I heard MJ converted to islam. There are news reports on youtube about it. Also his brother Jermaine, in the statement made after his death, made a reference to Allah.
Does anyone know for sure whether he converted or not?
i talked to a couple of my friends that are jw's this week about this, they said, "well, obviously mj thought it was the truth, that's why he left his kids to his mother, so they can be raised as witnesses.".
why didn't he leave his kids to his brothers?
he has several of them.. bf.
I heard MJ converted to islam. There are news reports on youtube about it. Also his brother Jermaine, in the statement made after his death, made a reference to Allah.
Does anyone know for sure whether he converted or not?
a thowoff from ren's thread obviously.. i am firmly convinced that what is called christianity today - is actually just pauline theology.. if you removed all the portions of the nt that are attributed to paul, and actually accepted as primary the words of jesus and his direct followers - the worldwide movement would look far different doctrinally.
and as far as the fundy's go - they would be lost without the deep judgmentalism and rules oriented thinking of this writer [whomever he really was].. if ren's thread could go 15 pages and counting - why not this one?.
Ak-Jeff have you ever read "Jesus words only; or was Paul the apostle Jesus condemns in Rev. 2:22" by douglas de Tondo?
Its an excellent book that goes into how paul was really nothing more than a self proclaimed apostle who was constantly defending his position in his letters because many early christians considered his ideas to be heresy.
Del Tondo's book uses the bible as well as early church sources as well as the writings of Josephus to prove this and to show that there was in fact great disagreement between the apostles in Jerusalem and paul and his disciples.
he never asks me spiritual questions... but, he just did, and i don't know what to say.. he asked what the issue of sovereignty has to do with us?
why do we have to suffer because of what satan did?
satan has been proven a liar over and over again, so why do we have to keep paying the price?
Islamic Prespective:
Suffering is not related to any issue of God's sovereignty or the original sin of Adam. It doesn't make sense to believe that God created Adam with free will expecting him to be 100% obedient. Any creature with free will is bound to do something sooner or later that is not in agreement with God.
We believe that God created all things to worship Him. " I have only created jinns and men that they may worship Me" Quran 51:56
Although He is not the cause of evil he certainly created the elements for its existance such as hate, jealousy, pride, love, sexual desire, etc. In itself these things are not necessarily bad when used properly. But since we have free will we at times use them in such a way that is detrimental to ourselves.
Since God is without need of any sort, our being loyal does nothing for Him nor benefits Him in any way. Its only to benefit ourselves.
This life is a gift but also a test to see how you use it. If it is used well then paradise awaits the individual.
there was a social event and i was invited to attend.
the event was by a kindergarden school that my 3 year old child had a play.
after the songs and theatrical plays by the kids food was served.. .
I can play that game too. I told my wife since I'm not invited or allowed to enter her family's houses they are not welcome at mine either.
well the convention was extremely long and boring but i decided to take specific notes on brother morris's talks for discussion here on jwd (and i was also able to get a few extra copies of the creation dvd so if anyone wants one, pm me).. overall, the brother is not a great orator and sometimes awkwardly raises his voice.
i am aware that some of the friends were a little disappointed to say the least that we did not get a more "famous" gb brother at the first international convention, but he speaks for the gb, so same difference.. it felt like most of his talks were around a.
) countering criticism about jws and b.
Anyone else from San Diego?
posted by greg staffordat 3:58 amsunday, november 30, 2008hello!
welcome to "watching the ministry.
" my name is greg stafford.
Villabolo, I agree. The elders didn't answer any of my questions either. In fact one told he didn't have to because he believed it was the truth. And whenever they had a question for me I gave them a biblical answer.
In the end the elders where just quiet and asked me "So what do you want to do then!". I wish I could have recorded it.
slimboyfat, are you really in Afghanistan?
personality is expressed, demonstrated & manifested by: emotion, intellect, will.. challenge #4 ~ do you agree scripture proves the holy spirit can / does manifest intellect?.
1. entunkano (g1793,5x) = primarily to fall in with, meet with in order to converse, then to make petition, especially to make intercession, plead with a person.
- rom.8:27 ~ the spirit ... is pleading in accord with god for holy ones.
This is exactly why I left Christianity because of this confusion. The bible contains many different and contradicting views of God as well as other doctrines. Be careful and take heed.
