Posts by Jason
I need some input
by mommy inhey to all,.
this has nothing to do with jw experiences, but i need some input.
my little girl was hurt at school yesterday.
How do you feel about smacking at K Hall?
by Latte inpersonally, it upsets me very much.
or are there any other parents that found better, alternative ways of getting young children 'trained'?.
i am not anti -smacking by the way,(except at the kh) but it is always the very last resort.. latte
Just a question. Are you talking about smacking a child's face, or spanking them? If you're talking about spanking, well it's best not to use your hands. But if you mean smacking a child's face. I think you need to learn the difference between discipline and child abuse.
And why the heck would you raise a child up in a false religion anyway?You can contact me personally (that means everyone) at [email protected]
I'm a Christian
by Erin4Christ ini can't believe you people!
how can you brainwash so many people into believing this crap?!?
if you'd like to try explaining to me what you believe, please email me because i'm only gonna come back here to tell people the truth!.
You people are so mean! *crying*
Evolution Anyone???
by Steve Josef ini read alot of posts and it seems that though you all (or most) have left the kh, you still believe in a "father" or a "jesus" that created everything.
since i too and one that left the kh, i have delved into science and have come the conculsion that god does not exist in a spirit form, but is life itself.
the "creator" of all things is evolution.
Steve. (and everyone else)
I understand why you would leave a false religion such as the Jehovah's Witnesses, but I don't understand why you would leave one lie for another, evolution. Yes, evolution IS a lie. It is not science. It isn't even remotely scientific. You left the KH but did it ever occur to you that the WTBTS is religious cult that is a spin-off of the truth? Christianity is true. JWs are not. But evolution is just as much a lie as the JWs.
Did you know that there is way more evidence to support Creation by God than there is to support evolution? In fact, there isn't any evidence in support of evolution. It is entirely impossible.
I'll leave it at that for now. If you want to argue or debate or whatever just reply to this post or email me personally at [email protected]
For all x-JW's: quick question.....
by Kathy inif you remember, i've been inquiring about how to discuss jw issues with my boyfriend's sister.
it appears she is accepting the watchtower driven interpretations of the bible, but we are still not giving up.
if you are willing, would you respond, in a nutshell, to the question, "what is the doctrine or belief that the jw's hold that was most instrumental in leading you to abandon this religion?
The animals used to eat vegetation. Hay as well I'm sure. At least the domestcated ones.
Yes, no?
For all x-JW's: quick question.....
by Kathy inif you remember, i've been inquiring about how to discuss jw issues with my boyfriend's sister.
it appears she is accepting the watchtower driven interpretations of the bible, but we are still not giving up.
if you are willing, would you respond, in a nutshell, to the question, "what is the doctrine or belief that the jw's hold that was most instrumental in leading you to abandon this religion?
Terraly and Larc, (and everyone else)
It amuses me that you say "it is the role of scientists to determine the truth about our world. That is such a crock. Their role is to determine the truth only about things in the present or that have been recorded by men. No one has EVER witnessed macro-evolution take place, it has never been recorded and it is therefore, unscientific.
"Folk stories" "Band hermits" "we tend not to give credence", and yet you go on to say "I would be interested to hear some of this evidence." Why don't you people listen the first time. I said, "visit" Yes, real scientists, real science, real evidence.It is also humorous how you say you know the truth from the evidence we dig up." Sorry buddy, evolutionists don't dig up evolution. They dig up dead animal fossils. Dead animals do not prove or even support evolution. Evolutionists and Creationists have ALL the same evidence. The reason they come to different conclusions is because they start with different assumptions about the past.
And about the scientific consensus is on the side of evolution, that's because almost every person who decides to be a scientist is taught evolution throughout highschool. The reason they believe in evolution because they are scientists. It is because they believed in it before they were scientists.
And I highly double you are a scientist. If you are, stick to science.
You said "It is good to have some scientists trying to prove evolution wrong. If they succeed, we shall abandon evolution just as scientists for so many years have abandoned incorrect theories as new evidence comes to light."
They HAVE proven evolution wrong. Over and over and over again.
And dinosaurs ARE mentioned in the bible. And why would you be ignorant to say "The largest ones (dinosaurs) could not have fit in the very specific record we have of the size of the Ark." Where do you get this information. First of all, no the biggest full grown giant dinosaurs could NOT have fit on the Ark. But who ever said the biggest full grown dinos were on the Ark? In case you didn't know, big dinosaurs start out SMALL. And since the purpose of saving the animals was so they could repopulate the earth it is quite likely God would have chosen TEENAGE dinosaurs, not fully grown adults. And another thing. An entire book has been written on the feasability of Noah's Ark. It had more than enough room for ALL the animals including the dinosaurs.
And tell me how your examples are "biological mistakes." Crawling "on all fours" does not mean "with four legs." It is an idiom for "crawling on the ground."
And I would be interested to hear some of your evidence for evolution.
"If all animals were vegetation before the flood, and you don't believe in evolution, how did some animals become adapted to the life style of the carnivourous so quickly after the flood? Was this another miracle of God, or did they very rapidly evolve into meat eaters. Without going into detail, carnivors have different kinds of eyes and teeth than vegetarian animals." Actually, Speedy, there wasn't an "evoltionary" change at all. Did you know that some species of bears with "sharp teeth for eating meat" are strictly vegetarian. Sharp teeth doesn't mean "eats meat." Sharp teeth are perfect for eating friuts and veggies. Their teeth didn't change, but the did start using there teeth for another purpose.
And you want me to explain evolution? Isn't it obvious. One living organism changing over time into an entirely different organism by means of natural selection. What else do you want to know. Any form of evolution, except for micro-evolution, is stil...evolution.
