JoinedTopics Started by Girlie
Not sure of what to do
by Girlie ini have a very close jw friend who i have known for a number of years.
she was like the big sister i never had, always looking out for me and was very helpful during my challenging moments.
we both came into the religion around the same time and both of us were pretty much fringe dubs, just making the bare minimum to be considered jw in good standing.
CDC Recommends Preparing for All Disasters -- Even Zombies
by Girlie inslow day for yahoo news.
normal natural disasters are floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes and being prepared for disaster means being ready for any type of emergency -- including zombies.
Tuesday, May 11th Daily Text - The nerve!!!
by Girlie injust thought i would share what the borg is dispensing as "spiritual food at the proper time" .. .
tuesday, may 11. quickly.
they forgot his works; they did not wait for his some may have left gods flock because they did not agree with some scriptural teaching.
International Conventions - Have you attended any of them?
by Girlie induring my time in jw, i always had a desire to attend the international conventions, but never had the opportunity to do so because it was always extended to the elite class 1st (pioneers, elders, etc.
) and peons second.
in my congregation, the same pioneer sisters always hogged the opportunity, leaving others to only hope in the day they can go.
How do you handle JW encounters?
by Girlie inso this past saturday, i stopped over at my parents' home to take care of some business.
as my brother dropped me off in front of the house, lo and behold, the witnesses from my previous congregation were parked right in front of my parents' home.
damn..... they were in a car group working a frequent rv who lives next door to my folks.
Email & Texting.....The JW way of personal communication
by Girlie ini came across an email this morning from an old jw acquaintance, stating that she hasn't heard from me in a while (about 4 or 5 months) and was wondering how i am doing.
she goes into this spiel about how she is mentally exhausted from family, ministry, etc.
she then ask me to contact her at home after 3 p.m., leaving her phone number.
by Girlie inand then, immediately after babylon the great is destroyed, almost without a break, look at matt 24 :29 -immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.. now in what sense will the sun be destroyed and the moon not give its light?
are you ready for that?.
and you'll fall across the finish line into the new world !
I knew this day would come
by Girlie injust when i thought i could be successful in my fade and out of the radar, an elder from my old congregation has started the search and rescue mission on me.
he and his wife came to my parents' home yesterday looking for me.
thank god i wasn't there.
FRIENDS VS Theocratic FRIENDS - Gag Alert!
by Girlie ina jw associate emailed this to me.
exudes of typical jw smugness towards "worldly" folks.
has this been your experience in the borg?.