JoinedTopics Started by Heartbreaker
A few items of business
by Heartbreaker ini ordered both of franz books, and have received just by dumb luck the coc first, and will start reading it tonight.
my husband hates to read, and i could spend every waking moment doing so, so i have committed to reading the book aloud to him, and we will do so in the evenings for as long as it takes to go through the whole thing, and then start on the 2nd.
also, i've decided to start looking into getting my rn degree, i've always thought i'd be good at it, and it should follow me if i decide to move, nurses are needed everywhere.
Follow up to my saga
by Heartbreaker ini realize i'm a bit quiet here, and most if not all won't remember my story, so here is a brief synopsis.
i recently decided that i'd rather pursue life rather than a future life promised but not realized.
i was fortunate enough that my husband agreed in that he didn't want any man telling him what he had to do, or how to live, and so left with me.
by Heartbreaker inso if the org is a greedy corporation, which is interested in money, why preach in the prisons?
what is the point in that?.
Email sent, I did it
by Heartbreaker ini sent an email detailing why i am not ok with my kids being with my (in the past) abuser father, and in turn mother (forgiver, hider, fascilitator).
i also touched on the fact that we do not consider ourselves to be jws, or held to the laws and rules of such, nor do we view the elders or congregation as an authority on us.
that she could print the email and give it to the elders if she wanted, but it would surely hasten the announcement of our disfellowshipping if she did.
The funny and the laughable
by Heartbreaker inrelative was reinstated recently .
then....i get a voicemail (from an ignored phone call) from my mother asking to have the youngest three kids this weekend, for "something fun for the kids" and since they can't fit more than 3 in thir car, they want the youngest, and this on the heels of me sending a email to state that i was remembering some damaging things from my childhood (father confirmed pedophile, but until recently it was assumed i was excluded from this) and that i needed some time and some space.
her reply was that i shouldn't let things affect my relationship with jehovah, ruin all the hard work i've done in keeping my kids with jehovah in their heart, and that she did the best she could.
Apologies in advance
by Heartbreaker inthis post may be all over the place.
i've still been reading, any chance i get, but don't post often because of circumstance.
i will have those "aha!
Whats the trick
by Heartbreaker inis there something special to be done when trying to read mail?
never fails, i try to read it about 20 times and it's always error and a lot of code...then finally i get it to work and i have no idea if i did something special, or hit the right combo of buttons.
back arrow, refresh, f5, back arrow, log out, log in, open the mailbox, open the message, open the mailbox, f5, jump up, jump down, sneeze, wiggle.
What do you think....can they???
by Heartbreaker incan the elders disfellowship a person for using their own literature and scriptures in a way that makes them look bad to discipline a person?
i am getting ready to send an email to my torn and tortured sister who is df'd regarding the practice of it, how the wtbts adopted it, and scriptural reasoning that show its a harmful practice at best.
she is still convinced that she should try to be reinstated, and i am partially afraid she could print it and show it to the brothers.
by Heartbreaker inok, so you've gotten past the fact they are not jehovahs channel of communication, and that it's just a bunch of men behind the curtain.
so then the shift goes to why do they do it?
i mean control is ok, some people crave it, but what is the big pull?
New here
by Heartbreaker ini have no idea what i want to convey in words here on this site, and have surprised myself by even joining at all.
i intended just to read, and get a few pieces of information, and now am a member, and spend many hours looking through posts old and new alike.
i am a current jw, born into it, and lets just say i'm in my thirties, female, and a mom of more than your average kids.