Thinking of you SD-7.
JoinedPosts by sherah
New ex-JW memoir coming out...
by brizzzy ini don't post a ton here because i'm kinda shy.
that's the amazon link (which is currently the most affordable, i believe, but it's also available for preorder at b&n, borders, indiebound, and indigo-chapters if you're in canada, if you prefer one of those retailers).. .
Congratulations on your book! I'll check it out.
Stupid not just once but twice, and it is praised
by therevealer in12 the watchtower ?
5 what good results there can be when.
children are trained to keep a simple eye!.
MS - People aren't offered scholarships. You have to apply for them and you might or might not be awarded one. You MIGHT be offered an application for a scholarship, as in, "here, you ought to fill out this application for a scholarship."
So true but the average, elderly, born-in JW don't know this because of their limited education.
Toxic Relationships
by serenitynow! ini have had it with my mother.
i've spoken on the board before about her.
she is fanatically religious, often keeps me on the phone for hours while she talks endlessly about the bible.
Hugs to you Serenity. You may not think so but it took a lot courage to express yourself to your mother. Most perps claim forgetting about past abuse or are just indifferent. They don't want you to acknowledge the past either.
The book Toxic Parents addresses this and also the book Emotional Blackmail. I hope you can come to a peaceful place in your relationship with your mother.
Why would abandoning 1914 mean they are not chosen by God?
by InterestedOne ini've read here that if the wt admits 607 is wrong or if 1914 is wrong, the logical result is that god did not choose them as his org.
can someone explain to me how that logically follows?.
couldn't they just say, "we have received new light on that, have learned that we cannot give a specific date (like how they abandoned 1935), but look, we adhere to the bible more strictly than anyone else, we strive to 'keep the cong clean' more than any other group, etc., so therefore, we must be chosen by god as his only org.
IO - "why the exact date is required" and "Why does the exact date bring everything crashing down?"
The WT requires, by their own calculations, that in 1914 Christ arrived (not the original prediction btw) and that 3 1/2 years after that in 1919, Christ chose them as the FDS out of all the religions. The WT sticks with the calculations that add up to 1914 even though secular evidence shows that Jerusalem was destroyed 586/587. They will lose credibility and authority if they start tinkering with their calculations now.
Questions to ask from Bible Teach Ch 8
by InterestedOne ini'm going to my jw "bible" study tonight.
we are on chapter 8 and will pick up at par 15. any suggestions for questions to ask?.
The scriptures that he will show will not conclusively prove the correctness of the WT 70 year interpretation, you can simply state that his evidence is not enough. That can perhaps open the door to him doing 'secular' research to prove his point.
Questions to ask from Bible Teach Ch 8
by InterestedOne ini'm going to my jw "bible" study tonight.
we are on chapter 8 and will pick up at par 15. any suggestions for questions to ask?.
Pioneers studying with people in the nursing homes.
by life is to short inis this a trend that is going on.
i live on the west coast and the po's or cobe's wife has at least one study if not more with a old lady who is totally mentally gone.
she has no clue what is going on.
Some of the nursing homes in my area allow church ministries to come to the facilities, the pioneers in my area take advantage of this. I recall a pioneer studying with a wheel chair bound woman. She hounded that lady; coordinated her rides to the meetings and assemblies, made sure she got out in field service and gatherings. When she finally got baptised, we never saw her again at the KH. The pioneer moved on to the next victim and dropped all of her previous efforts at helping this woman.
You just gotta read the story, Fade From the Truth, A Tale of Learning Then Unlearning the Beliefs of JWs
by AndersonsInfo inevery once in a while there's a story so well told that it deserves lots and lots of kudos and plugs.
here's that 124-book length story which is the first one linked from "exclusive autobiographies" on the home page of
read it free!.
"the Introduction says: My story is true, but some of the fine details have been changed to maintain my personal anonymity. So let's not try to find out if the guy is on JWN and respect that anonimity"
Poor analogy.