JoinedTopics Started by dig692
I'm new here
by Diamonds ini stumbled across this website a few months back and have often read the topics posted but this is the first time that i've posted anything myself.. all my family are jws - i got baptized when i was 17 but started to fade when i was about 20 and finally left at 22 when i managed to escape to university and move away from home.
ten years on and i am still out of the org but never disfellowshipped (although i would have been if they'd have known what i've been up to!).
the relationship with my family is not great - i get on with some members better than others.
You just have to Remember Me.....
by awildflower insaw remember me this afternoon with my daughter and all i can seriously say is oooommmmgggg!
yes it was that good!
it stars robert pattinson (twilights edward) but hear me loud and clear, it is not a movie for all those screaming 13 year old twilight fans although that's who's going to go see it because of rp.
Open Letter (Reposted as a reminder to all)
by Outaservice inan open letter to jehovahs witnesses.
you may not remember, but i know you very well.
i met you a long time ago when you came to my house with your smiling faces, your neat clothes, and your soft voices and a bible tucked neatly under your arm.
What's your favorite Canadian band?
by lepermessiah insince we have a lot of canadian friends on this board, i have to ask - who are your favorite canadian bands?.
mine is rush.
they have been one of my favorite bands ever since i can remember.. they totally rule........the music and lyrics are all top notch.. the other one is the tea party - jeff martin is a genius.
"The point is that earthquakes are common and always have been,"
by purplesofa insurvivors shiver in turkey after quake kills 51by burhan ozbilici and suzan fraser, associated press writersmon mar 8, 3:39 pm etokcular, turkey hundreds of earthquake survivors huddled in aid tents and around bonfires monday in eastern turkey, seeking relief from the winter cold after a strong temblor knocked down stone and mud-brick houses in five villages, killing 51 people.http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100308/ap_on_re_eu/eu_turkey_earthquake/print;_ylt=aovcmz.3hc_i9x940453ssxbbbaf;_ylu=x3odmtbvajzzatfybhbvcwmxnqrzzwmddg9wbhnsawnwcmluda--.
monday's quake in eastern turkey followed deadly recent temblors in haiti and chile, but bernard doft, the seismologist for the royal netherlands meteorological institute in utrecht, said there was no direct connection between the three.. "these events are too far apart to be of direct influence to each other," he said.. richard luckett, a seismologist from the british geological survey, said there has not been a spike in global seismic activity.. "if there was a big increase in the number of magnitude 6.0s in the past decade we would know it, because we would see it in the statistics," luckett said.
"we haven't seen an increase in 7.0s either.".
Anyone seen Precious?
by Snoozy inthey are showing it on the awards tonight and i really want to see it...just wondered what people thought of it.
did you enjoy it?.
QFR: Should marriages be arranged for true Christians in the congregation?
by sd-7 inin many cultures, arranged marriages are a common practice.
often this involves the parents of both parties making specific arrangements for their children to marry upon reaching a certain age.
sometimes there is money or property given to the parents of the bride as compensation for the loss of her efforts in the household.
Did you read the literature?
by WuzLovesDubs ininitially i suppose i did.
i know i over studied the articles for the wt study because i thought my enthusiasm as a study would make me more accepted.
but after awhile i didnt read the awakes at all except for a cursory glance because i was giving them to people.
Congregation Bible Study Book
by dig692 innot sure if this question was addressed yet, but does anyone know what the next book is that will be studied at the congregation bible study?.
i'm pretty sure we're close to the end of keep yourselves in god's love, or maybe it's finished already, so if anyone knows what the new study aid will be please let me know.. .