Dakota...Please don't forget us here! Your a great poster with insightful comments. I will miss your posts. Your a true gentleman and I appreciate your presence.
there comes a time when everyone needs a break.
that time has come for me.
i enjoy corresponding with one and all, but due to having so many other things to do; i feel the need to get busy doing them.
Dakota...Please don't forget us here! Your a great poster with insightful comments. I will miss your posts. Your a true gentleman and I appreciate your presence.
i'm posting here because i can't find any other forum to post to about this....plus you all know me and you are a great group of people.. i'm having a really bad day today.
all of a sudden it seems to have "hit" me that i had cancer.
i've been all clear for about 3 months, but all the while i've been terrified of it returning.
Oh my, this is only since March that you had the surgery. Scar tissue takes a year to heal so, be patient and it will improve. Your fears sound normal for your stage of recovery and support from those that have gone through the same process is what you need. You are reacting normally so don't worry to much.
Take care
a young man i know has chosen to not be a victim of the borg.
his mother was overheard discussing the situation with another "mature sister".
her explanation of his behavior?
Here are two lists of Apostate VS JW code words to read. Enjoy!
i'm posting here because i can't find any other forum to post to about this....plus you all know me and you are a great group of people.. i'm having a really bad day today.
all of a sudden it seems to have "hit" me that i had cancer.
i've been all clear for about 3 months, but all the while i've been terrified of it returning.
Please see if physical therapy will help with your arm and follow up with your wisdom tooth. An infection is serious and can spread so please follow up.
Does the UK have an organization like the American Cancer Society? If they do, maybe they can direct you to a real life support group.You should call your local hospital and ask for the oncology dept. they may be able to help you find a group for those that are survivors of cancer.
omg i am like super wicked....
you are 29% pure!
You are 51% Pure!
(Very interesting.)
Here's how the REST of the world breaks down, compared to you:
people less pure than you (26%) people like you (1%) people more pure than you (73%)
the background to this thread is that i love wearing (?
) a beard, but my wife hates it.
i've changed my profile pic to reflect four states of facial hairiness (if it doesn't show, hit "refresh" on your browser).. i'm interested in your opinions.
LT, you know where I stand on this important issue. #3 or #4
posted at 12:44 pm edt friday, july 26. .
s.african baby-rapist jailed for life
reuters news agency.
moe says:
On the brighter side at least the infant is too young to recall these events. There are many sick people in this world...
I'm afraid this infant will be affected her whole life despite not being able to recall the event.
posted at 12:44 pm edt friday, july 26. .
s.african baby-rapist jailed for life
reuters news agency.
It is too horrible to imagine anyone who could do this to a baby!
i just wanted to introduce you all to a new member, he goes by the name of pretender.
he made his first post today, and i am hoping he will continue to come in.
he is a wonderful person and he has alot to offer.
Welcome Pretender! Lyin Eyes and WT are the sweetest people and good friends to look after you here. And very clever to warn you about that Norwegian.
WT says: you will like these folks, just stay away from JanH he will corrupt you. lol
No truer words have been spoken!
Edited by - Imbue on 26 July 2002 20:22:58
you are a cog.
cope, whippersnapper, blep, troll, bla bla bla, sad.
Bleep, I have no clue who you are and what your intentions are when posting. I haven't followed all your posts so I looked at some of your threads. I thought some of these topics were good discussions. It's too bad that a few on this thread harass you instead of refuting you with information which is abundant. If you are willing to open your eyes. A few individuals on this thread have grown up in severely dysfunctional families in the org. They react to everything based on their childhood issues. They aren't capable of discussing WT issues with you as a human being with reason. Although you can be a stubborn, as I have read. I don't believe you are unreachable or else you wouldn't be here. Even, YouKnow has changed his view of the the org. peace Page: << 12>>
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Edited by - Imbue on 25 July 2002 20:15:56