And you call this a disturbing trend? The less christianity in christian magazines the better.
JoinedPosts by Hyghlandyr
Disturbing trend in WT magazines...
by TheApostleAK inthis may be obvious to some but has anybody noticed the lack of doctrinal based watchtower study articles in wts for the last 2 years?.
lately we've been just getting either "pep talk" articles or articles that are only based on subjects.. the only new light lately is mainly the daniel and isaiah books.
and any new light in wt's is mainly just clarification (usually in the q's from readers page).. from ak
Those people with the cardboard signs.
by Princess inwhat do you do when you see people holding the cardboard signs?
sunday afternoon i was driving to a day spa in seattle for a pedicure.
i was sitting at a red light and there was an older man holding a cardboard sign.
When I was a witness I was dirt poor (which of us werent?). Well I went to see my then fiance in detroit at the Eastern Market. A blind dude was askin alms. I had no money, zilch, enough for gas, if I was lucky, to get back to Wooster. So I walked QUIETLY, WAY, AROUND him... There is no way he could have heard me. But he made a bee-line straight for me. A few days later I saw him walkin in the city lickety split.
In cincinnati people are always panhandlin busfair. One dude asked me one time for the 50 cents it cost. Well I had gotten out of a study earlier in the month, and just bought a bus pass. That was with the last of my money. So I said to this dude, hey man, I dont have any money at all. I was lucky to get a bus pass earlier in the month and I am broke. Then he told me I didnt have to lie to him yada yada yada.
Well that was it. I pulled out my wallet flashing NO MONEY. Turned my pockets inside out with NO MONEY and walked towards him shouting obscenties telling him he needed to give me money because i was dead broke and he had more money on him than I did. He took off.
At that time btw I looked like Charles Manson, long hair, huge bushy beard. Like I said before, when I look like that no one messes with me. I love it.
One time, right after I got out of a study and took my wife to arbys. SOme five for five special or something. I bought ten, she was eaten one and I was. Some dude came in askin for food, so I just gave him the sack. Big deal I had money then.
Another time I picked up a hitch hiker, right after a study of course. Drove him to a shelter a hundred or so miles away in the town he was headin for, gave him a hundred bucks and a few numbers so he could call about studies himself.
So it really depends on the circumstances. If you are gonna try to freakin scam me, watch out. On the other hand if I have just done a study, since they pay so well, who cares, fine takes some money, looks it's paper.
I am pretty apathetic about crap like that.
Inculcation versus setting an example
by larc injw's quote proverbs 22:6, "train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
" now, training in the witness world, as you all know, has to do with meetings, underlining text, making comments at the watchtower study and the book study.
that is how you are supposed to raise a child.. now, my children are an interesting experiment.
Typical family study when we started becoming witnesses (my dad, step mum, sister and two half sisters):
Dad: We have to be prepared because any day now armageddon is going to come and the tribulation. And the governments are going to torture us in the most horrific ways. Tearing our skin from our bodies, pulling our nails off, cutting us with knives...etc.
The elders put an end to those family studies pretty quick when I told them I was wondering what the hell I was doing in this religion if that was all I had to look forward to.
I thought this was funny
by sweetone2377 inmy husband just had a hillarious brain fart.
we were talking about the apostate yearbook thread when he came out with this:.
dress up like dubs, the whole nine yards, with bookbags in hand, full of literature.
Along those lines sweetone, have you ever thought about dressing up in full JW regalia and going door to door. We have a fella on the chat room that has gone door to door. He is pagan and was giving out the witchtower?
In any case it would be fun to follow them, or go to the doors ahead of them, handing out perhaps silent lambs tracts.
Or just going door to door period.
Another thing that would be fun, showing up at the hall in full bondage gear, not lewd stuff, I dont mean that. But I mean having a chick in tow with a steel collar on her neck and a leash, or she on me.
Of course taking the emblems would be funny.
Prayers, are they heard?
by bigfloppydog ini need some opinions on this question please.
if one has left org.
or been df does god hear our prayers?
Jesus is the mediator? Of course, like Flower I say there is no god. Dont know if she thinks there is a Jesus. I dont. Jesus is completely unhistoric without a shed of proof except christian dogma and writings and those in later centuries who believed such things.
The Mormons have this concept. Pray to god. Ask him if the book of Mormon is really from him. Ask him if they are really his church. He will tell you unmistakably, you will know in your heart. I experimented and prayed. God did not answer. I did pray fervently but without faith. The purpose of the prayer was after all to find out if God exists, and whether the mormons were the right way.
Then I decided to try another experiment. Instead I would pray to someone I know exists. So I prayed to the Goddess Bridh. I asked her to tell me the truth. Were the mormons right, because their god was not answering me. She did answer, in my dream. She said the mormon god was true but he was a rather weak god. Certainly, says she, he does not compare to your ancestors. He is right for them. You are right for you, and you already know you are a god. You did not have to pray to me to find that out. To which i replied that it was a shame to waste such a good dream, and that two beautiful deities certainly ought to take advantage of the situation. So we shagged. I have to say she was pretty good.
If you believe the thing already, prayer will only confirm it. If you need god, then pray to him. If a god exists of the sort that the bible says, he will probably hear you. More importantly, if you believe that he exists he will hear you and answer you.
And remember, just because I dont believe in god, does not mean he doesnt exist. My lack of faith cannot affect his reality.
Save Me!
by forgetmenot ini've heard alot of jehovah's witnesses say that the won't say that a catholic person isn't going to be saved.
their resoning is that a catholic person could be in the paradise.
ok if a catholic person can inherit the earth and a jw can inherit the earth, what the hell does it matter?
You are talking about landmine language here....generally this is the pattern of hopping from one foot to the other:
Non-witness: Do you believe that you are the only ones who will be saved?
