Farkel- the second commandment is pretty self explanitory, if we all look after everyone else, then no one goes without. But you wouldn't follow the second if you didnt follow the first...
IMHO the first is the most important. If your mum or dad said "please dont play out on the road" would you do as you were asked because your good kid or because you love and trust that your parents know better than you do??? would you heed advice from someone you hated??? or would you play out on the road because mum and dad dont exist as far as your concerned???
Where is mum you ask, go out side and look around- thats her. Where is dad- close your eyes and feel him with your heart!
Parents dont bark orders at their children because they are just mean and want to control everything, they set rules/commandments/bounderies for their children to keep them safe and their household a peacefull and loving place to live...
I didnt miss your main point- just is, I aint a spoilt brat who doesn't like doing as their told