"Everything happens for a reason."
"Alls I...."
"You know what I mean "(when it is clear that I have no idea what the person is talking about)
" users of this phrase are anything but sorry.
what they mean is "i'm an asshole.
now i'm going to prove it.
"Everything happens for a reason."
"Alls I...."
"You know what I mean "(when it is clear that I have no idea what the person is talking about)
here's a set of youtube videos where propoganda techniques asks a ministerial servant and an elder about various jw related things and catches them lying about the book pay attention to yourselves and the flock.
the reaction of the elder is a must-see when he's confronted with what he said.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5odp3qa6oeo.
Wow, I'm all for exposing JWs as the cult they are, but still couldn't help feeling badly for the MS. He seems so sincere and totally unaware that he is in a dangerous cult. I can only imagine how excited he was to come all the way from Ohio to Bethel. Add to that the opportunity to "witness" to someone during his trip! Only to find out that he would be on YouTube under the heading propaganda techniques. I bet he is still praying to Jehovah to help him deal with any reproach he might have inadvertantly brought on His name.
While I am aware that the elders manual can be considered a secret publication, to any JW, the book is known to exist - it is not a secret in that way, and the information in it is not secret in their eyes either, just used by those qualified to "shepherd."
for me it had to be that i was trained to be judgmental.
i'm naturally a person who doesn't believe everything someone says---just because they say it's true.
still, a "good elder" is supposed to be watchful of what might "contaminate" the congregation.. so, it's time to bare your soul.
when i was 15 or 16 i had to do a part with my best friend about masturbation and why it was wrong.
omg when we were practicing in the back room, we kept giggling.
and then, of course, when the time came and we were up there on stage, we both remembered the parts that we were giggling about in back and started giggling all over again!
When I was 15 or 16 I had to do a part with my best friend about masturbation and why it was wrong.
That school overseer obviously didn't put much thought into the assignments he gave, or any at all. I"d love to know what kind of counsel he gave you after a giving you a subject that made you both giggle so much.
i am still trying to recover from an experience that i had with a c.o.
reading other discussions has helped me to start getting other bad experiences into a better perspective and since the experience with the c.o.
was really the final straw i was hoping that reading that i am not alone would help me in moving on.
Bluecanary - amazing isn't it, how it can take us years to see the light? Even after this visit I was determined to be 'loyal' and not let jerks like him interfere with my relationship with God- big mistake. It wasn't until a few years later that I was able to get a grip.
i am trying to get in the mindset of my jw inlaws and trying to understand how they can shun my hub (their bro and son ) and not come to visit my 5 year old child (grandchild and neice) i dont think i blame them as individuals but i feel real mad with the ones who must make them feel guilty for bothering with us in the past but can longer do so in good conscience .
i never was a jw but how did some of you cope with the shunning thing and did you feel bad ?.
Weird as it may seem, I never personally knew anyone who was DFd. The only ones I "knew" were the people I went up to introduce myself at the KH who told me right away that they were DFd. Since this was in the Kingdom Hall, I never got the chance to try to speak with them (as much as I would have liked to) since even if I didn't mind getting in trouble - they wouldn't talk to me for their own sake. Crazy when I really think about it.
i am still trying to recover from an experience that i had with a c.o.
reading other discussions has helped me to start getting other bad experiences into a better perspective and since the experience with the c.o.
was really the final straw i was hoping that reading that i am not alone would help me in moving on.
On the Way Out,
Wow, your experience is so similar it's scary. The thing I most regret is not speaking up to him - because I was afraid of being "disrespectful." Sad thing is, I went through my WT CD-Rom before his visit and printed out all the things that according to the articles, I had every right to expect from his visit. When I went to pull the articles to read the points out loud to him, I got this strange wave of "no, don't do that" that came over me. I now know I had every right to stand up for myself and wish I had spoken up like you did. The things he was saying were so contrary to anything I had ever read in the WT and I had even listened to an audio drama where a CO came and "encouraged" a "sister" that had slowed down in field service - my visit was handled the complete opposite -so very wrong. And the elder that had come with him made the same show of "concern" for me in front of him just before they left (up until they were ready to go out the door he had said absolutely nothing, and and done nothing before the COs visit, even though he was my BS conductor and PO), but after his visit - nothing. I really wished I had recorded it. Too bad I didn't have doubts about the JW teachings until years later - that's when I was finally able to let go. Even after his visit I was still "waiting on Jehovah."
i am still trying to recover from an experience that i had with a c.o.
reading other discussions has helped me to start getting other bad experiences into a better perspective and since the experience with the c.o.
was really the final straw i was hoping that reading that i am not alone would help me in moving on.
Hard to believe it's been nearly a year since I made this first post. I'm still wondering if anyone here has dealt with this particular CO -if so please PM me if you don't feel comfortable posting about your experience. To those who posted with similar feelings/experiences - thank you.
this is podcast 8 in the death or obedience series.. this was recorded on christmas day 2008.. after our last visit from two local elders my wife felt she could no longer be known as a jehovah's witness and had chosen to disassociate herself in november 2008.. we had been on a family holiday and had returned to find that one of the local elders who had visited us had warned off my mother-in-law from having anything to do with my wife - her daughter.
he also made false statements about one of my children.. i decided to confront this elder at the kingdom hall.
this podcast is the recording of our conversation.. notice how he denies making such statements to my mother-in-law and falsely accuses me of teaching her beliefs contrary to jehovah's witnesses.. i ask whether it's a sin to no longer be a jehovah's witness?.
Kudos for using a recorder - wish I had thought of that on multiple occasions - or better yet, maybe if I did it even once it would have helped me see how screwed up the JWs I was dealing with really were. Anyway, I'm anxious to hear the judicial case - I imagine it was based on your talking contrary to JW teaching (607 and bowing before Jesus) - evidently what you did not know at the time was that by even having such a conversation with a JW about such things - you were in fact (according to them) teaching false doctrine. Sad, but true.
Please post your JC to YouTube -watching videos there is what got me here, and so you may help other JWs (who wouldn't come to a site like this at this time) leave.
recently it's come to my attention that the other teens in my congragation are being pressured by their parents to pioneer.
the main problem is that, like me, they're all "apostates".
because of this amusing turn of events, i'm thinking about starting my own apostate pioneering group with them.
Just say no to pioneer if you don't like service and leave if you don't agree with JW teachings - there are too many hypocritical JWs already, no need to add to the "list."