the "truth" we never had that chance........we only did as we were told.
So.......freedom is unfamiliar.....feels wrong.......uneasy.......but after time.......feels good.
Enjoy your freedom and explore everything you couldn't before. It is impowering....believe me it is, but take it in small steps.
You have found an awesome forum to do can ask anything you want to and you have an abundance of info and experiences to help you on your way..........and not to mention........alot of friends........TRUE friends who will help you in anything you need. I never knew unconditional love till I met some of the people here.
Nice to meet you.
Chocolate Martini's Anyone?
by codeblue inok....let's relax and enjoy life a little.
my huband's family were in for a few days this week.
seems like his daughter and son in law love chocolate martini's.... they mixed me one then i mixed a few....i was quite impressed with this new drink.
I bartended for a short time a few yrs ago.......and I just love the chocolate martini's.
I just love chocolate all together to be honest.......but then to mix it with alcohol??!!! I was in heaven.
by RAYZORBLADE into a very special person: country girl (athene).
i would like to wish you a very happy birthday .
you mean a great deal to me, and you and i have bonded like family over the last year.. i appreciate all your kindnesses you have shown towards me, and your kind words, beautiful art work, kindness to animals (all kinds), and love for your fellow human being.. wishing you a very heartfelt happy birthday to one rayzorblade's very special ladies: country girl.. love ya hon!.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why bother to even show up at all? (rant)
by razorMind ini married a "worldly" gentleman.
my "approved associations" status is already up in the air--i am no longer "in the troof".
i was unbaptized and just drifted away.
Hi razormind,
My father was also a long time elder and my mother used to be the "all obdient" elder's wife as well, so I TOTALLY understand what you are talking about.
I have been out of the "troof" for 12yrs and have learned that unless they want to change........they won't. I know it is hard to explain the dinamics of the religion to those who haven't been through it. It can be very frustrating.....especially when they see hope when we know there probably isn't any. All I can tell you.......from my be happy with what you have.........the "other" family you have.......and to just accept what is.........I am not saying to give up. I am just saying the only thing you can control is yourself.....noone else. You can accept the fact that your family is going to be may change may not......but you can choose to be happy with your life......your baby.....your life. If your JW family wants to be a slight part of is up to YOU if you want that or not.
The thing with our JW familys is that we feel we are at their wants and needs, and we have to comply with their wishes in order to have a relationship. If you want to do so.......then that is your choice.....but if you don't... then.......don't.
You can be happy and whole with your life and your family......and by family......I mean those you consider family.......friends.......extended family.......your baby's family.......anyone whole you feel is a postitive person in your life.
I had to make my own family for many situation with my family changed......I have a relationship with my mother and my father now.........but they have changed (they are no longer married and are married to others now)......not cause of anything I have done......but because their lives have changed. So you never know.
But what I do you have to make yourself happy!
We have this conseption of how family is supposed to be.........but as JW's or having family that are JW' isn't the cookie cutter family that is percevied. The family you want you can create in your own family......the one you have started for yourself. So all I can make yourself and those who are willing to be a part of your life the family you have always dreamed of and be happy in your life. The JW family may or may not come around.....but don't waste time trying to make others see them the way they want to see them or even the way you would like them to be. Just be happy!!!!!!! You and yours deserve that!!!!!!!!
Expressing My Thanks For Simon's Board.
by Guest 77 ini 've been on this board for some time now, and i would like to express my thanks to simon for putting up with plenty of diversified personalties.
also, many thanks to all the moderators.. what the coming year has in store for this forum, well, only time will tell.
hopefully, as it has been going of late, it will 'mature' to another level.
I agree!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Simon and company!!!!!!!
This had me laughing.. anyone have hip hugger or jean tales to tell ?
by Xandria inthis article had me laughing so hard i was crying.
i know a few friends who have had the ol' hip hugger snafoo!
all i can say is: full moonnnn... .
I wasn't a big fan of them myself at first cause I felt I wasn't skinny enough to wear them, but then I saw girls in their early 20's and younger who wore them and had the same kind of prob ( a slight pooch in the stomach area) I had and felt better about it seeing women and girls with the same imperfection as I have.
I have been working out and feeling better about myself.......not due to the jeans, but just cause I wanted to loose a few pounds.
I am not a big fan of ppl wearing clothes that aren't flattering........but everyone likes different who is to say who should and shouldn't wear these jeans.
I will say though.......if you have hair "down there" should groom better or just refrain from wearing these jeans.
Jes........of the "only owns one pair of these jeans so far" class
by iiz2cool inhappy birthday aztec!!!!!!!
hope you have a great one sweetie!!!!!
(((((((((((((azzy)))))))))))))) oh honey I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through!! I have been there myself in the past. I am glad you have somewhere to could be could be without a place to go.......I have been in that situation too and it sux.
Happy Birthday honey!!!!!
It will get you hon!!!
Calling all - PLEASE!!! Big Step For Me.
by Doubtfully Yours innow, please remember, jw my entire life.
therefore, many prejudiced and warped ideas.. the deal is that a very nice co-worker invited me to a 'christmas play' at her baptist church and i accepted.
the play is tonight, and i have all these messed-up ideas that perhaps it's wrong to step foot into another church; or that perhaps since i've been taught all my life that demons reside in the false religion churches that i'll be bothered by these demons if i attend this event tonight.. please, help me win over these live-long thoughts.
I know what you mean about having doubts about going to another church due to being raised a witness myself.
I went to a Catholic Church with a close friend of mine..........I think it was around Easter or something like that. I was just looking around at all the beautiful windows and just the structure in general at first. It was all so different and just breathe taking.
Then I started to pay attention to the ppl there. All in all I was different....but it was nice to see "the other side" of what the JW's told me about "worldly churches".
The ppl were very nice and I saw and felt no demons.
I am not a big fan of church I didn't go back.......but I have visited many different churches and religions just to see what they are like, and I am still free of demons.
Have a great time............the plays at churches around x-mas time are usually a real treat!!!
Let us know how it goes......