Brother Cut and Paste and Brother Throw It In the Air and See what Sticks
Ha, very funny and true.
There has always been a twin strand in the JW leadership. You have the prophetic/mystic side as exemplified by CT Russell and Freddy Franz and the authoritarian/corporate side as typified (anti-typified ;) ) by Rutherford and Knorr.
Since Freddy died, no-one of enough influence and stature has taken over the mystic side, hence now the organisation is imbalanced. This is shown by the more and more legalistic / organisational emphasis in the literature and meetings. There is now virtually no emphasis on doctrine. Everything is about how to follow the rules whether in personal life or in preaching.
A typical watchtower study is broken down like this:
Oh dear Things Are Bad. Humans need rules.
These are the rules.
How lovingly God provided the rules.
Abraham/Noah, David and random minor Prophet followed the rules.
Jesus/Paul followed the rules (optional)
How we can follow the rules today.
How we can help others follow the rules.
That's about 3 weeks worth of 'study' material.