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Posts by zoiks
Why Do JWs Say Jehovah Protects His People & Then Claim "Time & Unforseen Occurences"?
by minimus inyou'll hear experiences of how jehovah god protected his people in modern times, how only jehovah's witnesses didn't die in a calamity, how an angel evidently protected a person, etc.
they'll show how jehovah takes care of his people by all sorts of almost "miraculous" events----but if a witness did die or something deadly happened to a carload of jws, well, then, it's just "time and unforseen occurence" and we can't expect jehovah to perform miracles in our day, anyway!.
what gives?
My first time in the Kingdom Hall
by leslieUsry ini am going for the first time to a local kingdom hall.
i seem to have the same ideas as the jehovah's witnesses.
i was raised southern baptist, but i never could get into it.
Hi! I like that your randomly generated avatar looks like a dead person....
Why Do JWs Say Jehovah Protects His People & Then Claim "Time & Unforseen Occurences"?
by minimus inyou'll hear experiences of how jehovah god protected his people in modern times, how only jehovah's witnesses didn't die in a calamity, how an angel evidently protected a person, etc.
they'll show how jehovah takes care of his people by all sorts of almost "miraculous" events----but if a witness did die or something deadly happened to a carload of jws, well, then, it's just "time and unforseen occurence" and we can't expect jehovah to perform miracles in our day, anyway!.
what gives?
It's just silly. I know people who will claim evidence of Jah's direction in every tiny aspect of their lives. We found a great deal on airline tickets! Jah's direction. We found a good deal on an apartment! Jah's direction. I found a $10 bill in my jeans pocket! Jah's direction.
All those people getting whacked by terrorists and natural disasters, accidents, and the like? Time and unforeseen occurrence. I guess Jah was too busy helping a JW find a good parking spot at the grocery store...
this is gunna be a long road to truth, looking at both sides. and i will need help
by Aussie Oz inconvinced as i 99% am that the wt society is all we have concluded, i feel i owe to myself and my children to be 100% convinced before actively trying to extract them.. first up i must say, doctrine is of little interest to me.
what gets me is the provable wrong-doing, the hypocrasy, cover-ups, double standards, you know what i mean i think.. on that sort of stuff, i feel it right to look at the counter arguments and proofs offered to explain the wt side of things, both by wt soc themselves and apologists.. therein lies the daunting road.
i grew up in the 'truth', so i never got to make sure of all things before getting baptised.
Aussie, I appreciate your willingness to be open to all sides of an issue. This is certainly something that the WTS would never condone, but good for you! As is often said around this board, truth has nothing to fear from falsehood. Intellectual honesty requires that you not only consider things that you already agree with, but that you confront ideas and arguments that challenge what you believe and know. Only then can you truly state that you have "done your homework".
I think that, after doing an honest investigation, you will find that your conclusions thus far have been correct. But that's just me. Good luck!
Goodbye, were a good JW
by journey-on inthe woman was on her deathbed.
she was painfully aware that her days were coming to a close and she was feeling so many conflicting emotions that she found herself wishing it would just hurry up and be over with.
you see, she had been a jehovahs witness for her entire life.
Powerful stuff. Thanks for sharing that.
Why Would Someone Like me Leave the "Truth"? Part 2
by cantleave inas stated in part 1 the latter part of the 1980s and 1990s were very good for my wife and i. we are doing well spiritually and both had good jobs.
our increasing income allowed us to move at a relatively young age to a nice area.
we wanted to stay in our old congregation but i was told as an appointed man i should support the congregation in my new territory.. this new congregation had a completely different feel about it to our old one.
Thanks for sharing, can't wait to read more!
What Are You Reading?
by zoiks inok, here's my current list:.
i just finished the greatest show on earth by richard dawkins, and am almost finished crisis of conscience by...some guy.. currently in hand, i have:.
the power of myth, joseph campbell and bill moyers.
Trudyv- welcome!
OnTheWayOut- Good Without God is ok. It is very very heavy on Humanism and how it can be a substitute for religion. Sort of giving the benefits of religion- community, etc.- without supernatural beliefs. I'm not sold on it, as I really don't want to jump out of one -Ism and into another, but I'll give the book a fair chance.
Zoiks -
What Are You Reading?
by zoiks inok, here's my current list:.
i just finished the greatest show on earth by richard dawkins, and am almost finished crisis of conscience by...some guy.. currently in hand, i have:.
the power of myth, joseph campbell and bill moyers.
Purplesofa- I recently read The Fountainhead as well! My first taste of Rand. She had some very interesting ideas...
Medical treatments you (or others) put off for the "Noo Sistum"
by darthfader inon another thread i stated that i didnt get braces for my teeth as a child as my parents believed that the ns would be here soon.
i am very glad that i did it as an adult.
darth fader (smiling happier) .
...I still haven't had braces. But the kids will! And maybe I will too, some day. If there's any money left...
What Are You Reading?
by zoiks inok, here's my current list:.
i just finished the greatest show on earth by richard dawkins, and am almost finished crisis of conscience by...some guy.. currently in hand, i have:.
the power of myth, joseph campbell and bill moyers.
liznicolas - welcome!