I am so thankful that i have found someone that i cant wait to spend everyday with and go to sleep with every night. who truly care about me and would never hurt me. I love him more than i can say
JoinedPosts by chellechelle
What are You Thankful For in Your Life Now ?
by flipper in.
i am thankful i found a loving wife finally a few years ago !
one that treats me with love and respect - and not like a freaking idiot like in former relationships !
Jehovah's Witnesses and Child Protection ? Not. Check this Out !
by flipper inthese quotes and excerpts i'm going to post here come from the " jehovah's witnesses - office of public information " from their website as it was posted on 12/2/07.
my wife and i have a lurking witness friend who sent us this information as she is very pro-active trying to fight child abuse from within the organization itself !
so get your barf bags ready- you are going to need them to stomach this " official policy " garbage from the wt society.
the first i would say is the same as you, why both the chil and the accused molester or even rapesty together. i know from experiance that it was hard enough for me jsut to admit what had happened to the elders when i was abused. and this was not even by a member of the congregation. i could barely sit ther and tell them what happened.. so if a small child has the courage and the ability to go up to two strange looking older men and tell them that another man has touched their private parts. guess what their tellign the truth. this stuff about if there are no wittnesses is absolutely bullshit. i dont know how and organization who claims to love their neighbour and their children say that if a child is molested there has to be a wittness of this act in order for it to be punished. ok, why the hell would a molester or a rapest take his victim to a place that was open to the public where he could be seen and cought to do this. ofcourse there arent going to be any wittnesses. this requirement is just stupid. and then forcing the poor scared child to sit there and face his molester while he openly lies about what he has done to him/her. the is further abuse in itself. besides the fact that he could be sitting there sending hhim/her signals telling them not to tell.
i cant understand how the only thing they can do is remove some privledges. that doesnt preotect any children in any ways.this is jsut ludacris to me and because of my personal experience is dealing with the elders after being abused i can not stand to think that this is happening to small defenseless children
Your kids are doomed.
by sammielee24 ini listened in to the conf call tonight.
one thing that i got from it was that apparently (and the wording might be a little wrong) is that elders or ms will be removed if they are going to college or university.
a person encouraging another to go to college will be removed as well.
Mr. Flipper turns 48 on Oct 15th....
by flipper ini can't say enough about my beloved young husband -he's the best.
he would love to hear from y'all on his birthday.
he loves all of you, thinks you're the best things since sliced bread!
whats wrong with you? lol you didnt tell me it was his birthday happy bday xoxoxox michelle
the world around me
by chellechelle inever since i have begun this so called journey into finding my own i have come to certain realizations about the "world" around me.
yes the world.
the world is amazing.
oh I not trying to emphasize all the "doom and gloom" i am just saying there is only so much that we can realistically expect to happen. and we aren't going to have a savior. the point is that we have to find a way out of this ourselves. what i am asking is if there is truly a way to do this. is there are alternatives to oil but not enough to fully replace everything we use it for. in effect i don't think there will be enough time for us to find a compatible alternative. for what i have learned at least. i just think that we have to come to grips with the fact that we need to live our lives now. we cant wait and put hope in our future that it is going to be so much better. Cause in reality technology can only advance to our advantage so far before it begins to hurt us.
Another stupid book study....
by Ex-smoker inrecently i havnt been minding the meetings so much cause i have a new phone and a bluetooth headset.
it gives me the ability to listen to music and no ones the wiser.
meetings go by really fast now.
everyone is sleeping with their eyes open. Its almsot as if they pay a couple people to answer and the rest are just to scared to not come
the world around me
by chellechelle inever since i have begun this so called journey into finding my own i have come to certain realizations about the "world" around me.
yes the world.
the world is amazing.
ever since i have begun this so called journey into finding my own i have come to certain realizations about the "world" around me. yes the world. the world is amazing. there is so much to look forward to. why should i have to forsake myself and my life and my feelings and try to look forward to an imaginary world there is no proof of? this is ludicrous people. hm..
