Was anyone else told this?
They need to tell that to the elders that were on my judicial committee, 'cause they sure seemed to keep asking me if I wanted to come back, for like, 2-3 years so far...
on one hand i'm glad she's ok. rather sickly.
but once she got word i've been inactive, she's all hot and bothered to get me back to meetings.. "did you attend the memorial this year?".
Was anyone else told this?
They need to tell that to the elders that were on my judicial committee, 'cause they sure seemed to keep asking me if I wanted to come back, for like, 2-3 years so far...
I don't always agree with the Governing Body,
But when I do, it's because I have no choice
2:24 through 5:12 of the following video says they did:.
The Jehovah's Witnesses should not be allowed to forget about this talk!
Funny thing? That very badge is prominently shown in a display case at the Assembly Hall my former cong. goes to! So the truth about it is hiding in plain sight. I mean, when you say things in print, publish them around the world, and then deny that you ever said them, what more can you possibly say? Either you're lying, ignorant, or delusional.
was just browsing this new issue and trying to make head and tail of what they are talking about, and noticed the final article tucked away on-line;.
not sure if anyone commented, but it takes me back to the discussions on god's earthly org chart here.. this is what they have to say.... "how many times have you said that to yourself or to others when you opened a new issue of this magazine?
For example, give some thought to why the first illustration of each study article was chosen for that article. What does it portray? How does it relate to the title of the article or to the theme scripture?
So that picture at the start of 'Who Really Is the Faithful Slave?' A Watchtower Study that has, as its first illustration, a picture of a Watchtower...so the Watchtower Study is about The Watchtower? It means that the magazine is portraying itself as the answer to the theme scripture, which is sort of circular reasoning in photographic form. And maaaybe just a little self-worship there, too. I could be wrong.
so i get a text message this morning from an elder (also an old friend) from my hall.
(mind you i haven't been to meetings in months) he says the following:.
elder: did you hear about what happend in bos?
Interesting. I never really understood that kind of thinking. Of course, when 9/11 happened I was first starting to have some doubts about the JWs, though I didn't research it until nearly 8 years later. But even then, I wasn't thrilled, I was horrified at the death and destruction, and grimly aware that war was on the horizon, that people would be calling for blood. I did of course wonder if that could lead into the governments turning on religion, but nothing about the thousands more who would surely be dying sounded particularly good to me, that's for sure.
when i read my copy of the watchtower and read this "supposed" story of steve hitting selma, her jw "bible" teacher, reading her a scripture, telling her she needs to be a better wife, so this good hearted, god fearing, passive, already abused woman, who wants to be a christian, and wants to obey the "will" of god, stays with an abusive mate for 17 more years...then hallelujah...he becomes a jw!
what a screwed up scenario!.
what if the "bible" teacher said, "you need help!
Abusers gotta abuse!
Sounds like something 00DAD would say. But good point. "It's called an oubliette. That's French for 'a place of forgetting'. No bars, no locks...just walls of air."
right at the finish line - seems too coincidental to be anything other than a purposeful act.
My bad. I put it under "Poitics and Current Affairs" - didn't see the "News and World Events" category.
Hey, no big deal. Probably inappropriate to nitpick about that right now. It has exploded into political fighting on MSN, that's for sure. I guess the way American culture is now, there's such a thing as being too divided to unite when it counts most, you know?
Speaking of MSN, they're saying injuries around 48 people or something like that. I'm guessing it may be much higher than that. Fox News has a headline saying that they have a 'person of interest' under guard.
when i read my copy of the watchtower and read this "supposed" story of steve hitting selma, her jw "bible" teacher, reading her a scripture, telling her she needs to be a better wife, so this good hearted, god fearing, passive, already abused woman, who wants to be a christian, and wants to obey the "will" of god, stays with an abusive mate for 17 more years...then hallelujah...he becomes a jw!
what a screwed up scenario!.
what if the "bible" teacher said, "you need help!
It does seem odd that a woman who was hit by her husband for 'trying to make a point' is then told that she needs to be more loving. Would being more loving have prevented her from being hit? Leaving would probably work a lot better if your man is hitting you. Odds are it wasn't the first time and wasn't the last time, either. And since the WT rule is 'extreme physical abuse' to allow for separation, poor Selma is just digging a hole big enough for her now-JW husband to shove her into.
But this is nothing new. WT has been teaching a warped view of women for decades now (I'm sure there are still some women being interrogated by elders after being raped, to be sure they haven't 'committed fornication'), so...there you have it.
right at the finish line - seems too coincidental to be anything other than a purposeful act.
One would think this story would be under "News & World Events" rather than "Politics", but semantics aside, son of a beast. Sounds like this was part of a considerable plan, if multiple bombs were around. No reason to assume anything about anyone until more details come in. All we can do is hope the loss of life was minimal, as if that can even matter, since one life is too many to be lost at the whims of terrorists.
Well...I'll just wait for more data on this and shut up now. I wonder if the suspects are still out there? I hope those who are badly injured will be able to make as full a recovery as possible.
this is what i get from the beginning.. some high level, supposedly beautiful, angel used his free will to go his own way.
we were told to call this one "satan.
"supposedly 1/3 of the un-named angels used their free will and followed satan.the first 3 humans in the bible used their free will and went their own way.the 4th human was offering sacrifices that god liked and, so, god liked the 4th human.
Actually, it's more like it was all good until somebody decided to break the rules. And then somebody else, and so on. All things considered, it would've been more efficient to (1) assassinate snake-Satan, (2) memory wipe all created beings that saw you do it, (3) chillax and open a keg of newly created Divine Wine.