(((((((Nina and Family)))))))
I'm so sorry you are going through this. I've been there when Greg and I were taking care of his grandparents. If you need anything, please call me.
my mom's nursing home called today to tell me that the doctor recommended that she go on hospice care.
they said she has entered the last stage of alzheimer's and is not taking in nutrients, just liquids.
i'm going there tomorrow morning to fill out the necessary release forms.
(((((((Nina and Family)))))))
I'm so sorry you are going through this. I've been there when Greg and I were taking care of his grandparents. If you need anything, please call me.
lyineyes posted that in another thread and got me thinking.
i always wanted one, but there would be none of that you know...elders didn;t mind having shotguns to go hunting birds with, but no bb gun for you young man!.
Just make sure you wear your goggles.....I spent Valentines night in ER with my son who got shot in the eye.
the reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of .
his tongue.. -anonymous don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are .
wonderful.. -ann landers if there are no dogs in heaven, then when i die i want to go where they .
Your dog is beautiful, is she a spaniel or a setter?
the reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of .
his tongue.. -anonymous don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are .
wonderful.. -ann landers if there are no dogs in heaven, then when i die i want to go where they .
I love those Nina!!!! I love my dog like part of the family too.
i am in the process of writing a letter to my mother.i have been told by family members that she knows im going to come back into the fold.and has thus decided that untill i do she will not be in the same place as i am again.this also includes mt parents 50th wedding anniversary in june.my father wants me there is has never been a jw.but mom has decided that if i attend then she cannot.this all added to the fact that she is in continual contact with my eldest daughter to "keep consistent" in their treatment of me.i am angry and intend to explain to her the fact that i will never be a jw again and to explain to her why.. i have seen many wonderful letters others have posted to family members.im just looking for anyone who has any ideas or thoughts that i might be able to use in my letter..
My dad never was a JW either so sometimes my mom has an "out"(excuse) to associate with her df'd kids with him being the "head of the house." Not that she does very often but once in a while she will attend something saying "well my husband insisted that I go." Whatever!!! I feel your pain and all I can offer is to tell you to hold on to your dad. Some people don't have any of there family so I consider myself very lucky to have him. He comes over for dinner and lunch without her and life goes on without my mom.
i havent prayed in years.
i quit praying while i was still going to meetings.
i stopped praying when my elder ex would pack the kids in the car and say if i didnt go to the meeting then i wouldnt see them again.
Wow Stephanie,.....I'm right there with you. It's strange I was just thinking about that this morning.
you might be an apostate if...........you find your forsaken bookbag , covered with mold,,and the issues of the wt dating back to 1975,,,,,and the end didn't come.. you might be an apostate if.........you have a wiener roast and use the bound volumns to start a bon fire in the front yard for all the elders driving by to see.
sumpin,,,,,,,,along those lines........i am sure ya'll can come up with some things better than this .
but , ya get the idea.
you might be an apostate if you say "we have new light" and you really bought a lamp
i'll start.
"at least i know god's name is jehovah!
".......any others?
"we have new light"
"for conduct unbecoming of a christian"
we noticed you didn't turn in a time slip this month, was that an oversight or are you getting weak"
i have been struggling(as you know) with depression and feeling like crap...finally the depression lifted enough that i got off the meds yahooo but i still was sluggish (read sloth-like) unable to be the happy, laughing person i remembered from 2000 before my life spiraled.
thunder has tried everything and i just decided to laugh even if i didn't feel like laughing and smiling even though i didn't.
it wasn't him or my life just the risidual effects of low-grade depression.
Sheila I'm glad you found something that works for you. Have you ever tried taking Kelp capsules? I don't know why, but it helps me alot. I just have more energy and feel better when I take them.
Oh and Happy Birthday Missy Lissy....I see its your birthday!!!!!
let's try this one... who goes to college?.
what college do you attend?.
what subjest are you taking?.
I attend Texas Wesleyan a fine Methodist University here in Texas (never would have done that as a dub)
Right now I'm taking Ecommerce, Accounting Information Systems, Calculus, and Accounting Independent Study
Worst subject - definitely calculus..... I just don't think that way