for instance i am finally moving into my apartment with my boyfriend tomorrow. this is something i would never think of happening in my "previous life" i guess you could say.. oh but how excited i am! to have my own space, this will be a welcomed change. i am free to live my life the way i please. yes finally i am allowed to do something. anything. no dont get me wrong im not all about having my own way i just want my basic rights and freedoms. this is no different than any other "normal" person. is this not a sick realization? i am excited and happy to be able to live. that is sick and frightening, we have been denied our lives for so long that when we finally start to live them we feel uncomfortable overwhelmed and completely anxious, wondering what is to become of us. especially now because all we have ever truly known to be true has been proven a lie. again,we are scared and for so many different reasons. the first for me was how did i come to believe this? if my mind can be so easily consumed and taught and molded to believe something so wrong what else am i capable of? what else may i be lead to believe or do even?the biggest issue for me would have to be the coming of the end of the world. obviously there will be no "Armageddon" but look at the world today. there is no thriving economy, or healthy environment, the earth as a planet, really is doomed. so what hope do i now have? where am supposed to put my faith.. this is the key people. i realize that i only only worry about this because the cult has taught me to worry about it. everyone else is out there living their lives. i am a normal human being. i have roughly a hundred year time frame to live just like everyone else. we are all going to die. This is the immediate truth, so there is no real cause for concern as to the environment,or my health, or the economy or anything else since the means of ending my life makes no difference what so ever. this does not mean that i don't care about such things of course i do. they influence my life on a daily basis.. peak oil... gas prices.... war on terrorism... everything is a cause for concern these days. the difference is that they aren't signs of the end of this " system of things." this is how to world works. there are only so many resources you can exploit before they run out. how is this hard to understand.. we use oil for everything so when it runs out we are fucked.. do you think that god decided to schedule Armageddon for just the same time our oil supply runs out and we realize that we can no longer function as a people. all that is left for us to do is sit in our homes and breathe. then the end of the world will come. people need to look at the bigger picture. the world is like this because ancestors were not smart enough to plan ahead and schedule our consumption in order for it to be sustainable. or find another renewable resource to exploit to its full capacity. when something is gone it is gone. we cannot say that god took it away and is going to save us fro our fate if we have been good. this makes no sense what so ever.in the end there is a cluster fuck of reasons why we are going to eventually see the end of this world not as a final destruction but as we know it. something soon will drastically have to change.. the way he economy is we are sure to see another depression very soon. the same if not far worse than the first one. then there is the environment. if you have ever seen the movie the day after tomorrow, we truly are not far from this. of course it will not happen that fast but it is basically true. we as a civilization a royally fucked and this is the truth and the light. we can say lets do something about it before it is too late but really. where is the point of no return? i personally think the time has come and gone. wordy realization is a lot to take in. but remember we did this to ourselves. there is no paradise that we are ever going to see and no amount of prayer is going to save us.
now comes the fun point. Jesus people... learn to enjoy your lives. live in the moment. be happy to experience the mundane things, the small joys of everyday life. because any day now they could all be gone. have fun. i don't mean go get plastered laid and kill yourself or anything but try to see things in a different perspective. be happy for what you have instead of complaining that the world has dealt you a bad hand. Everything is a change in perspective........ just think
i cant believe what i thought would happen actually happened..
by chellechelle inok so today i met my new psychiatrist.
my old one retired recently and i hadnt seen him in months anyways.. much to the delight of the "edlers"... but i will discuss that later.
i would not mind so much having to go if it werent for the fact that i have to reinterate everything important that ever fappened to me.. great, that is the way to make peoople feel better, bring up all the other horrible shit that happened to them in the past.
