Maybe someone with better resources can confirm (or dent) this, but...
I'm almost positive I remember reading some crap WT publication, article, or whatnot explaining how witness who had sex changes should determine what restroom to use.
watching a prog on ppl who are neither one sex or the other but are called intersex (wildew hermaphrodite etc) all sorts of conditions that resulted in them being both sexes in one body .it was facinating there were also a couple of men who had found that the reason they felt like women was because they had an extra x chromosone, they d spent all there lives feeling like weirdo's.. iw as wondering if anything liek this had ever come up in the org?
Maybe someone with better resources can confirm (or dent) this, but...
I'm almost positive I remember reading some crap WT publication, article, or whatnot explaining how witness who had sex changes should determine what restroom to use.
if jesus were a jw, do you think he would be disfellowshipped for his conduct?
Jesus never would have been allowed to be baptized in the first place.
They would have sit him down to ask him 100 questions and he would've answered each one honestly and truthfully - but these wouldn't be the answers the WT tells the elders they need to hear. Thus, he would not procure permission to get baptised.
No baptism - no expulsion - and he'd be better off for it. Probably, he'd be 'marked' and members of the local congregation would be warned about having too much contact with the Son of God.
e-watchman has just sent a letter to the governing body accusing them of apostacy and demanding a full investigation by an outside committee!
go to and click on commentary for april!
Unfortunately, E-Watchman (Watchmen?) has made a mistake here (in my opinion).
He's made enough noise to get himself disfellowshipped. If the first set of letters to the branches didn't do it, this last set to the GB members themselves with formal accusations of apostacy will. He's forced the WTs hand, and this is the only card they know how to play.
Now, many witnesses will reject his website outright, because he will be expelled.
I'll be watching his website. It will be interesting to see how his demeanor toward the WT changes as they treat him like garbage for telling the truth.
the bible gives faith a very high value and make faith in god a virtue that is rewarded with everlasting life.
this,,, is what gives the bible strong power,,, over the mind causeing it not to think clearly and see the clever control faith is.
I guess by whether it was shaved or not...
If this is Europe we're talking about, no...that's no help at all.
Sorry for the cheap shot - I just couldn't resist!!
we've managed to get very heated about the iraq debacle but noone on either side of the debate has come up with a sensible alternative to the mess bush has made.
so what would you have done if post 911 you were president?
i would have invaded afghanistan and destroyed the taliban, have got pakistan onside from day one and ensured that their borders were not porous and would have stayed in afghanistan until the job was done rather than the poor job done so far.
Great ideas here, but they're all based on the notion that any one world leader at this time has the power to make such sweeping policy changes.
As good ideas as they are, I doubt that an American President could carry out these changes, even if he had the mind to.
Too much red-tape, too many potential enemies to make.
i've had a few pm's asking about my personal religious beliefs...since my political views are pretty well known.. essentially, i'm a dyed in the wool catholic.
i respect and admire the pope...and disagree with him from time to time.. i believe the bible is the inspired word of god...but it's neither a history book, nor a science book.
everything in it is written through the hindsight of faith.
Hi there,
Does being a real 'dyed in the wool Catholic' give allowance to disagree with the Pope and official Catholic doctrine on so many points?
Maybe this is my JW 'black-and-white' thinking, but if you disagree with official Catholic doctrine and the Church leader himself, just how 'dyed in the wool' are you?
And if it turns out that you're not so 'dyed in the wool' as you thought, that begs the question...'what's the point'??
Not trying ot be a 'ball-buster' just trying to get to the heart of the matter.
i don't know what eles to call it , i guess it is the user what does yours mean?.
i think awhile back i might have asked this,,,,,,,but it was way back and so many new ones here that i am just getting to know, and ones who came in here while i was not here as much.
there may be a thread on this in the last recent months, i am not sure,,,,if so, if there are any new ones who want to tell why they choose their user names,,,,,please do.. i will tell you why my name is lyineyes,,,,,many have asked me that here lately.
...merely the way I percieve myself. A conglomeration of different thoughts, ideas, emotions, influences...etc.
who is the anonymous person behind e-watchman?
many here have wondered and/or speculated about who runs the e-watchman site.
for some of you oldtimers here, what follows will likely remove any and all doubt as to who the person actually is.
I guess it seems more than likely that 'You Know' has something to do with E-Watchman. My question is: do you think he's in this alone, or in collaboration with others like him - a.k.a. disgruntled 'annointed'.
I hold this whole 'e-watchman' phenonmenon in HIGH importance. For a variety of reasons.
was armaggeddon leaving the jw"s for you?
did you feel that after constructive thinking and rationalization you found your freedom?
beans .
In a sense, a personal form of destruction of the psyche. Failure of logic and sound reasoning to soothe the wounds...only because I was trained not to let them.
Painful, yet given the chance to go thru it all over again, I would...only sooner!
Knowing the truth about things isn't enough, that truth must be acknowledged. This is the barrier for many, many intelligent witnesses. The WT knows quite well that it can't really hide the truth about itself. Therefore, the witness mind is programmed ('washed'...if you will), to discount the truth about things if that information discredits the WT.
This is why I believe people like the E-Watchman are so significant. Here's a loyal witness publicly acknowledging the WTs faults, and to some small degree, calling them to task for it. This is the worst nightmare the WT Society could have ever imagined, because this indicates that there are some witnesses willing to call things as they are. Even though his rationalizations for it all damage his credibility, it is still notable that there exist witnesses who are willing to call things as they really are!
In my opinion, this is quite telling, because eventually, more and more who are honest enough to recognize the truth about 'the truth' are starting down the road that will eventually lead them to their own, personal Armageddon.
have you ever had a point in your life, where you get too much information.
have you ever felt that you were better off not knowing certain things?
sometimes i think if a person gets too much information, it can cloud their judgement on things.
Not bliss...more like oblivion.