Witness: No. Many millions who have lived in centuries past and who were not Jehovah's Witnesses will come back in a resurrection and have an opportunity for life.
Non-witness: Yes I understand that much about yall. But I mean, do you think when the end comes only Jehovahs Witnesses will be saved?
Witness:Well, many now living may yet take a stand for truth and righteousness before God's time of judgment, and they will gain salvation.
Non-Witness: Yes Gotcha. Those that are not Jehovah's Witnesses right now, but become witnesses, will be saved. But I am curious whether you think that people who never become Jehovah's Witnesses will be saved.
Witness: Um,Jesus said that we should not be judging one another. Humans look at the outward appearance; God looks at the heart. He sees accurately and judges mercifully. God has committed judgment into Jesus' hands, not ours.
Non-Witness: Yes that is what christians teach as well, that God and Jesus do the judging. So with that in mind, do the witnesses teach that god will only judge people able to be saved who are Jehovah's Witnesses, or will others, catholics, protestants, hindus, also be saved?
Witness:Why don't you celebrate holidays?
We commemorate the Memorial of Christ's oops wait, the answer is right here somewhere, I scrolled too far down the FAQ.....
Non-witness in that conversation obviously is either an ex witness or an educated non-witness. Most non- witnesses would hear the schpeil and think that the witness was saying, yes other people who do not join the WTBTS are going to be saved in the end. When of course that is not what they are saying at all.
Many now living may yet take a stand for truth and righteousness
Taking a stand specifically means becoming one of Jehovahs Witnesses.Also from the Live Forever book we get this tidbit:
Do not conclude that there are different roads, or ways, that you can follow to gain life in God's new system. There is only one. There was just the one ark that survived the Flood, not a number of boats. And there will be only one organization--God's visible organization--that will survive the fast-approaching 'great tribulation.' It is simply not true that all religions lead to the same goal.(Matthew 7:21-23; 24:21) You must be part of Jehovah's organization, doing God's will, in order to receive his blessing of everlasting life.--Psalm 133:1-3
That is from page 255, paragraph 14. The heading is Choose Eternal Life in Paradise on Earth. It is chapter 30 entitled What You Must Do to Live Forever.Chapter 23, from pages 191-202, entitled God's Visible Organization makes it very clear that Jehovah's organization is in fact Jehovah's Witnesses.
Now I recall when the special talk about the donation arrangement was coming up. We knew something important was going on, but we of course did not know what. Many had speculated that marrying outside the organization was going to be a disfellowshipping offense. Yet others that the Society was going to declare plainly that only Jehovah's Witnesses were to be saved.
I have also heard the arguement from Witnesses since I left that they do not teach that only they are saved. In any case I never understood it back when I was a witness, or now that I am not.
Plainly they state that they are Jehovah's organization. PLainly they state that you must be a part of that organization in order to receive everlasting life. They do temper it with the requirement of doing God's will. But the fact is they have taught, that only they are saved.
Now of course everyone knows this is a completely unreasonable doctrine. The sister doctrine of christians, that only christians will be saved, has been met with challenge after challenge, by believers and unbelievers alike. What about people in China before Christ? And so forth. Because it is completely ludicrous that a deity should destroy or torment forever his creation, Jehovahs Witnesses are forced to claim they never taught that. Those who admit that the Society makes that claim, may themselves not believe it. But then like us, there were lots of things the Society claimed, and we did not believe them all, did we?
DF'd, DA'd and anyone else...
by sweetone2377 indo you still have all your wt literature from your days in the "truth"??.
when i moved from ky to ohio nearly 3 years ago, i left all my books, notes, everything, on the bookshelves in my home.
i never packed them up - nothing.
Well I was lucky to have lots of the old tracts from rutherfords time and stuff. Different older witnesses liked me and just gave me the stuff. When I was doing my research from I just needed a few references to verify for instance the 1975 stuff. Not to mention looking 1975 up in the indexes to see how dishonest they were with mentioning those old books.
My wife is still a witness so we have the witness shelves and we have the pagan shelves. Honestly though the pagan stuff is pretty much as full of crap as the witness stuff. So is the mormon stuff, and christian stuff. I wanted to read it all but the more I read the more disgusted I got that most everyone was the same.
That is when I had an epiphany. Stop reading other peoples liturgies. Just create my own. Once I have created my first set of scriptures, then I will read other people's liturgies, IF I have learned speed reading techniques by then. If not then I will just move on to psychology and mind control books to see how close mine fit what they say.
Getting the CD was a pain in the ass. Now I lost it, but it is around here somewhere.
Oh and one important book to keep, 'You can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth.' Page NINETY-TWO. The broad in front is a total ...TOTAL hottie.
Man, my head hurts...
by siegswife indiscussing the wachtower with an active drone is worse than the morning after drinking a bottle of tequilla.
it's worse than banging your head against a steel wall.
it's a freaking effort in futility.
Ya know, JWs probably think all the stuff yall said about them, about me. I usually dont give them much of a chance to speak as I spout this or that theory of mine. Ah, the memories.....
Another computer question.. Debugger?
by Cassiline inwhat is a debugger and why does it always seem to start when a popup comes on to the computer screen?
i have hit yes to debug and no.... hitting yes usually is a long process and freezes my computer and hitting no usually kicks me off line.
is there a program like defragging i can run to stop this nuisance?.
Sadly, this is not a joke.
by dedalus in .
this may be the one dumb thing witnesses haven't thought up yet.. dedalus
I guess being a christian has been more freeing than I realized. I dont see what the big deal is having a mythical deity pictured running around with kids in sports is. I imagine when I was a witness or a pentacostal I would have been very offended.