We put WT and Awake magazines across the back dash so they could be seen by other motorists.
Did you count the time for that?
this picture i took about a year ago in munich assembly hall, where it was proudly presented how inventive jw are to invite public to district convention.
its quite unusual for jw (sign of mainstreaming?).
have you ever heard of something similar in other countries - using advertisemnets, billboards etc to preach / invite ?.
this picture i took about a year ago in munich assembly hall, where it was proudly presented how inventive jw are to invite public to district convention.
its quite unusual for jw (sign of mainstreaming?).
have you ever heard of something similar in other countries - using advertisemnets, billboards etc to preach / invite ?.
it was proudly presented how inventive JW are to invite public to District Convention
Was that joke your own Albert, or the JWs came up with it? I can imagine they really thought a billboard is inventive - they do this all the time, thinking they deserve a pat in the back because they use such "modern day" technologies as library software (way outdated by today's standards), DVDs (what, years after DVD got mainstream, and the world is already starting to leave the standard behind?), the Internet (riiiight... ).
i had my sad (and what a sad day for me it was) maybe a little over a month ago... the concluding talk was given by some bethel douche.
his name is don or john larson / larsen.
his wife's name is emma (maybe it was enema?).
I couldn't understand all the words in the video, but no need, the cult factor is obvious from the parts that I did understood.
Unfortunately having high cult-like elements will change nothing for the ones that are truly in, and even those who are out might not realise the problems. When confronted with the fact that the GB made several mistakes over the years, and those mistakes cost some people their lives or quality of life, she just said she doesn't care if the GB makes mistakes. Those are obviously not from Jehovah, but if God didn't find it necessary to fix it in time, then it shows our obediance to God that we do as the GB says. Yep, she's deep in
with local membership declining, the congregation has merged with the kingdom hall in rockland.. .
said the two congregations recently decided to combine to be spiritually stronger ... so we can continue to do our preaching work, and take care of one another.. .
I think we harp on this because they have always said to us that their growth was proof that they are God's organization.
Oh, but you know the WTS, they see proof in anything, it's really not hard to convince people that the numbers going down is sign that they are God's organization - you know, narrow path, cleaning of congregations and all.
in honer of a privious thread i thought about trying out some stupid awake titles.
am sure everyone else will do better but here goes.... awake!
cars horns- is it christlike to honk them?.
just a thought.
lets just say for a moment that we belive the bible account of eve eating the forbidden fruit.
the bible clearly states that she was decived and thats why she ate.
i keep hearing this chatter regarding a new rule regarding the holding of your spouse's hand during a congregation prayer, which, i agree, would be ridiculous.
but where did this rumor start, or was it just some free-lancing elder expressing his own opinion, which escalated to this ripple effect that i see here?.
i haven't seen any less holding of hands at the kh i go to....
Sheeez I really hate it when people take stuff and just push it to the limit of reasonableness....I had a freakin enough of it as a dub
Maybe it's a custom people picked up as dub To be fair you are right, the article does mention: "Some marriage mates might discreetly hold hands" and it's not forbidden. The thing is dubs do tend to go to extremes when given an advice, especially elders, so I can see people getting counseled because they held their spouse's hands.
i keep hearing this chatter regarding a new rule regarding the holding of your spouse's hand during a congregation prayer, which, i agree, would be ridiculous.
but where did this rumor start, or was it just some free-lancing elder expressing his own opinion, which escalated to this ripple effect that i see here?.
i haven't seen any less holding of hands at the kh i go to....
Here ya go, I think this was the first thread, November 15 WT study edition: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/182223/1/November-15-Watchtower-Study-Edition-discourages-showing-affection-to-your-spouse
Another gem from the same edition - article to be studied December 28 - January 3 (which most will miss lol coz of summer vacation) entitled "What do Your Prayers Say About You?" page 6 para 19 reads:
19 When we are being represented in public prayer, we need to display reverential "fear of God." (1 Pet 2:17) There may be a proper time and place for some actions that would be inappropriate at a Christian meeting. (Eccl 3:1) For instance, suppose someone sought to have all in a group link arms or hold hands during prayer. This might offend or distract some, including visitors who do not share our beliefs. Some marriage mates might discreetly hold hands, but if they embraced each other during public prayer, those who got a glimpse of such conduct might be stumbled. They might think or get the impression that the couple was focusing on their romantic relationship instead of reverence for Jehovah. Out of deep respect for him, let us therefore "do all things for God's glory" and avoid conduct that could distract, shock or stumble anyone. - 1 Cor 10:31,32; 2 Cor 6:3.
i have tried to debate evolution/ark a couple of times with witnesses.
two of these were elders, and one had the benefit of conversing with me over mail; he also showed an interest and knowledge on some scientific subjects that told me he had studied it a bit by himself.
What did you do? Did you just shrug it off as yourself not having enough understanding of the FDS's arguments? That satan was pulling the strings? That the FDS was 'dumbing down' things to make it easier for some to understand?
Yes, indeed I was thinking that the FDS was 'dumbing down' things to make it easier for some to understand. I thought some arguments are not entirely convincing, but the more convincing arguments would be too hard for some. I presented some of my objections to my wife, and was labelled as an 'evolutionist' So I just shrugged it off and kept it to myself, thinking there must be some counter-arguments out there to these objections too. I still feel some JW (most probably ones in the writing comittee too) could conjure up better arguments in favor of doctrine than the ones printed.