Welcome back (((((Lilacs)))))...missed you!
Posts by Imbue
Me and Minnesota
by WildHorses inwell the kids are home from thier summer in mn and are tucked in (my) bed for the night.
lol guess i will sleep in nikkis room.. anyway, mom and i talked and she wants the kids back for the summer again next year.
my mom and my sister also told me that my grandmother brought up something i said when i was last up there.
Sister Dub's first visit to the gynecologist
by butalbee inat work last week, i was sitting in the break room doing some of my paperwork, there was a couple worldly girls sitting at a table--penny and lisa, then walked in sister tammie, and sat beside them.
i rolled my eyes as i normally do, for sister tammy is the dub of all dubs, always at the hall, always leaving awake rags all over the place, always looking for converts..... okay, i'm there trying to act inconspicuous, for sister tammie is a sister in law to my ex-dumb dub boyfriend, and well, i'm pretty much now satanic in nature to all in that particular congreg.
for what extremes i had to go to, to get him out of my life...but me easedropping on their conversation, at times is amusingly worth it.. "so, how did the doctor's appt.
Many woman are prescribed birth control for acne or regulating menstruation. This is not unusual. It's also not unusual for dub woman to never see a gynecologist. I know a JW woman who was a virgin until, she married at, 30 years old. Then, she had a hysterectomy at age 35 because of fibroids. She never went to a gynecologist until after she was married and she was always very sickly through out her 20's. It turned out that these fibroids had been her illness along.
btw..Medicaid paid for all her surgeries because she and her husband had no health insurance since, they were pioneers. It makes me sick when people take advantage of the system when they are capable of providing for themselves. This is all acceptable to the WT as long as they keep selling magazines.
Edited by - Imbue on 31 July 2002 13:58:21
Tonight's Internet Meeting Part
by Pistoff ini just had to go to meeting tonight to hear the material on the internet.
it was the usual stuff about pornography, many scriptures and three mentions of how jehovah was giving this material to the slave to give to us at this time, so there must be a reason.
of course, satan got three mentions too as one who is trying to ensnare us into abusing the net.. and of course, nothing on the net can be trusted, per the fsd.
"... It was the usual stuff about pornography."
LOL... Once, an elder made a comment about how the internet is 80% pornography I replied, "maybe in your house the internet is 80% pornography but, in my house there is 0% pornography on the internet." If you don't look for pornography then you won't be affected by it's availability. It's the same as walking down the street. If your not interested then you won't see it at all.
Edited by - Imbue on 31 July 2002 13:43:53
Should I go??????
by SpiceItUp inok---a bit of background first.
there is this older lady that has been in my parents congregation ever since we moved to fl (14 yrs ago).
she was the sweetest, funniest, quirkiest woman ever.
Remember you are not a JW so they should not shun you. If they do your mother should complain to the elders because you are supposed to be considered a potential Bible study. Now, doesn't that make you feel better.
Should I go??????
by SpiceItUp inok---a bit of background first.
there is this older lady that has been in my parents congregation ever since we moved to fl (14 yrs ago).
she was the sweetest, funniest, quirkiest woman ever.
Spice: I would go and every time someone preaches AT you tell them about how your friend was a wonderful person. When you go and sit respectfully through this funeral you are showing your love for your friend and noone else needs to interpret anything more from your attendance. This is how you can demonstrate loving kindness toward them because so many of them really don't have a clue. Since they don't know how to respect someone else's beliefs and religious practices.
Bad Day
by Sirona ini'm posting here because i can't find any other forum to post to about this....plus you all know me and you are a great group of people.. i'm having a really bad day today.
all of a sudden it seems to have "hit" me that i had cancer.
i've been all clear for about 3 months, but all the while i've been terrified of it returning.
Sirona says:
I finished the antibiotics yesterday and I can tell that they haven't worked.
Please call your Physician and relate this information since your dentist or oral surgeon may not perform the surgery while you still have an infection. And you can't wait till Sept/Oct to resolved an infection it may spread before then and make matters worse. Many times antibiotics do not resolved an infection and another one must be prescribed. Please follow up soon.
Farkel, research isn't the only important contribution to this forum. Many individuals share personal experiences that are invaluable to understanding the WTS's social system. These writings provide insight into how the WTS has destroyed so many family relationships and lives.
Otherwise I agree with your assessment.
btw..Some fluff is a welcome as comic relief and for socialization.
However ...enough is enough already... *sigh*
Edited by - Imbue on 31 July 2002 4:9:10
Edited by - Imbue on 31 July 2002 13:31:49
Time For A Break
by DakotaRed inthere comes a time when everyone needs a break.
that time has come for me.
i enjoy corresponding with one and all, but due to having so many other things to do; i feel the need to get busy doing them.
Dakota...Please don't forget us here! Your a great poster with insightful comments. I will miss your posts. Your a true gentleman and I appreciate your presence.
Bad Day
by Sirona ini'm posting here because i can't find any other forum to post to about this....plus you all know me and you are a great group of people.. i'm having a really bad day today.
all of a sudden it seems to have "hit" me that i had cancer.
i've been all clear for about 3 months, but all the while i've been terrified of it returning.
Oh my, this is only since March that you had the surgery. Scar tissue takes a year to heal so, be patient and it will improve. Your fears sound normal for your stage of recovery and support from those that have gone through the same process is what you need. You are reacting normally so don't worry to much.
Take care
Borg termonology
by target ina young man i know has chosen to not be a victim of the borg.
his mother was overheard discussing the situation with another "mature sister".
her explanation of his behavior?
Here are two lists of Apostate VS JW code words to read. Enjoy!