"Say,"O People of the book! Do not exceed the limits in your religion going beyond the truth, and do not follow the useless desires of people who went wrong in old times who misled many, and wandered from the even path" Quran 5:77
"They surely lie who say, "Allah is one of three in a trinity". There is no God except One Allah. If they do not stop from their word, a painful penalty will surely fall upon the liars amongst them. Why do they not turn to Allah, and seek His forgiveness? For Allah is often Forgiving most Merciful. Messiah (Christ), son of Maryam (Mary) was no more than an messenger, (and there were) many messengers that passed away before him. His mother was a woman of truth. They both had to eat their (daily) food. See how Allah does make His signs clear to them; yet see in what ways they are misguided far from the truth" Quran 5:73-75
Lets stick to the path and religion of Abraham (upon whom be peace)!
i am shocked i am even writing this.
for about a year or so, i have hid in the darkness peeking at this site and following everyone else's story.
i have learned more than i expected from so many.
Hello and welcome,
I totally and completely understand your situation. I finally worked up the courage to DA myself about 4 months ago. Like yourself I also held a positition in the cong with overwhelming duties. (public talks, bookstudy conductor, TMS conductor, accounts servant). Having doubts with many statements from the revelation book I started doing investigation about the societies past doctrines up to the present. Being honest with it all I had to admit that I just didn't believe I was in the "Truth" anymore. I knew that there would come a point when I would eventually leave which took me a year and a half to do.
I feared the loss of friends I had come to be very close to, none of whom even knew of my feelings up till a week before I DA. My wife was also another difficult situation. While I came to the organization, for her this is all she knows since she was raised as a JW by a strict JW mother who doesn't say a greeting to me anymore. That upsets me because I was always considered one of her best son-in-laws and form one day to the next she completely turned on me all because i believe some things differently. What can you do?
Although I was scared I had to tell my wife. Although it initially didn't go well, over the course of a year she started to pierce the veil of ignorance and now sees some clear falsehood in their doctrines and reasoning. Maybe some day she will find the courage to leave also.
I don't know if you consider yourself to be religious or not but for me this was the strength for finally taking a stand to leave despite the consequences. I knew that no one can allow the loss of friends or even family stand in the way of ones worship to God since He is worth every bit of sacrifice that can be made.
I didn't leave the organization to seek more freedom to indulge in my own selfish desire. I left for the freedom of worshipping God as I saw to be correct. If you are religious then build on that strength to help you through. Remember you may lose family and friends but it isn't anything that God cannot replace which I've experienced personally. Besides why would we want friends who would turn their backs on us if they knew how we believed.
I hope things work out for you.
" Let there be no compulsion in religion, truly truth stands out clear from error: whoever rejects evil and believes in God has grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold (bond) that never breaks. And God is all Hearing, All Knowing." Quran 2:256
"Surely with every difficulty there is relief" Quran 94:6
i was reading the thread of how an elder parent was snooping on his daughter's facebook.. i believe that many jws, not just elders probably snoop around to see what some witnesses are doing, whether they be inactive, disassociated or active.. do you think jws "snoop" on the internet or if they have access to your computer, do you think they'll try to uncover something about you?.
I know for sure some of them snoop. Some years back the elders wanted to talk to me but didn't tell say what about. We met one night at a coffee shop that had wireless internet access and they pulled up about 20 different myspace pages from kids in our hall as well as others. needless to say there were some pretty incriminating evidence on a number of teenagers. Girls had provacative pics of themselves and there was a lot of bad language used.
While looking through one page there was a picture of some friends and me rockin' out in our punk/metal band at graduation party we played. All I could think was "Oh Crap!". But they didn't seemed to be to bothered. One of those elders was a punk enthusiaist himself. At the hall they put all the teens in the front rows and gave a local needs talk about myspace and told parents to interrogate thier children to find out.
The reason why they involved me was because some of the individuals who had pages were coming out in my wedding. In the end half of the wedding party was not allowed to participate in the ceremony including my brother and sister in law (Friggin' Bastards).
don't know if i'm posting this on correct forum, but has anyone else received an email enititled 'watchtower!
' - i have zero idea how they obtained my email address, as i've only subscribed to ex-jw sites (even then, my email address would only be available to admin?
)- this and one other - (and this appears to be pro, indeed casting aspersions on 'conference call')?.
I just read it right now. I'm planning some kind of response.