I have to say that coming to this site has made me feel much better on many occasions. When I first found this site around the second half of last year, my husband and I had been fading for a couple of years and had just started looking on the internet for information about the history of the organisation. That was a real eye opener in itself. However, it was the posts I read on this site that made me realise that I wasn't the only one who thought the way I did about the beliefs I had been inculcated with during my 40 years as a JW. Reading the comments here made both my husband and I feel much more 'normal' about the way we felt about the organisation as well as giving us even more insight into the scandals and coverups going on in JW land. It was on this site that I first read about the WTS involvement with the UN. By that time we had decided we were never ever going back to the meetings, in fact last year we missed the memorial for the first time.
I would have liked to join the forum then, but by that stage it was closed for new registrations. However, I kept on reading more and more of the older threads as well as keeping up with the new ones. Doing this gave me much reassurance that it was OK to feel the way I did, that I wasn't evil or bad or any of the other names I knew I would be branded with (and eventually was) when my family found out we were not going back. It was in January this year that things came to a head with my family. I emailed PurpleSofa for help and she posted my request for help here - the replies I received on this forum gave me a lot of courage to stand up to my father (a staunch elder) and say "No we are not coming back". My brother had sent a letter in December saying he was shunning us, now Dad said the same thing. My sister also now shuns us. Those few weeks around that time were emotionally tumultuous to say the least, so being able to read on here of others who went through or are going through the same thing and how they coped was an enormous help to us.
So thank you Simon for making this forum possible and to everyone on here for the support you give to others.