Flying High
Hope you have a great day.
thought i might be so bold as to get this party going !
happy birthday to fhn and meself, and anybody else born on this date or last few days !
Flying High
Hope you have a great day.
thought i might be so bold as to get this party going !
happy birthday to fhn and meself, and anybody else born on this date or last few days !
All the best for your
You beat me to 50 by thirteen days!
this goes out to my lovely wife !
it's been a great 3 years babe.
lookin' forward to many more !
To Mr and Mrs Flipper
So glad you found each other. May there be many many more happy years together for you.
Best wishes
the images within images are incredible, but the "sum of all the parts" is ....
oops somehow managed to put it in twice!
the images within images are incredible, but the "sum of all the parts" is ....
CoCo and Outlaw: I watched the movie Modigliani last year and really enjoyed it. It was about Modigliani's rivalry with Picasso. Showed some of Picasso's 'normal' paintings.
I couldn't find a clip from the movie that showed the paintings, this scene is where Picasso takes Modigliani to meet Renoir.
i went to the local library last night with my wife.
i am trying to follow the advice here and be very discreet with my fade.
as she browsed over to the fiction section, i ran over to the religious section.. i am in the middle of reading crisis of conscience on pdf right now, and sure enough our local library has "in search of christian freedom" in the catalog.
lepermessiah - glad you're reading Ray's books. It's funny my husband and I got copies of them from the library last year, but we made sure it was a library 50 miles from where we live. There are witnesses who work in our local libraries and one of them is a sister from our last cong.
All the best
so i know many of you guys say the best way to show dubs is to be all happy and all when you exit.....but not all of us are doin that well at it....even though i have lost all friends from my dub life....i really dont want to lose my son and folks....this would happen if i end this odd and painful arrangement of a marriage to a really wonderful wife who is hardcore jw.
my desire for freedom and normal social life, and the 800 lb gorilla in the room we live with are not doing so well...........i am tired of having to leave the house and go in the garage to talk on the phone with my non-dub friends.....tired of totally separate social lives.......tired of rules in place that prevent us from speaking about certain taboo topics with each mental/emotional state is not well and has not been for four years.
so i spoke with my dad very openly and honestly about how i have had to wear "masks" through for school since third grade to fit in....another for my parents and jw friends........and that now i still lead a double life when not around my wife........told him outright i feel jws meet every single definition of a cult btw.......he already knew i felt that way but had never said it so directly........i asked him if he felt history repeats itself and could fds not be just like the scribes and pharisees that made so many rules for gods people that they had actually corrupted gods message............he said he has wondered that before too.
The pain, the heartbreak, the destroyed hopes and plans, the unhappiness and depression caused by this cult is beyond belief. I am really feeling for you at the moment oompa - I know the pain of losing your entire family through shunning. 9 months on and it is still so raw. But what you are facing is much much worse. Don't they (WTS) ever wonder why so many of it's intelligent, caring members end up turning to alcohol to self medicate away the pain being part of this cult causes?
All I can say is hang in there oompa - keep making plans for your own future which I'm sure will one day bring you the peace and happiness you deserve.
sending you hugs and love
the images within images are incredible, but the "sum of all the parts" is ....
Thank you CoCo for sharing these. The images are absolutely amazing to say the least. It would be wonderful to visit the gallery and stand in front of them, watching the images shape shift before your eyes. I spent 3 weeks in Sedona in 1977 and one of my dreams is to spend time there again.
Best wishes
ok i'm trying to prove certain points to a jw i know who has questions.
i need to know what the new light is about the "generation" and if possible where this new light was launched from eg watchtower, which article etc.... also it has been said here that there is a new thinking about 1935, that happened in 2008 i need to know for definate what this thinking is, and again where it was stated in the wbst litriture.... .
please help this could mean alot to alot of trapped jw's... i can think of 4 already....
Thank you Paul for that generation article on your website. It is excellent. I am hoping to be able to use it with someone soon.
this is one post i had always hoped i would never have to do, but after a long and brave battle, my beloved brother in law has died.
i have done a couple of threads on this in the past, so many of you know the battles he was facing.
he had been diagnosed earlier this year with myelodysplastic syndrome and the mortality rate of this disease is quite high.
What a tragic, heartbreaking loss for your sister and yourself and all your families. My thoughts are with you at this very sad time.