Good topic mind....
I am most certainly happy to be free of the borg... though I was quite happy to become one of em at the time... Ignorance is truly bliss, however temporary I can say in retrospect that I am happier now than I was as a dub. I accept myself now, which I couldn't do as a dub. The quality of my life has improved much since I left the borginisation. Not so much materially, but as a person living my life.
I think happiness is mostly a state of mind... I define my happiness by how content I am in my circumstances... I am a typically happy/content person, for the most part. Lot in life notwithstanding....I'm not typically euphoricly happy... though I have had some pretty euphoric moments. I have also had my share of downs...
For the most part, a balance between the two is what I aim for. I personally don't beleive that a person can be euphoric all the time, and I don't think that would be good for us.. although looking forward to moments of euphoric joy is a pleasure... just as I beleive people shouldn't suffer being down all the time....most of us know someone who struggles with depression of various degrees... we try to help them to be happy....
I think life in general is a balance between moments of happiness, sadness and the mundanity in between. It's been my experience, especially with the young, that it's the mundanity of every day life that some have trouble accepting. A large part of our lives is mundane activity... like doing the dishes... cleaning the house, doing laundry.... making a living or barely getting by....I know my son complains bitterly sometimes that he's bored... but when suggestions are made to him, he rejects them.... prefering instead to complain about being bored.... (He's 18) I cope with mundanity by having interests... I paint, read, write, even dream....I love gardens, people, animals, crafts... you know, all of that... so, when the opportunity arises... I find my happiness that way.
I don't think it's too corny to observe that p
eople are generally happier when they do things that they like to do. The freedom of my everyday life now compared to the everyday drudgery of being a dub, certainly adds to my feeling of "happiness". When you've had it rough, even a little better is better.
I don't compare my being happy to what makes others happy. Even if I'm a little different than the rest of the children... usually not, but sometimes I can stand out like a sore thumb... I'm still content inside. For the most part, I know who I am...I wouldn't trade being me... I think I contribute in good ways and I'm content with that. OTOH, I know people that appear happy on the outside and are absolutely miserable on the inside. Pretenders. I know I couldn't stand living like that. I also know people who are happy and they wreak havoc in other people's lives.... Vicious....and I know I couldn't stand living like that either....
I think the point I'm trying to make is that happiness is not as elusive as most people think... it comes from inside, accepting who you are, and doing what you need/want to do.
I have moments when I'm not happy at all... like when my parents died... when I broke my leg and my dub world crumbled, ... when I lose a good friend... hard to be happy given those circumstances... but I also have comfort at the same time... I still had my parents, (my father in particular was very beneficial in my life, I will always miss him, but I'm so happy I had him) I have a wonderful son... nearly adult now, but fills my life up with lots of life changed when I broke my leg, my dub world needed to crumble so that I could live a better life, if I handn't gone and broken my leg... that my not have happened..... I've made new friends and still cherish the memory of lost friendships... you know..that sort of thing.
Now having more money to have more time to do and have the things I need and want to do more freely, now I can see that making me have more happier moments, and my son would love that!!!!! But as to making me a happier person? I am who I am, and I'm content with that.
Just my two... and a half! I didn't know this was going to be so long!