JoinedTopics Started by AlexHall
Drinking issues, alcoholism and ex JW's
by digderidoo ini got talking to my mother yesterday about my alcoholism issues and slightly touched upon how my jw past has had a bearing on it.. she was telling me about a lady who cuts my nan's hair who turns out is an ex jw and we know her family.
apparently this lady drinks heavily and every day, at the same time is angry about her jw past and the way she's treated by family even though sh'es not df'ed.. we had a small chat about my alcoholism and that i could relate to this lady.. anyway it got me realising that there are a number here who have similar issues, so i would like to post this link..
it's a forum that covers addiction in general, it has helped me loads.
Watching the Clock
by The Berean indo jws frequently report more time devoted to their ministry than actually spent perhaps for image reasons or to keep other people happy?.
Witnessing to a Witness
by cluless inif i meet a witness on the street who doesnt know me i approach them with a list of each of the translaters of the new world translation and there lack of knowledge of greek and hebrew.
(i keep this list in my wallett) i then show the witness variouse scriptures that have been changed in their bible to support organisational doctrine.
i reafirm to them that the translating committe in their own bible claim to have translated from the orional greek and hebrew but had no knowledge of greek or hebrew.. i then leave my mobile number and ask them to phone me to prove what i have said is incorrect and then i would be happy to study the bible with them.
Why Do So Many DF'd End In Some Sort Of Trouble?
by african GB Member inmost ex-jw's df/da that i know end up living a dangerous life.
some get into drugs, prostitution, gangsterism,etc.
as a result they prove the jw theory that says "whoever leaves jehovah's organisation won't make it" right.. it's difficult for me to say this, but it seems like jw's are partly right on this one.. why do most ex-dubs end up in a predicament of some sort?
Why should I believe the Bible?
by wobble ini don't ask for myself,but my son said last night that he sees no reason to take any notice of a book written by men over many centuries.. could the believers on here give me some ammunition to shoot across his bows to at least get him to consider the bible's merits?.
i am familiar with the arguments against he bible,and my son is familiar with the wt defense of the bible and is not convinced.. thanks in advance,.
Can a person who changed his/her sex be an elder?
by outofthebox inlet's say you (yes you) are a man, but you changed your sex.
and now you look like a woman.
now, you become a witness.
should Elders be held resposible......................
by KAYTEE inshould elders be held financially responsible for actions and decisions that they get wrong?
in my very last congregation we needed some form of heating, in the body of elders there was no air condition expertise at all.. this did not stop them buying a 3,500 unit for this purpose, there was at the time two refrigeration engineers in the hall (myself and another), we were not approached for our input into this purchase.. the outcome was as usual a complete white elephant, it did not work.
3,500 pounds lost.
Do you think your JW family REALLY hates you? Or do they THINK they love you?
by BonaFide ini am referring to some of us that have had bad experiences with our jw family and friends.
even those of us that are "active" but we have expressed certain things about the organization.. do you really feel your witness family hates you?
or does your family think they are being loving to you by doing things "jehovah's way?".
Anyone from Sweden here?
by AlexHall inhi.. im new to the posting-part of this forum and was wondering if there s any other ex-witnesses from sweden in here?.
i v been reading a lot of the topics here and i have to admit it have helped me to start seeing the bigger picture.
it took almost a whole year as a ex-borg before i grew the courage to start reading "apostate" information.