And that whole BAD ASSOCIATION thing?! puh lease. That is so retarded. a couple years back one of my step sisters had me on her Myspace even though she wasn't supposed to be associating with my disfellowshipped self. Then she went to a convention and let me know afterwards that she would be deleting her account and couldn't talk to me anymore. Now she's on Facebook but I'm not on her friends list. My 2 Brothers that have live in girlfriends are though but they are just inactive...not disfellowshipped so it's okay. By JW standards, they are breaking the rules by living with girls before marriage and I'm married, but whatever. It's the label that counts right..? ;)
There is this major double-standard of judgement that makes me SICK!!! My parents can justify having dealings with my sister who has been inactive for years, has an illegitimate child (whom they ADORE - which is WHY they deal with her), has stolen money from them (but my dad never pressed charges), whom they KNOW is committing 'fornication' out there, and her only friend is some girl she used to work with. They REFUSE to have dealings with me - but they WILL still bother with my sister who SHOULD be DF'd, but because she's not...she approved association while I'm 'dead' to them all because I am DF'd. HOW in the heck does that make sense? Not to mention all the pioneers I see at the club when I go out...droppin it like its hot on the dancefloor like they aren't accountable to anyone but those SAME pioneers ignore me and act like I don't exist when they see me out. Come on! I actually had a friend that would come in and out the truth based off of how her LIFE was going. No lie - she would hook up with some guy, and she would be all about running the streets - doing her thing. I would tell her that I do NOT approve of her choices, but that as my friend I love her and would be there for her no matter what...and I always was!!!!!!! Eventually the dude would break her heart and she would get this epiphany that she needs Jehovah back in her life - and would come back. She has been reproved for doing this TWICE. Each time she comes back, she claims to be a 'new' person and goes along strong till another guy comes into her life and BAM - she's out again in the streets. This last time she got her heart broken, she got DF'd (I was already DF'd at the time) and she and I had been in contact despite my situation. WELL, of course she is back on her high spiritual horse and informed me that she can no longer have dealings with me...that she is going to follow the elders direction and do things right THIS TIME ( all the OTHER times too???)! So once again, this girl who I've stuck by despite all her mess and junk, turns her back on ME when she is no better. That kind of judgemental behavior is so disgusting.
JoinedPosts by babygirl30
Circuit Assembly This Past Weekend "Safeguard Your Spirituality" -Everyone Please Enter-
by tryingtoexit inso we had our circuit assembly this past weekend, and it was the first one in my life that i told my wife i would not be attending.
we had a brief conversation on why, and she said well just go to this last one with me, and then when we can discuss what we learn and compare it to why you've been expressing your "new" feelings towards the wts.. i love my wife, and as much as i thought i was gonna hate it i decided to go.
now that i no longer want to be a jehovah's witness it really didnt bother me that nobody hardly talked to me despite me living in this same area for 4 1/2 years, everybody views me as spiritually weak because i dont go out in service, rarely attend meetings, dont comment, lesson is never underlined, so the "friends" never interact with me anyway and i'm use to it, actually that's the way i prefer it.
Mom puts heat on my daughter
by purplesofa inso my mom came down for a visit a few weekends ago, since i knew nothing about it till she got in town, i opted out on seeing her her.. she did not leave a very good lasting impression on my daughter and my grand daughter would not have anything to do with her (babies have such great intuition).
my mom has not been preaching much to my daughter, but left her quite a library when she left town.. .
yesterday she calls my daughter and grills her about why i don't go to meetings anymore, she is upset that i influenced her to get in the truth(which is not really true) and then give her a book to read (coc) saying bad things about the organization.. my daughter told my mom there were allot of coverups in the congo and older men doing inappropriate things with younger girls(i have not told many things on this board about my congo) my mom said that i did not love jehovah enough to let that bother me enough to keep me from going to the meetings.
My mother has done this from day 1 of my being DF'd...she tries to 'guilt' me into sticking it out and/or coming back. At first it was "because u made a dedication to Jehovah", which is 14. How can I be held accountable for a lifelong decision I made at 14 with NO real knowledge of anything in life??? NExt it turned into "well ALL the 'friends' miss u - Bro X asked about you, Sis Y said she misses you, Bro Z wants to know when ur coming back - see - they all MISS u so much and were so hurt when u were DF'd" blah blah blah....if they miss me so much, they would call or email me to see how I'm doing - right? Her last comments were then directed to threatening my life and HER love "well if u don't do what u know is right u will lose ur life, is that what u want? You need to get ur life together or else I cannot have anything to do with u - it bothers my conscience." WELL mom (and dad) - it bothers MY conscience that u both try to emotionally blackmail me into coming back and doing something I do not want to do....all for 'love'? REALLY?
I think it's deplorable when JW's use 'angles' to get at people...using kids as 'messengers' is wrong! What kind of grandparents would try to demean their own CHILD in front of their grandkids?? UGH!!!!! That is a sure sign of manipulation.
