This is my opinion only based upon my own understanding of the scriptures. No offense meant to anyone, nor am i attempting to teach anyone or interpret prophecy.
Jesus said "he that wants to be first, must be last". The anointed, like Jesus are not to be ministered to, but to be ministers to others. This flies in the face of how the GB is treated and viewed by rank and file JW's. There is no evidence (that I am aware of) that only JW's are of the anointed. YHWH decides who gets the Holy Spirit. We can debate about it all day long and it will only cause frustration.
How do you know you are anointed?
This is how it was for me:
I was around 27 years old, had been baptized 8 years by that time. I had the earthly hope (and I still do). I can recall when it happened. I woke up one day and did my Daily Text and when I read it, a thought or something like an inaudible whisper filled my mind as to what it really meant, vs the WTS interpretation. Same thing at the WT study and different meetings. I would have conversations with people and get impressions of what was really being said, without any extra audible words being spoken. One might say I can read body language quite well or that I'm very intuitive. It was way more than that. I sought psychiatric help and explained everything. The Doctor waho was a Christian suggested that it could be my own subconscious trying to break against WT dogma or even the Holy Spirit as Jesus did say he would give it to anyone who asked for it, which I had often prayed for. When the Memorial came around I became nervous, panicky even. I didn't have the heavenly hope, didn't wanna go to heaven. I wanted/want a family and everything that goes with it. I figured God would let me have the choice. Then I read the Apostle paul's words about having a thorn in his side and asking for it's removal (and not getting it) also Jesus' prayer in the garden of Gethesmane about letting "this cup pass away if it was God's will" but then submitting to God's will after all.
This impressed upon me the importance of having faith and more importantly trust in God. He can see long distance, how things will work out in the future if people follow his will and I recognized that I often didn't know what was best for me.
I spoke to several Elders who all encouraged me not to partake mostly because of my age and the fact that I had been a JW for so short a time, and compared my service record to more "worthy ones" in the congregation.
By chance I ran into an anointed Brother in Chester, SC. I walked 8 miles to that meeting because I couldn't get a ride from my non-believing family. I was on vacation there visiting relatives, but very strongly felt I needed to be at that meeting that particular night. The KH was/is located in the worst part of town and no JW's ever venture out in FS after 4PM for obvious reasons (crime). There I met a Brother who claimed to be of the anointed who was only 45 years old! This was in 1997 a few weeks before the memorial. His showed me from the scriptures that there was no age requirement and that if a person was indeed found to be mistaken, YHWH would certainly look at the person's heart and what motivated him/her to accept what was given.
I realized that I really had no choice in the matter. I also thought of the parable of the ten minas, with the one slave burying his treasure in the field and the outcome after that. I also thought of Jonah who ran away from his responsibilities and the outcome to that.
Personally this whole business scares the crap out of me. The huge responsibility one has towards others, especially the WTBTS and wit