Chorton and the Wheelies! Does anyone else remember?
Trumpton, Camberwick Green & Chigley.
I wasn't allowed to watch Tiswas it was too worldly. Besides we were never at home on Saturday Mornings anyway...
i am trying to remember a kids programme that was on while i was a wee thing during the 70's... now i was only born in '68, so i guess it would be late 70's early 80's.
i remember bears, and animation, but i don't think cartoon.
anyway, please can anyone list their favourite british kids programmes during these times and hopefully i will get an epiphany!
Chorton and the Wheelies! Does anyone else remember?
Trumpton, Camberwick Green & Chigley.
I wasn't allowed to watch Tiswas it was too worldly. Besides we were never at home on Saturday Mornings anyway...
i will review this post when it happens so.....prophecy time!
who will guess correct!
my $50 is on theodore jarc born in 1925?
I think of the GB as the politburo. Russell was Lenin, Rutherfraud was Stalin. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a Gorbechev on the horizon.
It's rule by self-perpetuating committee.
it's always seemed a bit odd to me that ray franz is the only gb member to have ever resigned, particularly for such a controversial religion.. we know from ray franz's books that there is often debate amongst the gb about new ideas sometimes introduced and often they are quite divided in their opinions.. i am not sure when the "governing body" officially began (wikipedia's explanation is messy) but it was quite a few decades ago.
there have been dozens of members of the gb since it's creation (does anyone know the exact total number?).
one would think that there would have been a few more disgruntled gb members over the years who would have resigned if the gb voted against some proposal they felt very strongly about.
The governing body is just the most senior body of elders in the JW religion. That's all it is.
This means they have the same politicing, maneuverinng for positions & cliques as any other body of elders. Maybe they have the tough guys, the softies, the thinkers and the doers.
They have one thing in common: they are all organisation men.
They all have a vested interest: their very livelihood depends on the continuation of the organisation.
They hang together as if their life depends on it, because it does.
A prinicpled resignation now, in the internet age - If the gb person was willing to speak would be even more devestating than Ray Franz's expose. We can only hope!
i'm doing the comments for blondie this week as i believe she and her hubby are on the road.
-read isaiah 63:9, 10.. once again i ask: if he feels so distressed and hurt, then why doesn't he do something about it?
at times, hannah was so discouraged that she would weep and not eat.
Thanks Mary. Even when I was a true believer I couldn't understand why all the pain and suffering was allowed.
I mean even if you follow the watchtower rabbit hole, accepting all the kooky twists and turns needed to believe that a question over the 'sovereignty' of the creator of the universe needs bit-part acting humans to settle it, you're still left with the 'why so long' question.
Job supposedly proved sinful humans could be faithful. Jesus, that perfect humans could. So the question is settled, right?
So why another 2000 years of pain?
gb getting involved with pregnancy........... jwf.
please don't ask me for a pdf scan, as the copies i get are interbranch copies from the us branch with individual coding on them.
I wonder why there's no mention of 'sisters' in the letter. I know brothers and brotherhood are meant to encompass men and women but it just sounds stupid in a letter about pregnancy.
"In order to make sure that our brothers benefit from the information contained in that article, you may want to kindly direct prospective parents to carefully review the material..."
Our pregnant brothers, would that be?
Sapphy, of the met Emma Gough's motherless babies class.
during my life as jw i have studied many, many books of the wt at the weekly book study.. here you will find some of the books considered during the years with their publishing date:.
1955 new heavens, new hearth.
1961 from lost paradise to..... 1962 let your will be done on earth.
Oh, you also asked what ones we loved.
Hmm - I quite liked the mankinds search for god book, until it gets preachy at the end. Learing about other religions, even with a 'they're all wrong' slant was interesting.
The Bible, God's word or mans? was, I thought ,interesting - until I read some of Friedmans' works.
I liked the Revelation book the first 3 times. The fourth time, when I realised I didn't believe anymore, was absolute mental torture. I was surprised I didnt have blood running out of my ears after the fourth time. - Indeed I think I missed about half of the groups. - The same for the Daniel book, 1st 2 times was okay, 3rd time as a member of the concious class, was diabolical.
Zenobia - Quaeen of the South. O RLY???
during my life as jw i have studied many, many books of the wt at the weekly book study.. here you will find some of the books considered during the years with their publishing date:.
1955 new heavens, new hearth.
1961 from lost paradise to..... 1962 let your will be done on earth.
Oh my, so many I hated - while feeling guilty about hating them...
The Isaiah Books. Dull drone fest from begining to end. What is it this week? Is Israel destroyed or restored? Oooh the excitement! - Oh yeah, and it all means 1919 anyway.
The current one 'Keep yourself in Gods love - by obeying Leviticus'. Last hoorah of the old guard, I hope.
Any family book, hated hated hated. 5 paragraphs on women and children being submission and obedient and calling their husbands 'lord', 1 paragraph on why it might be nice if husbands love their wives. Also anything with 'marital due'. Blurgh.
Any creation book, although that was good for my critical thinking as I could tick off, strawman, circular reasoning, false dicotomy stc, sometimes within the same paragraph.
in my lifetime of knowing jehovah's witnesses, i recognized very few as being extremely intelligent.
most seemed to just go along with the program.. i noticed we have a number of "very intelligent" exjws here..
I know quite a few very intellegent, but mentally lazy, JWs. I know a couple of very clever but either resigned or apathetic JWs.
The general attitude in my peer group seems to be 'even if it's all wrong, it's still the best way to live'. I can't get my head around that one.
I also totally relate to longhairedgal's experience.
i've been lurking this board the past few days and reading a lot.. i'm a 30 year old male from an unnamed european country, i was brought up "in the faith" by my jw-parents (my father is an elder and was even the "head elder" (i guess that's not the proper english term, english isn't my mother language) for a while, although i believe he stepped down when i faded away, but was reinstated as an elder later.
i never really had any interest in religion or god, not even as a child, even with my perfect jw upbringing.
it always felt like a chore and i did my jw duties, but just the bare minimum i could get away with, living at home with jw parents (attending the 3 meetings every week, and going to do field work 1 hours on saturdays).. at around age 15-16 i got baptized, i was not directly pressured to do it but some hints were made by parents/elders.
Hello and welcome!
Best outcome is that nothing will happen. Worst outcome (?) is that they will deem you to have dissassociated yourself.
Whatever happens - at least you will feel free.
Good luck and good for you.
does god need an organization on earth today?.
the word of the lord from jerusalem.
because he is jehovah's organization on earth today, right now!
Though-provoking original post.
But my initial reaction to "does God need an organization today" was - well he could probably get away with a really good web page, in this day & age.