I believe that we should allow assisted suicide I watched as my happy exuberant grandfather went from who he was too an angry spiteful malnourished shadow of his former self my grandfather was an extremely dignified man WW2 vet who spent the last YEAR of his life languishing in pain and begging the Doctors to let him die. I will never forgive our society for showing more compassion to our pets than to ourselves.
Posts by LucyA
Right to Die Issue Terminally Ill, Hopelessly Paralized, Etc..What Are Your Thoughts?
by frankiespeakin infirst off let me say this is not about me, i'm happy and healthy.
it really about all the suffering i see people going thru.
examples in my family over the years have caused me to think very seriously this.. i could give you a couple of examples and i'm sure some of our posters can tell other horror stories they'd witnessed where perhaps it would have been much better for them and their family if they could have passed away painlessly and with much more dignity.. one of my sisters developed breast cancer and died after about a 12month struggle, we saw her waste away to just skin and bones, it was hard on me as well as her two young children and husband.
No snow on Christmas day is...
by mrsjones5 injust weird.
so says my daughter.
when we moved to indiana seven years ago when she was 5 and she doesn't remember a christmas without snow.
It's really nice wether in Oz at the moment it'sonlt about 25 degrees C Bom says it's going to get to the mid thirtys. if i say snow here on cristmas (or any day for that matter) I would Freak out! HAVE A HAPPY SUNNY CRISTMAS!
I can't taste my food
by creativhoney inwhat irony is this?
i'm never ill and now i have a horrible cold and im having a roast dinner :(.
Drink lots of water. I hope your better soon!
Of course I do but allot of my good memorys have been overtaken buy the ones of those same people ignoring me. I WASN'T EVEN BAPTISED FOR CHRISTS SAKE!
what to do on xmas day when your all alone?
by highdose insince i don't have the answer perhaps you guys could supply some?.
Hire my fav movies . buy all my favoritesweet foods buy some prawns (for garlic prawns) and sit on the couch all day.
Where do our Icon/Pictures come from?
by EndofMysteries indoes some admin/owner draw them and add them to our profiles or are they randomly put in if you don't do you own picture?.
I dont Know mine turned up randomly today?
Just had really funny conversation with an elder!
by LucyA inmy mother doesn't even try and broach the subject of me becoming a jw anymore because she knows i wont speak to her for months if she tries.
what she does do is get the elders to call me.. an elder just called me as i was downloading some evidence of evolution and happened to mention this to him and he said and i quote.
"oh you dont need to research crap like that i already did and the whole theory is crap" thats it no evidence to back up the statement he just made he just expected me to agree.
My mother doesn't even try and broach the subject of me becoming a JW anymore because she knows I wont speak to her for months if she tries. What she does do is get the elders to call me.
An elder just called me as I was downloading some evidence of evolution and happened to mention this to him and he said and I quote. "Oh you don’t need to research crap like that I already did and the whole theory is crap" that’s it no evidence to back up the statement he just made he just expected me to agree. Here’s the part I found funny when I was still "IN" I would have done just that agreed. Ten years later that statement is so insulting I find it comedic. LOL
Since leaving JW's I decided to convert to
by purplesofa inevery religion (just in case).
Good plan hedge you bets! LOL
The other day at Wal Mart, a hot blonde chick with blue eyes was with a guy.....
by asilentone inthe other day at wal mart, a hot blonde chick with blue eyes was with a guy, we smiled at each other few times while we were doing some shopping, i could not bring myself to say hi or something like that, i was not sure if she was with his brother or her significant other (bf, hubby???
) i wish i could handle it differently, how can i know that she is with her brother or her husband or bf?.
guys, how would you handle the situation?
Next time say hello and smile it will only serve to brighten your day and hers.