Thanks for your thoughts so far! Uncle & LauraL: I (in typical JW blissful ingorance) was unaware that others have also been shunned for religious reasons...personally I've never seen that happen with any of my non-JW friends or acquaintances. I think Uncle makes a very good point in that if you truly go to Christ, there's a good chance you'll have problems with people who cannot grasp what that means. ALso, Lauralisa, I think you mean that the real reason the shunning occurs is NOT, as they say, out of love and to help the person mend their ways (if indeed any actual ways need mending to being with), but to GET THE PERSON BACK INTO THE ORGANIZATION AT ANY COST and if they won't come back, to keep their other members away from the "bad" one so they won't figure out the truth and leave also. Just really not sure as to why this happens.
Posts by JBean
Here's a crazy thought
by JBean inin reading recent threads from scumgrief and yoyo... they are happy and active and are defending the organization.
i just had a thought of what jesus said that in coming to him and the truth, one might lose brothers or sisters or mothers, etc., but in doing so, they would gain him and an abundance of other "family".
(paraphrased of course!
To Loyal Canadians
by mindfield inare you proud of your country?
of your pm?
well, think about it before answering.
True...but that Blair fellow is a hotty!
active and happy jw
by scumgrief ini am an active jw and was raised as one.
i have been watching the site for a while and thought it could benefit from the opinions of someone who is happily a member of the jw's.
i will not get into any argumets that lead to nothing except name calling, and will not talk with anyone who is just plain mean (plenty of them in here).
Hi again SG. I know how you feel, wanting to do things out of love, and believing that you are. However, real love stems from the heart, and one does things for others because their heart motivates them to do so... NOT because they are told to do so from the congregation/elders, etc. Out of real love, people give blood, join the military to protect the citizens of their country, and to a lesser extent, serve with the Red Cross, assist with battered womens/childrens groups, the homeless, AIDS victims, etc. Ummmm... the organization frowns upon if not outright forbids joining or assiting with any of the above (and much, much more!). So... we are told to go out in service out of love. period. Oh, and yes, occassionally we may help out with some in the congregation that are weak or less fortunate than us... oh, and let's not forget to fee the CO when he visits... There's just SO much more to love and life than that. As you can tell... I'm just so tired of being told the same tape recording from the congregation over and over and over....
Twisted Thinking
by Vitameatavegamin inhello friends!.
you know, i have been inactive now for about a year.
and so many of my so called friends now have nothing to do with me.
Wow, Vita! In reading your post I found the anger welling up in me immediately! You are so right! I've seen many of these things happen and feel that it is so wrong for the organization to be so controlling. Why can't people just live and let live for God's sake?!
Here's a crazy thought
by JBean inin reading recent threads from scumgrief and yoyo... they are happy and active and are defending the organization.
i just had a thought of what jesus said that in coming to him and the truth, one might lose brothers or sisters or mothers, etc., but in doing so, they would gain him and an abundance of other "family".
(paraphrased of course!
In reading recent threads from Scumgrief and YoYo... they are happy and active and are defending the organization. I just had a thought of what Jesus said that in coming to him and the TRUTH, one might lose brothers or sisters or mothers, etc., but in doing so, they would gain him and an abundance of other "family". (Paraphrased of course!) Now, when someone becomes a JW, they don't necessarily lose family members or friends. Their families and friends might think they've become a bit 'batty', but they are usually (may happen in some cases) never shunned. Now, when someone chooses to leave the JW's... NOW we're talking major losses! These souls DEFINITELY lose their relatives/friends... even if they still love God and Jesus. So... I'm not drawing any conclusions here... but I'd love some thoughts on this. Are we meant to make our way OUT of the Borg and TO Jesus? SO what is the truth? (Am I making any sense here??? I hope I typed this correctly!) : )
active and happy jw
by scumgrief ini am an active jw and was raised as one.
i have been watching the site for a while and thought it could benefit from the opinions of someone who is happily a member of the jw's.
i will not get into any argumets that lead to nothing except name calling, and will not talk with anyone who is just plain mean (plenty of them in here).
Welcome aboard SG! I was a newbie not too long ago... and am still in. I'm just wondering what brought you to this board, and then what prompted you to write? You say you're happy... but you obviously are curious. What sparked your curiosity? I know what sparked mine... the folks in the congregations I'm associated with have gotten meaner and angrier (and more strange) as the years go by. They are absolutely the most hypocritical individuals I've ever been in contact with. Most (not all) seem to feel that because they are baptized, they can say and do almost anything... as long as they don't associate with 'worldly' people. In "closed" groups of Witnesses, I've never heard so much swearing and backbiting. How absurd! Also... once I started reading here, I was astounded at all the supposed lies we've been taught our entire lives! I'm still not ready to make a physical break... but emotionally I'm out. How can a person stay "active" and happy when the organization is FULL of mistakes and falsehoods? It's quite confusing. Hope to hear from you often. --Jbean
Reasons why its so hard to break from the WTS
by Leander ini'm still sitting on the fence trying to figure out which direction to go in.
i think one of the reasons i have'nt left yet is because of the fact that i'm not entirely sure that the wts is really not god's organization.. some of the reasons why i feel that way is because of their insight on the scripture.
i've never heard of any other religion attempt to decipher the prophecies in the book of daniel and revelations.
I've read all of the above comments and thank each and every one of you for your thoughtful, loving concern. Definitely much to think and pray about. --- Jbean
Favorite Dead Performer
by Yerusalyim inequal time, and given the spirit of the season, who is your favorite dead performer?.
mine, buddy holly, though he just kinda laid there and oozed all over the stage.. yerusalyim.
Hands down: John Denver. : )
Favourite Live Performer:
by Englishman ini've seen loads of live acts, back when i was a "young person asking" i watched the crystals, heinz, johnny kid and the pirates, brenda lee, joe brown and others all on one show.
so very innocent!.
come my eventual departure from dubdom, i resolved to see all these bad people playing their music live.
Oh... and another: Prince (yes, my tastes vary!)
Favourite Live Performer:
by Englishman ini've seen loads of live acts, back when i was a "young person asking" i watched the crystals, heinz, johnny kid and the pirates, brenda lee, joe brown and others all on one show.
so very innocent!.
come my eventual departure from dubdom, i resolved to see all these bad people playing their music live.
Who said Barry Manilow????!!!!! YES YES YES! "...& it's daybreak... well ya gotta believe... it can be daybreak... and let it shine, shine, shine... all around the world!" HEEE!