After leaving, I was surprised at the moral restraint of non-JWs. I thought they were accountable to know one so they did whatever. Well, they do have a sense of accountability either to their God or mankind. Overall, they are a good bunch.
So true! That was the first 'surprise' I had when I finally let my guard down, stopped being such a JW snob, and started reaching out and making friends with NON-JWs - they are good people! They may not be witnesses, they may not serve Jehovah, they may not go to Khall, but they ARE clean living, moral, upstanding, tax paying citizens that follow the law and are honest and loyal. I know baptized JWs that can't even say that for themselves! My parents (at will by the religion) taught me that 'worldly' people are out there running wild with no direction and no sense of responsibility. So I was afraid of how they would act if I ever got too close. UGH!!! Now I see the real deal, and to be honest, ALL of my friends (unconditional non-JW ones of course) AND my boyfriend are better then 80% of the JWs I've ever known.