Circuit Assembly This Past Weekend "Safeguard Your Spirituality" -Everyone Please Enter-
by tryingtoexit inso we had our circuit assembly this past weekend, and it was the first one in my life that i told my wife i would not be attending.
we had a brief conversation on why, and she said well just go to this last one with me, and then when we can discuss what we learn and compare it to why you've been expressing your "new" feelings towards the wts.. i love my wife, and as much as i thought i was gonna hate it i decided to go.
now that i no longer want to be a jehovah's witness it really didnt bother me that nobody hardly talked to me despite me living in this same area for 4 1/2 years, everybody views me as spiritually weak because i dont go out in service, rarely attend meetings, dont comment, lesson is never underlined, so the "friends" never interact with me anyway and i'm use to it, actually that's the way i prefer it.
THAT is exactly what throws me off with the org...they are dead set AGAINST social networks! They make it seem like you are collectively and single-handedly RUINING your spirituality if you join. YET, not 1 JW I know (adult or young person) isn't on FB...and I don't understand the logic around it. Obviously - nothing besides the societies website and the cd are 'approved'.
Cola at the District Convention
by lepermessiah inremember some of the garbage served at the district conventions?.
i was at the dollar store today and noticed they started carrying "shasta" cola.. i started laughing because they used to serve that skunk water at the district conventions when i was a kid.. they always brought in the cheapest, nastiest soda they could buy.. one year we had something called vess cola - that was actually worse than the shasta!
then, they ran out on sunday and had to buy pepsi from the local distributor - we were all rejoicing!!.
What about the Sara Lee apple danishes....or the FROZEN orange juice they served during breakfast? My favorite were the roast beef sandwiches with the bbq sauce packets!!
As a JW Were You or Someone you Knew Falsely Accused by Elders ?
by flipper inthought i'd put this out there to see if you knew of people in the jehovah's witnesses who were falsely accused or mistreated by the " police " or elders in the congregation.
many times it's been by experiencing injustices that get us to get shaken out of our cult thinking mode and reality kicks in and the scales fall from our eyes that the wt society is just a man made organization whose leaders are no better than us - actually in many cases more unscrupulous and conniving than any of us would have ever been to each other !
i was falsely accused 2 times .
OH....this topic is 1 close to my ARSE!!! (hehehehhe)
I live in the same apt bldg as a former inactive JW sister. This woman and I used to be friends, but the friendship CEASED because she really has issues - and loves MALE attention. She would attempt to 'hook up' with EVERYONES man (married ornot) and she was studying with a nice woman and her daughters, all the while, making blatant attempts to 'screw' this womans boyfriend and asked ME to keep it a secret. She had been married twice (to nuts), DF'd twice because of it, and has been inactive for years bringing man after man into her home - with her young daughter witnessing it all. TRIFFLIN woman if there ever was one!! She and I had a fallin out because I just didn't like how she treated so called 'friends' and her incessant need to have ANY I left her alone. At this time in the org, I was heavily involved - so I had brothers come in to visit me from Bethel, across the US, and from in my circuit all the time!!!! In the past I would include this sister in my gatherings, but since we were no longer friendly, that all stopped. Apparently, she didn't LIKE that and made every attempt to mess up what I had going on. The elders had tried to catch up with this woman sooooo many times (she had a man living with her at this point) but she avoided them at all costs. They would come knock on MY door asking where she was (as IF I was her keeper or gave a rats) ... finally, I start seeing this brother, and he spends a LOT of time at my home - alone. This inactive woman made an attempt to get my bf's attention, and when he turned her down - she decides to call the elders and tell them that she has not been going to meetings because she and her daughter are 'so discouraged' over how I have tons of MEN (brothers) coming in and out of my house on wknds (the 'men' were all JWs), that these men stay the night (she forgot to mention that I LEAVE when they do), and that she has heard noises (sex) when my bf comes over and we're alone. Not ONLY did she make this report, but she also got HER gf to claim she was at the house at the same time and overheard me having sex!!!!! So the elders come over and read all these scriptures...blah blah blah...accuse me of having fornication. I LAUGHED - I mean, this woman has a man LIVING with her, she is a baptized JW, she hasn't been to a meeting in years (no one really cared for this woman anyways) - and they take HER word over mine????? This 'investigation' went on for exaggeration. I asked to have a mtg with this woman so I could confront her over her accusations - never happened. I had all my friends willing to testify on my behalf that nothing inappropriate happened - they were never spoken to by the brothers. I in turn was honest about ALLL the crap going on in this womans home (SHE was the one with men coming and staying over - all the while her daughter is in the next room). Do you think they opened a case on HER???????????????? Nope! Finally I had to get the C.O. at that time involved because tge witchunt got out of control where the elders would approach me every meeting, NEVER give me an update on what was going on, told me to 'leave it all in jehovah's hands', and would blow me off when I asked WHY procedure was not being followed....the C.O. told them to finish it up and end it - they questioned me AGAIN (never brought this inactive heffa in front of me) and so the case was closed. But it left a BAD gutt feeling that I was being 'watched' by the brothers closely because they did NOT like that the C.O. got involved.
