Wouldn't miss it!!
JoinedPosts by LockedChaos
the biggest apostafest
by ninja inwhen ray franz finally shuffles off this mortal coil.....(which i hope will not be for many more years) i think there should be the biggest gathering of apostates ever....in thanks to the man who freed the minds of many of us ....i for one will be there come what may.....(unless it's raining....kidding)...franzy....ninja salutes you
Faded away about 4 years ago
by SurfsUp inhi i wanted to say hello, this is my first day on this forum.
i am 40 years old and was a jw from birth.
i am living in georgia and have lived in florida too.
Science and Truth
by LockedChaos into quote:.
people believe things which can be measured are true things,.
and things that cannot be measured are untrue things.. science is what people point to as a "truth", yet science itself .
To Quote:
People believe things which can be measured are true things,
and things that cannot be measured are untrue things.
Science is what people point to as a "truth", yet science itself
seems to say that all we can hope to find are patterns in things.
But if that is true, why is one way of explaining a pattern worse than others.
Hi, I'm new
by Diva inhi, this is my first post but ive been lurking around this discussion board for some time now.
my husband (the borg) occasionally posts and i had the pleasure of meeting some great people at the apostofest in covent garden, london last year arranged by bestie and sweetpea , hi to you both and hi to freetothink, mr majestic and everyone that was there hope youre all ok.. my story in a nutshell: raised a jw from birth, my whole family, expect one brother and sister (disfellowshipped) are still jws - basically i was raised in a family who were considered one of the pillars of the congregation, we all pioneered and did the whole witness thing, in fact one of my sisters is a missionary.
my whole jw world crumbled when i learnt about the jw/un connection and from that moment on there was no turning back.
My lesbian neighbors are driving me nuts!
by dawg inok my gay friends, i'm going to pick on you a minute, but you know i love you all... .
me... liberal male, could care less what you do with your sex organs, i only care about what i do with mine...that said, i've several gay friends... none of which are monogamous.
so, my next door neighbors are lesbians, neither are the hate all males types like some i have known in the past... matter of fact, one loves sports and hangs out here watching football and other sports with me at least once a week.
How in the Hel* did you get yourself
in that position?
Lock the doors and hide when you see them coming
Sorry, but it reminded me of this
Don't know why, it just did
Stuff White People Like
by snowbird inis the title of a book by christian lander.. anyone look at it yet?
the reviews are pretty good; some made me lol.. sylvia.
Thanks for the post
Too Funny!!
There was an old lady...
by Mrs. Witness inlast night my husband told me that there's an old lady in his congregation who thinks i'm "cute" and offered to talk to me since she also had a ubm and is concerned about our marriage.. i wanted to gag.
should i talk to this nosy old bitty?
(no offense to our older jwd members).
Mrs. W
Next time that biddy calls
Think of this
and try not to laugh
Damn It!!
Now I'm hungry
(smacks lips and begins to drool)
My First Post!!!
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH inafter a year of reading all of your experiences and expressions i decided it was time for me to start sharing some of mine.
hopefully they can benefit others, like many of yours have benefited me!
being raised in the wtbts, the jehovahs witness docrine and culture really was the prism from which all of my experiences and understanding of life originated.
IRDWOOAKH (Had to shorten name somehow)
Nice to see your post
Seems someone is always around here
Small joys
by heybaby inyou know how there are somethings that give you so much pleasure or joy?
it doesn't have to be anything amazing or huge, but for some reason it makes you so happy for those few moments.
some of mine are drinking coffee in the morning with my best friend at work, and the smell of an open fire (it reminds me of being a young child at my grandparents' house).
Was posting elsewhere
It jumped topics