When you post do you hunt and peck with 2 fingers or whole hand...
by zeroday ini had a typing class in high school and learned to type with both hands it has stayed with me to this day...do you hunt and peck with 2 fingers or whole handed...
whole hand.. unfortunately we never had typing class by the time i got to highschool but we did have business. which teaches you how to make websites and use office documents etc.however, since most of that is pretty much common sense the only thing i learned from that class was how to type properly.. not from what was taught but from going on msn all day.
i cant believe what i thought would happen actually happened..
by chellechelle inok so today i met my new psychiatrist.
my old one retired recently and i hadnt seen him in months anyways.. much to the delight of the "edlers"... but i will discuss that later.
i would not mind so much having to go if it werent for the fact that i have to reinterate everything important that ever fappened to me.. great, that is the way to make peoople feel better, bring up all the other horrible shit that happened to them in the past.
ok so today i met my new psychiatrist. my old one retired recently and i hadnt seen him in months anyways.. much to the delight of the "edlers"... but i will discuss that later. I would not mind so much having to go if it werent for the fact that i have to reinterate everything important that ever fappened to me.. great, that is the way to make peoople feel better, bring up all the other horrible shit that happened to them in the past. I actually thought it might be a good idea for me to see her. i have adhd and ocd and with so many things going on in my life i thought maybe talking to her or receiveing some new kind of treatment may help level me off a bit. Well ofcourse i sought the advice of someone i trust before hanf who knew what he was talking about and discussed what might come out of this... and it so happened he was right..
there are two different kinds of shrinks. those who actually care and try and get you to talk out your problems and give you coping strategies and those who just cant seem to let go of their pen. I dont doubt that i may need something.. i just think there are better ways to go about it. The thing that bothered me the most is she immediately prescribed excactly what i knew i did not want to take.. go figure. so in the end i have decidede to stick with cbt... it worked before it will work again.. although, she is the only shrink i have ever talked to who dicouraged it.
CBT -cognitive behavioural therapy
this is therapy based on beliefs values behaviours with the goal of changing negative emotions associated with thoughts, ideas events etc. what you would actually do is differnt person to person but examples include. keeping a diary of thoughts and feelings etc. coming to the realization of facing the things in your life that make you feel a certain way. eg. people or activities you would have normally avoided. thus you try to figure out new way to think and behave..
anyway, my shrink thinks that this would not work in my case because i dont have the time or some dumb bull such as that.. if you purely read the files they sent over to you, you would know that it does work and has worked because i have done it before. And how do i not hjave the time.. I surf this website a couple of hours every day and basically am just concentrating on myself for the time being.. this website in itself is a great help. infact, me posting anything at all classifies as cbt. so thank you jwd you are very theraputic.
so anyways now to the real reason why i am posting this here. My thoughts have been dwelling on the truth and all its maladies lately so i thought that in some way this fits. I was always told by the elders in my congregation that i should not see a psychiatrist. they will only tell you to do what the world would do. I.E if you are feeling alone and bored than go out and party.. fornication all the way.. this seemed to be one of their favourite examples. which i found hilarious and utterly daft because at the time i was about 15.. yes, that is what seasoned proffesional would tell a youth.. go out and get drunk/laid. way to use your brains "elders". you are a great role model of wisdom and intelligence for us all to follow.
I just like to think on the present situation i would be in if i had listened to their so called advice. lets just say there is a great chance i might not be here right now.. fancy that.. the jws being responsible for putting someone in the ground. . it is not unheard of.
however, what i feel really sad about are all the people who really need the help but cannot get it because of the mind control in this cult. i have read so many accounts of people being molested or worse within the cult but who cannot ask for help for fear of bringing repraoch upon jehovahs name. now that is demented and wrong.. whoever is enforcing those values deserves to be shot. the brain is a very complex thing and people need to learn to understand it. after all, it controls every aspect of our lives so we should all know about it.. we cannot say we know ourselves without understanding how our minds work.
even if we are not discussing people who are victims of abuse or anything so tragic as that, if people learn to understand why they do something odds are they can change that behaviour if they so desire and are provided with the right assitance. eg. depression, anxiety etc. i do not understand how a "religion" that prides itself on brotherly affection can choose to allow their brothers to continue to hurt without asny real help...
just something else to think about