Women and men are both notorious also for showing a sense of humour in public, but having none at home once married.
cello...it's not just women...
When we were dating...my then future husband and I would laugh at everything! He had the greatest sense of humor, he'd even wanna tell jokes in public!
I think it was about three weeks after our wedding that I noticed he began to mute all commercials and look away during reruns of the Three Stooges...by the third month, he no longer would even glance at his Mad magazine. I knew something was wrong.
I tried everything...even resorting to slapstick, to no avail. The humor was gone in our marriage.
I tried to giggle alone once when I knew he'd be watching...but, he turned away in disgust.
*sigh* I am embarrassed to say, but...recently I have been laughing with other men on the Internet. I know it's wrong...but, there's all this pent up hilarity.
Blue (of the closet giggling class)