If u listen to the news report - he was meeting there for maybe a JC -- apparently a woman called in and said he was meeting some brothers at the hall - this was 8:30 at night on a wednesday - so probably that is the scenario
JoinedPosts by truthlover
Man Shot to Death at Kingdom Hall
by Kenneson injust saw this news article.
the details are scanty.
an unidentified man shot another man at a kingdom hall in oregon.
Fantastic game -- fast, great passing -- unfortunately Fleury had his problems and the new goalie did a beter job but still let 2 go by
Off to sunday night -- would be nice to see them take the cup - long time coming
New method of distributing magazines
by jah1914 indon't know if someone already commented on this.
i did a search and did not find anything.
not that big of a deal, but the concept of having a personal order of the magazines is going away effective immediately.
Nothing has been read in Canada yet -- or if it has, not in my area
New method of distributing magazines
by jah1914 indon't know if someone already commented on this.
i did a search and did not find anything.
not that big of a deal, but the concept of having a personal order of the magazines is going away effective immediately.
so will they report how many mags are produced anymore -- if this happens it will show a huge decrease in placements and the society does not want to be going backward ....................that would remove even more info getting to the r & F and then that would leave only the year end num bers to be referenced -- will they do away with those too???
In March 2010 the inside of the WT to the public shows 39,601,000 in 180 languages (per mo)
Same for May 2010 -- so when this goes into effect should be interesting to follow the numbers....
More UN Involvement August 2009
by cantleave inthis appeared on a fb discussion board.
i'm pretty certain its been on here before but in case you haven't seen it - .
check on the web site of Forum18 - they report all types of religious persecutions, JW's included - along with Mormons,Ba'hai- Baptist, etc.. and Mulsims depending on the country involved
My kitty is having kittens soon and Im stressing about it. Advice?
by WuzLovesDubs inlike i dont have enough going on right now...my kitty is expecting and im not sure when she actually got pregnant but im thinking her due date might be around 5/10.
i have read online a bit about the process and i hope she can handle this.
i made a secure and private kittening box for her and she seems to like it in there with ripped up rags she can pile up into a nest.
I had a nice place for my cat when she was pregnant and she picked her own -- my linen closet when the door was left ajar -- the bottom section on the carpeted floor -- I remember my grandmother telling me her cats used to climb under the sheets and had their kittens - so its up to the cat where ever they find dark, safe places to have their babies is where she will go...
There was no mess -the kitties were clean and the mama was very affectionate with them..
Your going to be a grammy
Watch the speech in the first 3 minutes of this Michael Jackson Video: Childhood Stolen
by OnTheWayOut inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmmhijwsis4&feature=related.
Never believed he was guilty of anything but trying to make the world a better place - giving over 300 million to charities -- and if you listen closely, he was almost preaching the truth by way of his words in his music - some of the songs anyway -- even the Earth song seemed to be questioning why things are still going on even tho we were promised a paradise .. Beat It seemed to me to be what happened in the elders meeting when he was df's -- anyway thats my two cents -- love his music, always have -- got This is It DVD and have a lot of his cd's
im so worried about my daughter ,need some advice please !
by looloo inmy daughter was abused by an ex min servant age 13 , she is now 22 and has been with her loving caring boyfriend for a year (he is her 1st boyfriend ) over the years she has been bulimic ,self harmed and suffered low self esteem , i thought she had got better since the relationship with her boyfriend started , i found out yesterday that she is no better at all and im frightened for her , her boyfriend said "that bastard haunts her" she suffers flashbacks and post traumatis stress disorder , due to the horrific things the abuser did and said to her , which i cant bare to go into detail about as i try to block it out my mind , unfortunatly my poor girl cannot !
she has had a lot of help by a psyciatrist , counsellor etc but is no better so what can i do to help ?
have any of you been in this situation ?
Has your daughter laid charges against him?? She should - it may help her to regain her self esteem... but it will be a long hard road and maybe she cant go on that road yet.....
muslims worry about south park while THIS is going on?!?!
by chickpea inlast night frontline (pbs) aired a documentary called.
"the dancing boys of afghanistan".
a euphemism for a sex slave/pederastic business that.
The moderator of the PBS show said these men were actually Muslims by day and by night went to these houses where the dancing boys were made to dance, sometimes til they dropped -- and then the men argued over who would take them home and have sex with them -- one 13 year old died in the back seat of a car as so many men went in "one by one" to have sex with him..
One of the men was a warlord who said he actually had the ok of his wife to do this but seemed to have a conscience and stopped this terrible atrocity against young boys -- he eventually helped one child get away from this life - and helped the PBS moderator get the boy and his family to another part of Afghanistan so the child could go to school - he wanted to be a doctor -- he was 11 - and wanted to help other boys..
They buy these kids from poor parents and say they will educate them - train them for a year in dancing, dress them like girls and sexually abuse them......pigs!!! and if the kids want to leave this life, they murder them -
Apparently they said this custom came over from Pakistan -- my question is what is the fighting over in Afghanistan about -- poppy fields for the heroin or protecting these perverts -- and good men and women have to die for this?????
SO --
Jehovah's Witnesses---A Religion That Does Nothing For Anyone
by minimus inthe reality is: jehovah's witnesses benefit no one but themselves!.
they don't contribute to society.
they refuse to get involved in local interests because that would constitute violating their neutrality.. if sexual abuse allegations are made amongst their members, unless two witnesses can attest to the molestation, they refuse to get the "superior authorities" involved.. they claim to be doing their neighbors a "life saving" work but the reality is that they simply are pests to their "householders".. they are a tax free "religion" and they do not pay taxes.. they are judgmental people and regard the "world" as "worldly" and in the "power of the wicked one".. and if the individual members do not conform to the organization's dictates, they might very well be "shunned" and regarded as "dead".. why anyone would want to be a jehovah's witness is beyond me..
No wonder you are peeved... I would be too if I owned the house
Were you a witness? IT seems like there is a lot of pent up anger other than the Truth... separations and divorces are bad enough but when there are religious differences everything is compounded -- holidays, vacations, etc.. is there any way things could be worked out when the kids are not around.. what have the lawyers said? Legally this should all be worked out with schedules being set up so the kids are not feeling the heat of two adults trying to kill each other with their words and anger..pick up times would have to be adhered too--maybe you both could video tape your meetings with each other and play it back to see how it looks to the kids.. I bet they are scared to death... if your husband was being logical, he would not be approaching you in this manner.. after all he is not in charge of where you live anymore ...and neither parent could talk about the other to the children to keep the children upset --and this could be a point of visitation also for both of you.. anger will make you both sick and takes a terrible toll on the body.. this should all be worked out by a lawyer so every one knows their limitations....
As an outsider, I pray you and ex can make it work for the kids..