I agree with those that say that it is easier to leave if you came in as an adult. As has been stated, usually born ins have so much more to lose if they leave. They have been brainwashed since childhood that being anything other than a JW will mean you are condemned to a horrible death at god's hand and a life of unhappiness and hopelessness lived under the rule of satan. All this mind control makes it so much harder to trust your own feelings and instincts about life, people in general and about the WTS. Plus born ins have been bombarded since childhood with talk of how wicked and evil and satanic the rest of the world is, so even if they do see the WTS teaching as lies, they feel trapped with no where else to go. Being a JW is all you know. It is your security, your whole life. And born ins often have a huge social network of JW friends and family.
That's not to say that some of us born ins or raised in from early childhood don't leave, but it is a really difficult process of deprogramming the fear and guilt and mind control that we have to work through. Not to add the horrendous cost of losing all our family and lifelong friends.
On the other hand those not raised as JWs usually a much more normal view of the world and the people in it, and they would have that to fall back on if they start to see through the JW lies. They would also still have their non JW families and the possibility of reestablishing their old friendships, which is much more than those who have been in all their lives have.
But in spite of all the difficulties and losses incurred in the leaving process I'm sure most of us (born in or recruited) would say it was so worth it.