If you choose to do so you can email me personally at [email protected]. feel free.
For all x-JW's: quick question.....
by Kathy inif you remember, i've been inquiring about how to discuss jw issues with my boyfriend's sister.
it appears she is accepting the watchtower driven interpretations of the bible, but we are still not giving up.
if you are willing, would you respond, in a nutshell, to the question, "what is the doctrine or belief that the jw's hold that was most instrumental in leading you to abandon this religion?
Hi Pat,
Sorry to bust your bubble but dinosaurs DO NOT pre-date humans. The bible says ALL land animals were created on the sixth day. And no, they did not always eat meat. The bible says humans and all animals were created to eat veggatation. You said ALL "scientific sources" teach this. Try again. Visit JWs are wrong, not the Bible. Dinosaurs were created the same day as Adam and Eve, just as the Bible says. Dinosaurs were also on Noah's Ark, and dinosaurs are even mentioned in the Bible. Read Job 40&41.
Now many Bible foot notes say these animals were a hippotimus or an crocodile. But is a crocodile a fire breathing dragon too powerful to overtake? Does a hippo have a tail like a cedar tree? Honestly.
There is much more evidence to support the biblical view of creation than there is for evolutionary dogma.
I don't mean to be rude in the least but I find it humorous that you would use "Dinosaur" as a source of real history over the Word of God. It didn't even get the evolutionary view right, let alone the biblical one!
A few question that are leading to some confusion
by anidchick ini am in the process of becoming a jehovah witnesses, but there were a few areas i was still unsure about and i was hopin i could get some answers:.
) what is the exact view of jesus?.
) how is the view of the whole trinity with god, holy ghost, son seen?.
If you want the truth, email me. [email protected].
Don't listen to just anyone. Listen to the truth. Personal opinion means nothing if it is not God's opinion.PS- I am a Christian, not a JW.
Re: Hello all! Looking for answers!
by ilusiondtenerte ini was raised jehovah witness.
i am not practicing at the moment!.
it's been over 15 years, that i don't attend the kingdom hall.. i have been married with a man that is a practicing seventh day adventist, and as everyone knows the conflicts in our beliefs are tremendous.. i don't agree with his beliefs and visa versa!.
Wounded heart-
Here are some of the differences between Christianity and JWs.
I believe the Holy Spirit is a person, the Spirit of God, as the Bible says He is. One third of the "trinity." JWs believe He is just an impersonal "active force."
I believe Jesus was hung on a cross, not a stake.
I believe Jesus is God, JWs believe He is an angel.
I believe everyone who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus in truth shall be saved and they will live for eternity in heaven with Him. He said to all of his followers, "Where I am there will be also."
JWs believe only 144,000 will go to heaven. They believe these 144,000 "Jewish male virgins" refer to Jehovah's Witnesses. Male, female, probably none virgins, and doubtfully Jewish. The rest stay on earth.I believe in Hell, that it is a place of eternal condemnation, conscious pain and suffering as the bible says it is. "Their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched."
"Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And ANYONE NOT FOUND WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE WAS CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE."Rev.20:14
"The sons of the kingdom will be cast into outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."Matt.8:12.He(anyone who recieves the mark of the beast)shall be TORMENTED WITH FIRE and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb. And the smoke of their tormentascends FOREVER AND EVER; and they have NO REST DAY OR NIGHT..."Rev.14:10&11.
I believe in the physical, not spiritual resurrection of our saviour. "'I will raise this temple in three days'...The temple of which He was speaking was His body."John 2:19-21.
JWs believe Christ came back in spirit form in 1914. They once claimed He returned in 1874. I believe He is yet to come. For these reasons.
#1. Christ said that false prophets would claim He had returned but taught that we should not listen to them. "Then if anyone tells you,'Look here is the Christ! or 'There!' DO NOT BELIEVE IT. For false Christs and false prophets will rise..." Matt.24:23&24.
So if we are not supposed to believe ANYONE who claims that our Messiah has come. How will we know He has come? Simple. We'll SEE Him return!
"Then the sign of the Son of Man will APPEAR in heaven, and then ALL THE TRIBES OF THE EARTH WILL MOURN, and they will SEE the Son of Man on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." Matt.24:30.
Does that sound like a hidden, secret, quiet, invisible return to you? It's hard to believe Christ has been here since the early 1900s and yet no one has 'mourned', no one has 'seen' Him, there has been no glory, no sign in the heaven.
These are just a FEW of the differences between Christianity and JWs.
If I've offended anyone I apologize but hey, the truth hurts. I tell it like it is. I hope I've helped someone to see the light today. Or even just encouraged someone in the faith.Anymore questions, just ask.
Jason Mendoza.
Re: Hello all! Looking for answers!
by ilusiondtenerte ini was raised jehovah witness.
i am not practicing at the moment!.
it's been over 15 years, that i don't attend the kingdom hall.. i have been married with a man that is a practicing seventh day adventist, and as everyone knows the conflicts in our beliefs are tremendous.. i don't agree with his beliefs and visa versa!.
Wounded heart,
I have to make this quick but I'll finish replying to you tonight.
I am a Christian. I have never been a JW. I was...I don't know what until I was 16 and I prayed for God, if there was a God, to show me the truth. By the time I was 17 He had open my eyes and welcomed me into His heart. My goal in life now is to help others to find truth as well. What do I believe? I believe what the Bible actually says. Not what someone says it means like most people who claim to be Christians of any kind. There are MILLIONS of differences between what I believe and what JWs believe. There are many differences between what I believe and the Catholics, Mormons, most Protestants, etc, etc,etc.
Like I said I will answer more in-depth later tonight.
And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. For in Me(Jesus) you are free indeed.
Jason Mendoza.