"....by using our material assets to further kingdom interests we prove our friendship and love, not just in word but in deed and truth..........when we donate money toward the maintenance and construction of of our meeting facilities and when we contribute funds toward the worldwide preaching work"
Blues - I thought the same thing.
I was going to start a thread on this WT study since I went with my wife yesterday, and i was ready to go ballistic.
I was in a bad mood the rest of the day, but I didnt tell my wife why!
The totally take the Christianity out of being a Christian......I am so sick of it.
I just read an article about a gentleman who gave out millions of dollars to people anonymously - he was known as "Secret Santa". He would walk up to someone who looked like they needed a boost and give them money. He touched thousands of lives and would not allow his identity to be made known until it was evident it would come out in the media. Even then, he had terminal cancer and still sounded like nothing was wrong.......now that is the spirit of Christianity and kindness I admire.
Article Review:
How can we be friends with Jesus?
1) Obey the Faithful and Discreet Slave in everything
2) Give the WTBS your money
3) Obey the congregation elders
Every FREAKING article lately is the same thing - even hard core JW's must be tired of it.
It should have said - "your funds help assist us when we pay out tens of millions of dollars to the victims of pedophilia that we let run rampant in our congregations"
Blindly obey the F&D Slave since they are never wrong.
Obey the congregation elders, even though most of them are clueless, self-righteous, pompous A$$-Holes!!