JoinedTopics Started by pat1060
Do You Hate The Jehovah's Witness Religion?
by minimus ini see some here who seem to despise the religion.
others seem to feel that witnesses are wacky but they don't hate them.. do you hate this religion?.
New Information On Blood?
by EmptyInside ini've overheard from a couple of elders,that they are going to be getting some new information on the blood issue.
now,i understand in the witness world,this could all be much ado about nothing.
but, does anyone know what this info could be?.
Yes, Brother Soldier77, I see you haven't turned in your time for the month...
by Soldier77 inso i get the call a couple weeks ago from the secretary concerning my time for the month.
he called on a thursday and said that he is looking forward to seeing me at the meeting tonight and to make sure i turn in my time for the month.
" all the while thinking, yeah right, i'm not even going to be at the meeting let alone turn in my fake time!.
Need help with a shepherding call!
by brotherdan inso the elders are coming by for a shepherding call on tuesday.
i am not ready to "out" myself just yet.
i don't know how to act when they are there.
Would The Witnesses Be Happy To See You Come Back to The Kingdom Hall?
by minimus inwould you get a huge response if you ever went back to the hall?.
would nobody care?
Namby-Pambyland boo hoo Drama Queen
by brotherdan inalright guys,.
i'm going to suck up my pride, apologize to those that i offended, promise to not be insulting anymore, and let bygones be bygones.
i know that there will be people here that will make fun of me coming back after such a dramatic exit (i.e.
If Jehovah God Chose Russell & The Bible Students Why Did He Give Them So Much Inaccurate Information?
by minimus inhmmm.
either jehovah god (the perfect god) didn't give that information.
it never was the "truth" in the first place..
has this been on the site before? about there never having claimed to be a prophet?
by booby in*** w72 4/1 p. 200 they shall know that a prophet was among them' ***.
yes, the time must come shortly that the nations will have to know that really a "prophet" of jehovah was among them.
actually now more than a million and a half persons are helping that collective or composite "prophet" in his preaching work and well over that number of others are studying the bible with the "prophet" group and its companions..
my blueprint for saving my family
by Evidently Apostate infor over a year i have felt the borg is a cruel hurtfull religion that would swallow up empathy for forced unity.
my wife has said to me that telling her how i believe the org is not gods channel and the many doctrines put in place are nothing but a shroud covering up control tactics is like telling her i have a terminal illness.
this has not swayed my research nor has her pressure to continue going to meetings.
Ex-JW Resources
by brotherdan indoes anyone have some good ex-jw or current jw resources that are free and online that they would like to share?
i know that one thing that helped me greatly was hearing mp3s by the late great bill cetnar.. i though this thread could be a place to save as a favorite and keep for whenever you need some reminders about why the organization is so wrong and how to build yourself up.. here are a few sites i've come across that have great audio and video resources for us:.