Explaining what DF'd means to a non-witness
by babygirl30 ini actually had to do this twice in the past 2 weeks - and it's really shaken things up!
the first time was last week.
my aunt (who lives out of state) asked me how my parents were doing (her brother and my mom)?
I actually had to do this TWICE in the past 2 weeks - and it's really shaken things up! The first time was last week. My aunt (who lives out of state) asked me HOW my parents were doing (her brother and my mom)? I told her that I didn't know HOW they were...and then I broke it down about me being DF'd and my family having nothing to do with me because of that. My explaination was hateful, wasn't mean, wasn't out of spite - I just told her the facts of why I was DF'd (as the elders told me), why my parents won't talk to me, and why I have chosen NOT to go back to the org. She was FLOORED and very upset!! She called my dad (her brother) and scolded him for chosing his 'religion over his own blood' and how NO God they ever were taught to love would agree with this type of treatment of ones own child. She reported back to me that my dad was being stubborn and would not back down...and she ended the conversation by saying how disappointed she IS in him for being this way.
The other example was yesterday. one of my friends came to visit me from out of town, and we were talking about our families...and the same topic came up. I explained my situation with my family and all - dude was MAD. He kept saying that he always thought JW's were 'crazy' and that this situation proves it. No exaggeration - literally 5hrs after I told him the initial story about my being DF'd and my family shunning me, he commented AGAIN (out the blue) about how he can't get over the way JW's act and treat each other YET they go knocking on peoples doors trying to get new people to join!
I think it's so ironic how CLEARLY others see the workings of JW's on the outside, but when I was IN IT, I couldn't see it...I thought everyone ELSE was crazy for thinking JW's were nuts. I would defend the org - not knowing any better. Anyone else gotten 'reactions' out of non Witnesses when you explain WHY ur not a JW anymore or WHY your family/friends don't have dealings with you anymore???
Questions Young People Really Ask
by wouldacouldashoulda ini currently work for the writing committee of the gb and have been asked to write an update to questions young people ask funnily called questions young people really ask.. .
could you give me some questions to start exploring?.
I used to ask my mom that all the time: if JW's aren't supposed to go to college, then HOW do they get dr's, lawyers, and accountants? Those are professional trades that needed 4yr schooling - so why is it ok for THEM, but not for everyone else?
Questions Young People Really Ask
by wouldacouldashoulda ini currently work for the writing committee of the gb and have been asked to write an update to questions young people ask funnily called questions young people really ask.. .
could you give me some questions to start exploring?.
Do I really want to get baptized?
What does being baptized into the organization REALLY mean and do I fully understand it?
What age should I get baptized?
What happens if I no longer want to be a JW?
Young JW sisters in a hurry
by asilentone indid you notice any young jw sisters in the past that did rush to get married too young and to have a baby right away before the end comes?
did you hear any stories of regret?
i was wondering if the watchtower is to blame for?.
Literally - ALL my old gf's got married at 19-21! I went from wedding to wedding all within 2yrs, the ODD man out, because I could not find a 'suitable husband' to marry. All the comments of "I can't believe ur not married...what is WRONG with these brothers?" or else the inevitable "just keep praying in specific for Jehovah to send u a nice brother" UGH!!!!!!!! We are all now 30+ and MOSt of these couples are divorced, looking for their 2nd mates, and or stuck it out and are sooo unhappy. It's sad, but it makes me VERY happy that I didn't marry some idiot brother who didn't deserve ME or know how to be a 'good man'.
I also agree that being so sheltered as JW's are when it comes to dating, leads to this 'rush' to get down the aisle AND to have sex. U figure, in high school everyone is pairing off - finding boyfriends/girlfriends. What does that leave for a JW teen? So then u find a brother in the org (ONLY requirement is baptism) and date. Of coures if u r NOT sure about marriage within 6 mos of dating someone in the org, then u stand to be labeled as 'misleading' the others feelings??!!! So u either make a decision to marry and/or break up - it's a rushed decision that RARELY do I feel a lot of young people make.
Look at how many pay $5000 or more per person for the thrill and excitement of traveling to a foreign country, only to be forced to attend a district convention for 4 days, wear meeting clothes every day of the trip, and visit tiny Bethel offices (instead of seeing "worldly" cultural sites).
I know friends that saved for a year, went into DEBT, begged and pleaded for money - JUST so they could go to Mexico to the International Convention for a 5day trip! Of course back when i was still in the org, That was so inspiring to me...I mean, to travel and be around JW's everyday all day. NOW....being just sounds ridiculous. That's $3000 that they could've saved for bills, a vacation, um - maybe savings JUST IN CASE they lost their jobs (which some of them did).