Disillusioned: I fyou do that, let us know what happens!
Posts by Cacky
For those still attending meetings: Here's a comment you can make on this week's "Bible Highlights"
by sir82 inthis week the assigned reading is lamentation chapters 3-5.. here's what the nwt says at lam.
13because of the sins of her prophets, the errors of her priests,.
there were in the midst of her those pouring out the blood of righteous ones.. 14they have wandered about as blind in the streets.
I am just happy she won. I hope it makes a big difference and is the real beginning of the end for that family and people destroying cult.
This made me awfully sad
by corpusdei injust came across this post, where a disfellowshipped blogger posted the letter from his witness mother in which she cuts off the relationship between them.
although i was the one to slam the door and cut off communication with my viper of a mother, my heart goes out to this guy - it's to their shame that the witnesses allow their religion to do this to family..
So the org has just destroyed two more people. I just posted this on my facebook page. The mother says no one tells her what to do, but what she doesn't realize is that with all their articles about shunning your df'd relatives, they are telling her how to think.
I remember a meeting part about a man and woman should NEVER allow themselves to be alone together. It was uncomfortable if only a male and female showed up before others for service. Usually the guy would step outside. I guess if there are only two for service and it's a man and woman, they have to cancel and go home?
Update: I'M HAVING A BABY!! Yay! but...
by lil.lady.03 ini don't no why, but i tend to lurk more than i do post.
sometimes i feel like i don't have anything to worth while to talk about.
Don't have time to read the other posts, but I'd certainly bone up on all the major holidays, Christmas, even New Year's, Easter and Halloween, then even the smaller ones. Most all families due the Christmas, Easter and Halloween. The others, it varies from family to family. But those holidays bring such joyful memories to a child, that your child will grow up with different and much more joyful memories from those you had. Birthdays are kind of family to family, too. Some always have a huge party for the the whole family. Some just have a cake and give the child a present, that's what my family did, we'd have a cake with candles after supper, made a wish and blew out the candles. But even those memories, of seeing the cake sitting there in anticipation (oh, you need ice cream for the cake, too). Anyway, your child will develop wonderful, joyful memories that you probably can't imagine. My grandkids' belief in Santa is so joyful to see. They truly believe. And these traditions are not necessarily religious, there really was a man, a priest, who in some ancient times, used to leave boxes of clothes, shoes and toys on the doorstep of poor families from time to time in his area, and that's what started the Santa Claus tradition. I believe he usually did it in the winter, when he saw kids without warm enough clothes or shoes. So see, no religious attachment. So what if he was a priest, anyone could have done it and started the same tradition. And I read in ancient times, in Germany, people used to decorate the fir trees during the long dreary winters just to make things seem more cheery, so what's wrong with that? Nothing religious.
Anyway, that's my take on things.
JW Study - OUT!!
by uk_ex_jw ina few months ago, i posted about a study who was getting baptised this summer at the upcoming dc.. we discussed a few things on fb.
i showed him evidence that the watchtower does not have the truth.
the last i heard was that he had gone to the elder's with the information i had given him.. i haven't heard from him since.. however, yesterday he contacted a jw, elder's son on fb.
I'm sure, as a guy, he was getting overly love bombed! Especially by the men in the cong. Well, the women, too, for that matter! I think also if possible he should be made aware of why the love bombing stopped and give him some kind of encouragement.
By the end of the year, what will the org look like ?
by mP inim predicting a loss in both numbers in the us and western countries with significant drop in hours preached particularly in the usa.. commetns ?
I hope and believe this lawsuit should trigger many more. We all know the pedos in the org are in a very high number compared to general population.
Kendrick in good standing in Oakley Congregation ... wow !
by RubaDub incan anyone imagine the what the elders in his current congregation must be going through ?!.
in their ideal world, they would have df'd him once they knew there would be a trial so they could play the card "he's not one of jw's.
" but since it occurred in a different congregation and he was already punished, there is little they can currently do.. wow, imagine the buzz in the kh when the info started leaking out.
I remember once an announcement was made that parents shouldn't let their children go to the bathroom by themselves. At the time, I wondered if some boys were messing up the bathroom or something. Only after leaving the org did I learn that was supposed to be code for, their is a pedo in the congregation!! Like how were we "rank and file" supposed to know that?
Did anyone else get somewhat offended by the term "rank and file" that the WT attorney used.
by life is to short ini was just surprised by that term being used by jim mccabe when he said "jonathan kendrick was not a leader or a pastor, he was just a rank-and-file member.".
i thought that was only an apostate term and also what a put down to us lowly members.
we are just a rank-and-file person.
I thought it sounded pretty offensive to the rank and file jws, too.
I learned only in recent years that when my husband was sick 20 years ago, he developed a condition where his body destroyed ALL of his blood platelets, he was not expected to live the night. If he so much as coughed or sneezed, he would have bled out. His blood pressure was extremely high and they expected a massive brain bleed. Somehow that didn't happen, though. He was in the hospital for several days, including during our congregation's two day assembly, and all the "friends" would have driven past the hospital on their way homes. Not one visit. Not one. ANd recently I learned that my kids, who are grown now, back then, once we got back to the meetings, the kids were being told by other kids in the congregation that their parents said that my kids' dad must have taken a blood transfusion or he wouldn't have lived! He didn't, he happened to not have a bleed out that they expected, he was very fortunate. Now I realize why we were always looked down on, they all thought we secretely had him take a blood transfusion! What love, that's all I can say!